Newsletter No. 398

No. 398, 19.5.2012 9 CAMPUS NEWS 校 園 消 息 O 宣 布 事 項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 詩人蓋瑞 ‧ 施耐德香江雅集 • Poetry Gatherings with Gary Snyder 由 中文大學東亞研究中心 主辦,牛津大學出版社、 商務印書館協辦,利希慎基金贊 助的「國際詩人在香港」活動, 邀得年逾八旬的著名美國詩人 蓋瑞 ‧ 施耐德於4月底訪港, 22日與香港詩人舉行座談,跟 也斯、陳滅及鄭政恆等暢談文化 及創作,又與讀者見面,現場座 無虛席,更有專程從內地來港參 加者。在24日舉行的詩歌朗誦 會,還請得知名古琴演奏家姚公 白演奏。 T he famous 82-year-old poet Gary Snyder visited Hong Kong in April to meet with local poets and fans. The year’s ‘International Poets in Hong Kong’ was organized by the Centre for East Asian Studies, CUHK, co-organized with Oxford University Press (China) Limited and the Commercial Press (H.K.) Limited, and sponsored by the Lee Hysan Foundation. On 22 April, Snyder joined the ‘Symposium— With Local Hong Kong Poets’ and discussed with Yesi (Leung Ping-kwan), Chan Mie (Chan Chi-tak) and Matthew Cheng about culture and writing. In the afternoon, a meeting with book fans was held. In the poetry recitation held on 24 April, apart from Snyder’s recitation, the famous guqin performer, Yao Gongbai, also performed. 2013 – 14教學人員晉升/教授級薪金組別提升 2013–14 Staff Review for Professoriate Staff— Advancement / Crossing of Pay Bands 2013至14年度教學人員晉升/教授級薪金組別提升評審現已展開,詳情可參閱人事處 通函編號︰GC05/2012,或登入以下網頁︰ announcement.asp 。 The annual staff review exercise for advancement/crossing of pay bands for professoriate staff for 2013–14 has commenced (see general circular no.: GC05/2012). For details, please refer to the Personnel Office website: http:/ / announcement.asp . 中國龍文化公開講座 Chinese Dragon Lecture Series 文物館將於6、7月假中國文化研究所L1講室主辦四場以中國龍文化為主題的講座,報名請 致電︰3943 7416,詳情可瀏覽 。 In June and July, the Art Museum is going to organize a lecture series titled ‘The Dragon in Chinese Culture’ which will be held in Lecture Theatre 1, Institute of Chinese Studies. All are welcome. Details are available at: . For reservation, please call 3943 7416. 講者 Speaker 講題 Topic 日期 Date / 時間 Time 余少華教授 中文大學音樂系副教授 Prof. Yu Siu-wah 從兩種「龍舟」談起:中國音樂與龍 (何耿明示範琵琶曲《龍舟》) Two Dragon Boats: Chinese Music and Dragon (with live demonstration of the pipa piece ‘Longzhou’ by Ho Kang-ming) 09.06.2012 (星期六 Sat ) 2:30–4:30 pm 莫家良教授 中文大學藝術系系主任 Prof. Mok Kar-leung 龍躍天門—王羲之與歷代帝王書法 Dragon Brush: Wang Xizhi and the Calligraphy of Emperors 30.06.2012 (星期六 Sat ) 2:30–4:30 pm 黃佩賢博士 香港城巿大學中國文化中心 高級導師 Dr. Marianne Wong 漢畫中的四方動物神—青龍、白虎、朱雀、玄武 The Four Cardinal Animals in Han Pictorial Art 14.07.2012 (星期六 Sat ) 2:30–4:30 pm 鄧昭博士 中文大學藝術系博士後 研究員 Dr. Tang Chiu 廿八宿星神「亢金龍」的形象表現 The Images of ‘Kangjinlong’ of the Twenty-Eight Lunar Mansions 28.07.2012 (星期六 Sat) 2:30–4:30 pm 強積金供款最高入息水平調升 Maximum Level of Income for MPF Contribution Increases 立法會已通過修訂強積金強制性供款最高有關入息水平。一般僱員的最高入息水平會上 調至25,000元,供款上限亦調整為1,250元於,6月1日起生效。。 The Legislative Council has passed the amendment of the maximum level of relevant income for MPF mandatory contributions. With effect from 1 June, the maximum monthly income will be raised to $25,000, and the maximum contributions will be adjusted to $1,250 per month accordingly. 每月入息 Monthly income 強制性供款 Mandatory contributions 僱主 By employer 僱員 By employee <$6,500 5% 毋須供款 Nil $6,500–$25,000 5% 5% >$25,000 $1,250 $1,250 如有查詢,可致電財務處薪津及公積金組,電話:3943 7246。 For enquiry, please contact the Payroll and Superannuation Unit of Bursary at 3943 7246. 中大合唱團音樂會 CU Chorus Concert 中文大學合唱團將於6月6日假香港演藝學院賽馬會演藝劇院舉行《華麗之聲:韋塔克 作品選》音樂會,由美國青年指揮家韓多普帶領,演繹2012格林美獎得主、美國作曲家 韋塔克充滿奇想的作品,此外還會演唱港、台作曲家新作及美國民謠。門票現已公開 發售,詳情可瀏覽網頁︰ 。 The Chinese University of Hong Kong Chorus (CU Chorus) will hold a concert on 6 June titled ‘The Glamorous Voice—The Music of Eric Whitacre’ at the Jockey Club Amphitheatre, Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts. Under the baton of American choral conductor Paul Hondorp, the chorus will present music of celestial beauty and sounds of nature. Also featured are new works by Hong Kong and Taiwan composers and a selection of American folk songs. Tickets are available now. For details, please browse: . 莎劇決賽五月底開鑼 Shakespeare Festival Finals 第八屆中國大學莎劇比賽決賽將於5月28至30日在邵逸夫堂舉行,十四支來自中港台大 學的參賽隊伍將以創新獨特的手法,為觀眾呈獻莎劇的精華片段。中文大學為晉身決 賽的隊伍之一。比賽由英文系和藝術行政主任辦公室合辦,田長霖博士科技創新基金會 贊助。門票現已公開派發,詳情請瀏覽︰ 或致電3943 7528 / 7851查詢。 The Eighth Chinese Universities Shakespeare Festival Performance Finals will be held at Sir Run Run Shaw Hall from 28 to 30 May. Fourteen teams from mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan are going to present selected scenes from Shakespeare’s renowned plays to compete for championship. The Chinese University is one of the finalists. The competition is jointly presented by the Department of English and the Office of the Arts Administrator, and sponsored by the Dr. Tien Chang Lin Technology Innovation Foundation. Free tickets are now available. For details, please browse: hk/shakespeare/index.php or call 3943 7528 / 7851.