Newsletter No. 523

04 # 5 2 3 | 1 9 . 0 9 . 2 0 1 8 亞運摘九獎牌 CUHK Athletes Shine in Asian Games 中大三十二名健兒代表香港征戰雅加達亞洲運動會,摘下一 金二銀六銅共九面獎牌,成績驕人,當中攻讀運動醫學碩士的  李嘉兒(圖)在壁球女子團體賽中奪金、修讀酒店及旅遊管理學 的馬詠茹則在單車(場地)女子隊際爭先賽中得銀牌、心理學系 研究生鄭莉梅在游泳項目取得一銀兩銅佳績。 Thirty-two CUHK students represented Hong Kong to take part in the 2018 Asian Games in Jarkata. They reaped a total of nine medals, which include one gold, two silver and six bronze. Lee Ka-yi (photo) won gold in the Squash-Women’s Team event while cyclist Vivian Ma took silver in the Women’s Team Sprint. Camille Cheng claimed two bronze and a silver in swimming events. 香港學者首膺國際應用心理學協會院士 First Hong Kong Scholars Elected IAAP Fellows 中大副校長及卓敏心理學講座教授張妙清 教授(左),以及卓敏教育心理學講座教授 侯傑泰教授(右),今年6月於加拿大蒙特利 爾舉行的國際應用心理學大會上,獲頒授國 際應用心理學協會(IAAP)院士榮銜,是香 港學者首度獲此殊榮。張教授一直致力發展 應用心理學中與文化相關的測量工具;侯教 授的研究範疇包括學習動機、心理測量領域、研究方法學及大規模教育監測。 Prof. Fanny M.C. Cheung (left), Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Choh-Ming Li Professor of Psychology, and Prof. Hau Kit-tai (right), Choh-Ming Li Professor of Educational Psychology, have been elected Fellows of the International Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP) at the International Congresses of Applied Psychology held in Montreal, Canada in June 2018. They are the first Hong Kong scholars to receive this honour. Professor Cheung plays a leading role in developing and validating culturally relevant assessment tools in applied psychology. Professor Hau’s research areas cover motivation, psychometrics, research methodology and large scale educational monitoring. 揭社交網登入漏洞獲獎 Engineering Team Wins Internet Defense Prize 不少網站容許人們使用社交網站帳戶登入, 不用另行註冊帳戶,省卻輸入資料的麻煩。 由信息工程學系楊榮海博士(左二)、劉永 昌教授(右一)、張克環教授(左一)及博士 生陳炯嶧(右二)組成的團隊憑其研發的系 統S3KVetter,發現十個相關軟件開發套件 (簡稱SDKs)中的七種程序漏洞,當中四 種更是未為人知。日前,團隊憑S3KVetter 在美國舉行的第二十七屆網絡安全會議榮獲「互聯網防禦獎」第三名,以及四萬美元研 究資金,是首支亞洲研究團隊獲此殊榮。 Many websites allow people to log in with their online social networking accounts to save the trouble of registering a new. A team from the Department of Information Engineering has developed ‘S3KVetter’ to detect seven classes of logic flaws, four of which were previously unknown, in ten related software development kits (SDKs). The team’s discovery won the third place of the 2018 Internet Defense Prize and a research grant of US$40,000 funded by Facebook at the 27th USENIX Security Symposium held in the US. This is the first time for researchers from an Asian institution to receive this international award. The team comprises Dr. Ronghai Yang (2nd left), Prof. Wing-cheong Lau (1st right), Mr. Jiongyi Chen (2nd right), and Prof. Kehuan Zhang (1st left). 揚威華南 CUHK (SZ) Students Win Business Case Competition 香港中文大學(深圳)經管學院學生於 2018年滙豐商業案例大賽中勇奪華南 賽區冠軍。該比賽由滙豐銀行(中國) 有限公司和上海聯勸公益基金會合辦。 二十支隊伍中,華北、華南各佔一半, 他們要就商業個案,在三小時內完成 分析、討論和簡報。中大(深圳)代表 最終技壓其他華南區學院,奪得賽區  冠軍。 A group of School of Management and Economics students of The CUHK (SZ) won the South China champion in the 2018 HSBC Business Case Competition China hosted by HSBC China and Shanghai United Foundation. In the competition, the 20 teams, 10 from South China and 10 from North, were given business cases and required to do analysis, discussion and presentation within three hours. The CUHK (SZ) team outperformed other South China teams and won the champion of the region. 協作為世界公益 Collaboration on World Philanthropy 中大、中國人民對外友好協會、清華大學及香港大學共同主辦,中國福利會協辦的第三屆 「世界公益慈善論壇」於9月5日在上海開幕,主題為「構建可持續發展的人類命運共同 體」,集中討論如何達成聯合國可持續發展目標中滅貧、良好健康和福祉、優質教育、永 續城市和社區,以及促進夥伴關係等。 The third World Philanthropy Forum, hosted jointly by CUHK, the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC), Tsinghua University and the University of Hong Kong, and co-hosted by the China Welfare Institute opened on 5 September in Shanghai. With the theme of ‘Building a Sustainable Community of Shared Future for Mankind’, the forum focuses on poverty eradication, good health and well-being, high-quality education, sustainable cities and communities, and the partnerships which help achieve the UN’s sustainable development goals. 破解心血管密碼 Decoding Vascular Disease 香港平均每十人有一人患二型糖尿病, 長期高血糖會破壞心血管功能,引致 多種心血管併發症,因而死亡風險比 一般人高出兩倍。由生物醫學學院教 授兼心腦血管醫學研究所所長黃聿  (左一)領導的研究揭示,糖尿病併發 的血管功能受損與細胞之間物質傳導 機制有關。研究團隊在糖尿病小鼠身 上發現名為「精氨酸酶1」的蛋白在血液 「外泌體」中的濃度明顯上升,「精氨酸酶1」被傳送到血管內皮細胞,破壞內皮功能。相 關研究成果刊登於《美國國家科學院院報》。 One in 10 people in Hong Kong has type II diabetes. Long-term high blood sugar level causes vascular endothelial dysfunction, leading to diabetic vascular complications. Adults with diabetes are twice as likely to die from heart disease or stroke as people without. A research team led by Prof. Huang Yu (1st left) of the School of Biomedical Sciences and Director of the Institute of Vascular Medicine has revealed a cell-to-cell communication mechanism that contributes to vascular endothelial dysfunction in diabetes. Based on the studies made on diabetic mice, the team has found that an enzyme ‘arginase 1’ was enriched in serum exosomes and transferred to endothelial cells, thus impairing endothelial function. The finding has been published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences .