Newsletter No. 399
No. 399, 4.6.2012 7 Love CUHK 愛 中大 校 園 消 息 CAMPUS NEWS 黃百銳論孔孟與西方科學 • David Wong on Confucianism and Science 人 文價值研究中心主辦的卓智講座系列之「中國哲 學與同情心的發展」,於5月15至17日舉行,由杜克 大學哲學講座教授黃百銳教授( 左三 )以英語主持兩場講 座︰「早期中國哲學與先天後天的道德發展」和「把同情心 塑造成德性」。黃教授引用儒家經典,指先秦思想家提出 的德性,與西方進化論、生物學和心理學相通,近代科學 研究可以佐證。在壓軸研討會,加入討論的有牛津大學/ 墨爾本大學NeilLevy教授( 中 )、中大冼為堅中國文化講座 教授信廣來教授( 左二 )、英屬哥倫比亞大學森舸瀾教授 ( 右二 )和芝加哥大學Richard A. Shweder教授( 右三 )。 T he Research Centre for Human Values of the University presented the first series of Philomathia Lectures on Human Values: Chinese Philosophy and the Development of Compassion, from 15 to 17 May. Prof. David B. Wong ( 3rd left ), Susan Fox Beischer and George D. Beischer Professor of Philosophy of Duke University, was the speaker. Professor Wong delivered two lectures, ‘Early Chinese Philosophy and the Nurture and Nature of Moral Development’ and ‘Shaping Compassion into a Virtue’. Both lectures explored the interesting convergence between early Chinese philosophical conceptions of moral development, and Western evolutionary, biological, and psychological theories. On 17 May, a seminar was held to discuss the lectures, featuring Prof. Neil Levy ( centre ), University of Oxford/University of Melbourne; Prof. Shun Kwong-loi ( 2nd left ), Sin Wai Kin Professor of Chinese Culture at CUHK; Prof. Edward Slingerland ( 2nd right ), University of British Columbia; and Prof. Richard A. Shweder ( 3rd right ), University of Chicago. 翹首以待2013金禧校慶年 • Towards the 50th Anniversary 2 013年是香港中文大學的金禧校慶年。此際,校園內已 醞釀着躍動的空氣,所有中大人,包括師、生、校友, 正積極準備迎接金禧校慶的來臨。 中大經過五十載寒暑的磨練,以「結合傳統與現代,融會 中國與西方」為使命,發展至為本港首屈一指的高等學府, 亞洲的教育樞紐,成就實足自豪。 踏入金禧校慶年,校慶籌備委員會秉持「守護歷史印跡, 譜寫未來篇章」的理念,構思了一連串慶祝活動,包括慈善 健步行、校慶博覽會、多個本地及國際性研討會、全球大 學校長論壇、著名雕刻家朱銘藝術展及講座、校慶夜、校 友日,以及壓軸的金禧校慶晚宴。 校長沈祖堯表示:「長達一年的慶祝活動將在明年整年舉 行,這是一個寶貴的機會,讓中大社群以感恩喜悅的心與 社會各界分享我們的成就,重申大學的核心價值和使命, 弘揚我們自創校之初一直重視的人文胸懷、獨有的書院精 神和扎實的通識教育,展示這個靈秀校園的驕人成就,突 nowadays it is an academic community of great vigour and enormous vitality, second to none in Hong Kong, and a major education hub in Asia. In the year of commemorating the University’s 50th anniversary, the 50th Anniversary Celebration Organizing Committee conceives celebratory activities with the theme ‘Embrace Our Culture • Empower Our Future’. They include a walkathon, fun fair, conferences, global forum of university presidents, exhibition by famous sculptor Ju Ming, anniversary night, alumni homecoming day, and a gala dinner. Vice-Chancellor Joseph J.Y. Sung said, ‘The celebratory events will be an occasion for the Chinese University to reiterate its core values and its mission, and to bring to the community’s full view the University’s humanistic spirit which has been its guiding light since the earliest days, its unique collegiate system, and its practical and functional general education programmes. We shall show to the general public what superior minds our campus has nurtured, and what ingenious results they have wrought through years of intensive intellectual endeavours. It is our intention, and our resolve, to demonstrate how the teachers and students of CUHK will shoulder their responsibilities as citizens of the world when the call of benevolent humanism beckons.’ For a foretaste of the celebratory events, please browse: . Participation of all students, staff, and alumni in these events is essential. Please leave us your valuable ideas and suggestions via the website, so that the committee can organize more distinguished and more memorable events in 2013. Ardent alumni are also welcome to subsidize the future development of their alma mater by making online donations via the special website. 顯中大師生如何當仁不讓,承擔世界公民的責任,為人類 和地球的福祉盡傾涓滴之力。」 校慶特備網頁 已 經啟動,大家可 預先感受熱鬧氣氛。金禧慶祝活動成功與否,有賴各位學 生、同事及校友的積極參與。歡迎於網頁留下寶貴意見, 幫助校慶籌備委員會籌劃更精彩難忘的慶祝活動。有志回 饋母校的熱心校友,亦可透過網頁捐助多項計劃,為資助 中大發展出一分力。 T he Chinese University of Hong Kong will celebrate its golden jubilee in 2013. All faculty members, students as well as alumni are actively preparing for the advent of the celebratory events and activities. The University has grown significantly over the past five decades and is a marvel that can justify a lot of pride. Vested with the mission to combine the tradition with modernity, and to bring together China and the West,
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