Annual Report 2017–18
24 香港中文大學年報 CUHK Annual Report 2017–2018 醫學研究獲推崇 醫學院研究人員發表的兩篇論文,獲世界 頂尖醫學期刊《新英倫醫學雜誌》評為 2017年度「最矚目」文章。莫樹錦教授題為 「Osimertinib or Platinum – Pemetrexed in EGFR T790M – Positive Lung Cancer」 的論文,標誌個人化肺癌治療的新里程。 盧煜明教授及陳君賜教授所著「Analysis of Plasma Epstein – Barr Virus DNA to Screen for Nasopharyngeal Cancer」則 證明分析血漿內Epstein-Barr病毒DNA,可 及早診斷鼻咽癌。十篇「最矚目」論文中,只 有該兩項研究為亞洲學者所領導。 研究成就 Research Achievements 中大教研人員推陳出新,努力不懈,其學術成果不但豐富人類知識,也造就大眾福祉。 Researchers and thinkers at CUHK innovate, explore, and create scholarly works that not only build on our body of knowledge, but also improve our well-being. Worldwide Recognition for Medical Research Two research papers submitted by the Faculty of Medicine researchers were recognized as ‘Notable Articles of 2017’ by The New England Journal of Medicine . Prof. Tony Mok’s paper, titled ‘Osimertinib or Platinum–Pemetrexed in EGFR T790M–Positive Lung Cancer’, marked a new milestone in personalized medicine for lung cancer. The other paper by Prof. Dennis Lo and Prof. Allen Chan, titled ‘Analysis of Plasma Epstein–Barr Virus DNA to Screen for Nasopharyngeal Cancer’, shed new light on how the plasma Epstein-Barr Virus DNA analysis could be used for screening early asymptomatic nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Among the 10 ‘most notable’ articles, only the two projects were led by researchers based in Asia. 陳君賜教授(左)及盧煜明教授 Prof. Allen Chan (left) and Prof. Dennis Lo 莫樹錦教授 Prof. Tony Mok
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