Newsletter No. 398
4 No. 398, 19.5.2012 洞 明 集 在 2010年,有「血汗工廠」之稱的深圳富士康廠房 接二連三發生員工輕生,連續數月成為頭條新聞。 在自殺潮的高峰,中港台兩岸三地二十所高校的六十多名 師生,發起了富士康事件的聯合研究調查。中大新聞與傳 播學院副教授 邱林川 製作了一段二十分鐘的短片《解構富 士康》,作為調查的影像記錄。其後他在《傳播與社會學 刊》發表〈視覺行動研究:解構富士康〉一文,探討視覺行 動研究,以及如何利用視聽工具深入了解中國勞工的工作 和生活。 邱教授說《解構富士康》不是完整紀錄片,而是整項研究 的視頻註腳。短片展現了富士康深圳廠區工人上下班的場 面,並有來自蘇州崑山的老員工張厚飛,以及自殺倖存者 田玉現身說法,結尾是工人的公餘生活點滴。鏡頭下有不 少鮮為人知的內容,是由十多位同學以暑期工身分進入富 士康廠房,以手機拍攝得來的。短片於2010年10月初製作 完成,到11月中已在北京、上海、深圳和香港等地放映了五 次,新浪科技頻道上載短短幾天便錄得五萬多次點擊,反 應之熱烈大家都始料不及。「傳播學在行動研究上已落後 於其他學科,」邱教授感受甚深地說,「視覺行動研究應該 是一條可讓我們急起直追的重要途徑。富士康員工的參與 固然是關鍵,但沒有手機和網絡媒體所提供的大量影像、 報道和評論,根本沒可能達到現時短片的效果。」 行動研究,簡而言之,是透過實際參與研究對象的活動而 進行研究。視覺行動研究則輔以視聽器材,不在乎拍攝是 否完美,而是旨在為社會基層發聲。邱教授解釋,踏入網 絡資訊年代,社會階層基本上是按掌握資訊技術的程度而 劃分的,包括訊息有產者、中下階層和無產者,三者之間 的不平等分野,稱為數碼鴻溝或者數碼落差。「中國網民 超過三億,差不多八成人上網閱讀新聞,他們都屬於有產 者。有手機但沒有上網的大概有七億人,算是中下階層。其 餘的是無產者,這批人接觸資訊的機會少之又少,但也有 三、四億人。」 手機和互聯網等新媒體出現,令大眾傳播模式產生變 化,影響深遠。以新媒體為載體的社會事件稱為「新媒體 事件」。新媒體的特點是廉宜和獲得廣大群眾的參與,成 為傳播學近年新興的研究領域。邱教授說:「新媒體事件 可以繞過既有新聞體制讓群眾發聲。社會事件的發展變為 由下而上,傳播速度更快,互動性更強,也更容易跨越界 限。富士康事件就是好例子。」 目前,新聞與傳播學院的新媒體事件數據庫已收集了四百 多宗新媒體事件,內容大致分為民族主義、權益抗爭、道 德隱私和公權濫用四種。邱教授指出,中港台三地的新媒 體傳播有顯著分別。新媒體事件在中國大陸出現較頻密, 獨立性強,較少依賴大眾媒介。最具象徵意義的是2009 年的央視大樓火災,民眾用手機和數碼相機拍攝大火場 面上載網絡,是公民新聞超越了電視新聞的經典例子。香 港和台灣最哄動的新媒體事件,雖然同樣可引發法律或道 德議題,甚至提升為嚴肅的討論,包括隱私權、言論自由、 網絡管制等方面,但其本質則較接近日常生活,更像八卦 新聞,例如陳冠希「艷照門事件」以及台灣「新228劈腿事 件」。「中港台各有其科技特點和社會背景,新媒體對三地 事件也因而發揮不同功能,」邱教授說。「這正好說明傳播 技術和社會結構不可分割。研究人員應該着眼整個擴展了 的媒介生態系統,以及背後的政治、經濟、社會和文化體 系,以全面發展新媒體事件研究。」 I n 2010, there was a series of staff suicides at the Foxconn factory, which has a reputation for being a sweatshop, putting the company on the front page for several months. At the height of the suicides, over 60 teachers and students from some 20 universities in mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, launched a joint investigation on the Foxconn incidents. Prof. Qiu Linchuan Jack , associate professor at the CUHK School of Journalism and Communication, produced a 20-minute short film entitled ‘Deconstructing Foxconn’ as a visual document of the investigation. He subsequently penned an article ‘Visual Action Research: Deconstructing Foxconn’ in Communication and Society , that explores visual action research and how to use visual tools to gain in-depth understanding of the work and lives of China’s labourers. Professor Qiu said the video is not a comprehensive documentary but a visual footnote for the study. The film shows scenes of Foxconn workers going to and getting off work, with interviews of a veteran staff from Kunshan in Suzhou, Zhang Houfei, and suicide survivor Tian Yu. It ends with the workers’ lives outside office hours. The film unveiled some little known sides of Foxconn which were captured on smart phones by over 10 students who had entered the factory as summer workers. The short was completed in early October 2010, and by mid- November, was screened five times in cities including Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Hong Kong. A few days after it was uploaded to the Sina Science and Technology Channel, it registered over 50,000 hits. The response was overwhelming and unexpectedly so. ‘Communication studies is lagging behind other disciplines in action research,’ remarked Professor Qiu. ‘Visual action research is an important channel through which we could catch up. The participation of Foxconn staff was crucial of course, but without the images, reports and discussion provided by smart phones and Internet media, there was no way the film could have achieved the effect it did.’ Simply put, action research is research conducted through actual participation in the activities of the research targets. And visual action research complements that with the use of audio-visual equipment. The point is not to shoot perfect footage, but to give a voice to the grassroots. Professor Qiu explained that in the Internet age, social classes are divided according to mastery of information technology. These include the ‘haves’, the ‘have-lesses’ and the ‘have-nots’. The imbalance among the three is called the digital divide or the digital discrepancy. ‘China has over 300 million Internet users, some 80% of whom read the news online. They’re the Mass Media in the Internet Age New Media and Visual Action Research 網絡時代的大眾傳播 新媒體和視覺行動研究
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