Newsletter No. 383
No. 383, 19.9.2011 3 環球商業學一直是尖子的首選。今年在 高級程度會考獲6A的 趙城鋒 ,也選擇 這科,除希望能學習商業專識外,更可 藉着課程提供到美國及丹麥各修讀一 學期的機會,放眼環球,擴闊視野。他 計劃在畢業後投身商界,冀能學以致 用,建立自己的商業王國。 The Global Business Studies programme has always been a favourite among the cream of the crop. Chiu Shing-fung , who obtained six As in the Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination this year, also opted for this programme. He looks forward to gaining professional and commercial knowledge from it and to take full advantage of opportunities to study in the US and in Denmark. In the long run, he hopes to leave his mark in the business sector. 今年,中大通過「精英運動員計劃」錄取了 十七人,其中十位為香港隊運動員。入讀 體育運動科學系的「飛魚」 張健達 剛在 全國中學生運動會(全中運)游泳賽事 勇奪一金一銀一銅,歷史性為香港摘下 首面全中運金牌,並曾在2010年青少 年奧運會、亞運會及東亞運動會等比 賽中奪得佳績。 Seventeen students were admitted through the CUHK Sports Scholarship Scheme. Ten had represented Hong Kong in major sports events. Cheung Kin-tat won one gold, one silver and one bronze in the swimming events at this year’s National School Games. The gold was the first won by a Hong Kong swimmer in this competition. His performances at the 2010 Youth Olympics, Asian Games and East Asian Games were outstanding. 中大今年首次在內蒙古自治區招生。入讀商科基礎班的 牛奔 來自內蒙古赤峰市。自小受蒙古族特有的彪悍性格和 傳統文化潛移默化,一旦定下目標,便要堅持奮鬥。他將 中大正門的四柱華表設為手機壁紙,在準備高考期間常提 醒自己努力向目標進發。 This year saw CUHK’s first student recruitment in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. Niu Ben from Chifeng City of Inner Mongolia has been admitted to the Business Stream. Having grown up in a Mongolian city with a wild character and traditional culture, there runs in his blood the hardiness and steadfastness of the Mongol race which would stop at nothing less than the goal. He had used a photo of the four Chinese pillars at the main entrance of CUHK as his cell phone wallpaper to spur him on to the goal of becoming a member of the University when he was preparing for the National Higher Education Entrance Examination. 來自丹麥入讀計量金融學的 Christoffer Clement ,在當地高考中, 考獲等同 IB四十三分的佳績。他去年曾 在台灣參加國際地理奧林匹克比賽,啟發 了他嘗試在一個嶄新的文化下學習。他對 於金融學有濃厚興趣,當發現香港中文大 學的計量金融學時,就決定報讀,希望畢業 後能學以致用,在投資銀行業服務。 Christoffer Clement , a student from Denmark who gained a grade equivalent to an IB score of 43 at the Danish university entrance examination, was admitted to the quantitative finance programme at CUHK. Last year he took part in the International Geography OIympiad held in Taipei. The experience prompted him to explore the possibility of studying in a different culture. With a strong interest in finance, he decided to come to CUHK as soon as he found that a quantitative finance programme was available here. He hopes that the programme will equip him with the knowledge and skills to pursue a career in investment banking. 父母分別是台灣人及韓國人的 周勛 儀 ,懂韓語、普通話、英語、廣東 話及日語,其姊是中大中醫系三年 級生,令她對中大更有親切感。她 已多次來訪中大,感受國際化校 園氣息。勛儀將會修讀法學,希 望能專注於文化及人權法等。 With a Taiwanese father and a Korean mother, Chou Shiun-yi speaks Korean, Putonghua, English, Cantonese and Japanese. She has visited CUHK many times because her sister is a Year 3 student in Chinese medicine at the University. She knows the international character of our campus very well. She will study law here and hopes to focus on culture-related subjects and human rights law. Roberto Li 在南美洲蘇 里南共和國土生土長, 母語為荷蘭語。五年前 曾與家人來香港旅遊, 深被這個繁華大都會各處聳立的建 築物所吸引,立志爭取來香港升學。當收到中大通知獲 建築系錄取時,全家欣喜萬分。他期望將來可在蘇里南 建造一些像香港的美麗高樓。 Roberto Li was born and grew up in the Republic of Suriname in South America. His mother tongue is Dutch. He visited Hong Kong with his family five years ago and was impressed by the city’s urban jungle of high-rises. Since then, he had been determined to study in Hong Kong. He was overjoyed when he received the notice from CUHK, informing him of his admission by the School of Architecture. He aspires to build beautiful and towering skyscrapers in Suriname, just like those in Hong Kong. 來自印度的 Mitul Goel 很 欣賞中大優美的校園。 他覺得開展大學生活的 最佳方法就是參加迎新活 動,他在書院迎新中便結識了不少 朋友、了解香港文化及熟悉校園設施。經過 了迎新活動,他甚慶幸自己在選擇大學方面,做了一 個最佳的決定。Mitul主修工商管理學士綜合課程。 Mitul Goel from India is a student of the Integrated BBA Programme. He loves CUHK’s idyllic campus and believes that orientation activities are a perfect introduction to university life. In the college orientation activities, he has made many friends, and learned more about Hong Kong culture and facilities on campus. After the orientation activities, he was further convinced that he had made the right choice in selecting CUHK. 海外招生方面,中大今年共錄取了逾四百二十名新生,除 來自內地二十八個省市、澳門、台灣外,還有加拿大、丹 麥、印度、印尼、韓國、馬來西亞、葡萄牙、西班牙、俄羅 斯、蘇里南共和國、瑞士、英國、美國、委內瑞拉等地。而 今年入讀中大的內地生,均在高考中名列前茅,位列省/市 三甲的有四十五人。錄取的內地生中不乏曾在各科全國奧 林匹克競賽中獲得一等獎的尖子。 The University has admitted 2,355 high-calibre students through JUPAS this year. Out of all those who obtained at least a grade A in this year’s HKALE, 1,075 have been admitted by CUHK, the highest among the nine JUPAS-participating institutions. Nearly 40% of those who obtained three As or above were admitted by CUHK, including one with six As, five with five As and 17 with four As. The University admitted 207 local Secondary 6 students through the Early Admissions Scheme, accounting for 43% of those eligible for the scheme. Four of them obtained 10 As. Three of them chose to study global business, while the remaining one opted for mathematics. Many top achievers were admitted to CUHK through the Non-JUPAS Admissions Scheme, including a student who attained full marks (45 points) on the International Baccalaureate, who was admitted to the Faculty of Medicine. The University’s 2011 intake includes about 420 non-local students from 28 mainland provinces and municipalities, Macau, Taiwan, as well as countries all over the world, including Canada, Denmark, India, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Portugal, Spain, Russia, the Republic of Suriname, Switzerland, the UK, the US, Venezuela, etc. As for the newly-admitted mainland students, all were among the top scorers in their respective provinces/municipalities/autonomous regions. Forty-five ranked among the top three in their respective provinces/cities and many were prize winners of various national Olympiads. 新生素描 A Cross-section of Our New Students
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