Newsletter No. 383
10 No. 383, 19.9.2011 …… 如是說 Thus Spake… 就任院長半年了,中大教育學院可有甚麼新的願景和大 計? 教育學院的大方向是致力成為區域內具領導地位的師資培 訓和研究中心。隨着「3+3+4」學制的推行,在過去半年,我 們檢討並微調了課程,以求更配合中小學課程改革。研究方 面,我希望透過資源調配和申請資助,給同事更大的支持和 空間發展科研。課程發展方面,今年9月起教育碩士課程部分 科目加開普通話授課組,對內地學生是好消息。到明年9月, 學院將首推教育學士(數學教育)學位課程,與主修中文、英 文或通識課程一樣,修業期是五年,畢業時除獲頒學位,還 同時獲得專業教師資格。 與其他院校比較,中大教育學院有甚麼優勢? 我們除了開辦教育學士學位課程和學位教師教育文憑課程, 還設有十五項教育碩士課程,乃至教育博士課程和哲學博士 課程,讓教育工作者在職前以至在職等不同發展階段都可以 充實自己。其次,師訓課程由教育學院內不同學系協作。我們 的教育學士課程,更與中大不同學系合作,善用綜合研究型 大學的優勢。學生的知識面因此更廣,眼界更闊。第三,學院 的老師掌握教育界脈搏,與學校緊密聯繫,也參與觀課,視 察學生實習教學。這些經驗很寶貴,令我們能緊扣學校和教 師的需要。 除了教書,教育學院的畢業生還有甚麼出路? 我們的畢業生手握多門技能,如溝通技巧,組織能力,建立 人際關係,協助別人增權益能等,當然還有教學。他們也有 從事研究的經驗和能力。我很希望畢業生能投入教育工作, 發展教師的召命,但我相信他們能勝任不同專業,如助人與 服務行業,乃至行政和人事管理等崗位。 今時今日在香港當教師,最重要的素質是甚麼? 教師要掌握專科知識,按學生的能力施教。除了要善於表達, 還需要聆聽和觀察。第二,教師要對學生懷有希望,育人的工 作不可能立竿見影。不要因一時不能奏效看扁學生,看扁自 己。有些新老師因為看不到即時成果,感覺勞而無功,沮喪氣 餒。這個時候要學會放手,要接受有些事情並非我們可以控 制的。第三,要有愛心。愛是人與人之間交流互動最重要的 素質。最不聽話的學生,也會對愛惜、矜憫、包容和尊重他的 老師有回應。第四,教師的個人和道德素質很重要。最能影 響學生的不是說甚麼,而是在教室內外的言行舉止。對此,我 們的課程有個人和專業發展這類科目可供選修,幫助教師認 識自己的需要和限制,管理好情緒。教師要先清理自己的障 礙和盲點,才容易成為學生的模範。 教育新猷、殺校威脅、「怪獸家長」、「港孩」……,種種因 素好像給香港營造了非常不利的教育環境,你有甚麼錦囊 給新入行的教師? 許多新教師入職時希望以生命影響生命,卻發現原來學校的 生態令他綁手綁腳。是的,我們會受制於環境,但別忘記從 事教育工作等於參加長跑。為了打好持久戰,教師應先做好 基礎工夫,把書教好。其次是建立支援系統,尋求同事、同行 或朋友支持,有問題時要找人傾訴,徵求意見,紓緩壓力。此 外,均衡生活也很重要。每周工作七天,每天朝七晚七,能挺 多久?宜好好分配運動、娛樂和學習的時間。別因為工作而 賠掉自己的健康,人太疲倦便易失方寸。 香港的教育難道沒有值得一讚的地方嗎? 我覺得香港大部分教師是堅定不移的矢志教學,在教室的內 外影響學生的生命。面對教育制度的變革,教師要為新課程 賦予實質的意義和動力,雖然教育界遇到許多困難和挑戰, 但我相信教師的團隊,會堅持發揮教育理想。 《虎媽的戰歌》一書掀起了對中西方管教子女風格的熱烈 討論。你又可是一位「虎爸」? 教育子女沒有既定的方程式。家長要澄清自己的管教理念和 子女成長的文化背景,以愛心實施管教。要觀察子女是否能 接受你所用的教導方式,如果他受得了,跟得上,那就是有效 的。我自子女年幼開始,便協助他們建立正常的自我觀照和 價值觀,為長大後做人處事打下基礎。我在美國生活了一段 長時間,傾向讓子女自由選擇。我相信他們有能力作出合適 選擇,不會強迫他們一定要學些甚麼做些甚麼。 You’ve assumed the Deanship of Education for half a year. What are your visions and work priorities for the Faculty? We envisage to become a leading centre for teacher training and educational research in the region. In the past six months, we’ve reviewed and fine-tuned our teacher training programmes to ensure that they are aligned with the new ‘3+3+4’ school curriculum and meet the needs of students in today’s diverse classrooms. We are now working on how to invest our resources strategically to enable colleagues to engage more fully in research and scholarly work. Starting September 2011, classes taught in Putonghua are available for certain courses in the Master of Education Programme. This is good news to students from the mainland. In September 2012, a new Bachelor of Education (BEd) (Mathematics Education) programme will be on offer. Similar to those who major in language and liberal studies, graduates of this five-year programme will be awarded a bachelor’s degree and a postgraduate diploma in education (PGDE). What are our strengths when compared with other tertiary institutions? We offer a full array of training programmes for teachers at different stages of their professional development, from initial teacher training to doctoral-level training. In addition to our BEd and PGDE programmes, the Faculty now offers 15 master’s level degree programmes, as well as a Doctor of Education and a PhD programme. Since CUHK is a comprehensive research university, many of our programmes are characterized by strong inter-departmental collaboration. In many BEd programmes, students receive instruction from various disciplines and that helps to expand their horizons and their perspectives on education. Also we maintain strong ties with the education community and have our finger on the pulse of their development. Each year, almost all of our colleagues make classroom visits to observe the performance of our teacher trainees and give them feedback. All these keep us informed of what is actually happening in schools and what teachers need. What careers can students of education pursue other than teaching? Trained as multi-skilled individuals, our graduates are good at communicating, organizing, maintaining human relationships, empowering others, as well as teaching. They are also capable of and experienced in conducting research. Although we hope that our students will pursue a career in education, we believe that they’re equipped with the skills that make them fit for other careers, especially those in the helping professions and the service industry, as well as administrators and human resource professionals. What kind of qualities should today’s Hong Kong teachers possess? First, teachers must be knowledgeable about the subjects they teach, and able to adjust their teaching according to students’ abilities. They should be good listeners and observers who have effective communication skills. Second, they should remain hopeful that their students will fulfil their potential. Since education may not yield immediate results, they must not look down on themselves or their students because of the latters’ lack of performance. Some new teachers might be frustrated by the fact that their efforts do not pay off. If this happens, they have to learn to let go and accept that many things in life do not happen the way we wish. Third, they should love their students. Love is the most powerful quality in human interaction and communication. The most difficult students will respond to love, compassion, acceptance, and respect from their teachers. Fourth, teachers must have high personal integrity. The most powerful learning experience for students is the way teachers act inside and outside the classroom. Our programmes have a number of elective courses on personal growth to help student teachers to understand their needs and limitations, and better manage their emotions. Teachers must be clear about their own confines and blind spots before they can become a role model for their students. Educational reforms, school closure threats, ‘monster parents’ and ‘spoiled kids’ … all have taken their toll on education in Hong Kong. What are your tips for would- be teachers? When first getting into teaching, many new teachers are very passionate about their job and keen to make positive impact on the lives of their students. Sadly, they would soon find that their hands are tied by the constraints in the school environment. Indeed, challenges are there. But don’t forget that education is a marathon. To finish the long journey, teachers need to gain a firm footing by getting the basics right. First, they have to provide good teaching and manage their classrooms well. Second, teachers should develop a peer support network with co-workers and friends, so that they can have someone to turn to when they are under stress. Moreover, it is also important to have a balanced lifestyle. Long work hours are detrimental to personal well- being. Teachers should set aside time for physical exercise, entertainment and further study. Don’t sacrifice your health for work and allow fatigue to affect your judgment. Is Hong Kong’s education worthy of any praise? The majority of Hong Kong teachers are very devoted to the teaching profession. Faced with educational reforms and changes, teachers are the agents who impart purpose and dynamics into the curriculum. There are many problems and challenges confronting education in Hong Kong. But I believe that the teacher workforce will, against all odds, accomplish the mission of educating our future generations. The book Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother has triggered the debate over parenting styles of the East and the West. Were you a ‘Tiger Father?’ There is no set formula for parenting. Parents must have clear ideas about upbringing, and know what kind of culture their children are exposed to. Parenting with love is important. You have to observe your children’s response to your method of instruction. If they feel comfortable with and benefit from it, it’s an effective parenting style. When my children were still young, I cultivated positive self- esteem in them and taught them a set of principles and values that serve as their life anchors. I lived in the US for many years and I try to give my children freedom to make their own decisions on their education and careers, and believe in their ability to make the right choices. 教育學院院長梁湘明教授 Prof. Leung Seung-ming, Dean of Education
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