Calendar 2004–05
! " # UGC 293Z Health and Society (Required General Education course for medical students) MED 1293 Health and Society MED 1100 Integrated Medical Sciences MED 1200 Skills Modules MED 1220 Communication for Medical Students SSM 1000 Selected Study Modules (SSM) (A) SSM 1001–1100 Human Structure SSM (B) SSM 1101–1999 Topical SSM MED 2293 Health and Society MED 2100 Integrated Medical Sciences MED 2200 Skills Modules SSM 2000 Selected Study Modules (SSM) (A) SSM 2001–2300 Healthcare Database Analysis (B) SSM 2301–2600 Two-day Journal Paper Analysis (C) SSM 2601–2999 Five-day Journal Paper Analysis MED 3293 Health and Society MED 3100 Integrated Medical Sciences MED 3200 Skills Modules SSM 3000 Selected Study Modules (SSM) (A) SSM 3001 Medical Research MED 3110 Junior Medical Clerkship MED 3210 Junior Surgical Clerkship MED 3510 Combined Clinical Examination MED 4010 Community and Family Medicine MED 4110 Ostetrics and Gynaecology MED 4210 Paediatrics MED 4310 Psychiatry MED 4200 Skills Modules SSM 4000 Selected Study Modules (SSM) (teaching embedded in year 4 modules) MED 4410 Electives MED 4510 Combined Clinical Examination
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