Newsletter No. 383
No. 383, 19.9.2011 9 O 宣 布 事 項 ANNOUNCEMENTS uBuddies 2011投入服務 uBuddies 2011 in Action 為推廣關顧互助的校園文化,學生事務處學生輔導及發展組於2010年成立了中大朋輩輔 導聯網,以培養一群熱心的本科生以同路人的身分,與朋輩分享校園生活的體會,以及成 長的經驗和智慧。 第二屆的uBuddies朋輩輔導員在過去半年已接受了連串系統培訓,包括基本心理輔導 技巧、精神健康急救基礎課程、歷奇為本訓練營,並在學生輔導及發展組的導師督導下進 行輔導實習。他們已於本學年開始為同學策劃和提供各種服務,包括為一年級本科生舉辦 的「新鮮人分享小組」,以及為全日制本科生而設的uBuddies E-Box(ubuddies@cuhk. ,透過電郵為在適應大學生活、人際關係、學業等各方面遇到疑難的同學提供支 援,又以正向心理學及關顧校園為主題,協助編製教育刊物和製作短片。 新一屆的 uBuddies 2012 朋輩輔導員招募行動亦已開展,詳情瀏覽 https://osantd. , 查詢請致電 3943 1804與江小姐聯絡。 In order to promote a caring and supportive culture on campus, the Student Counselling and Development Service of the Office of Student Affairs established the ‘uBuddies’ Peer Counselling Network in 2010. The project aims at nurturing a group of carefully selected non-final-year undergraduate students to be peer counsellors who can share their experiences and wisdom with fellow students. The second batch of uBuddies have completed systematic training in peer counselling skills and mental health first aid as well as practiced under supervision in the past six months. With the commencement of the new academic year, they have also started to provide various services for the benefit of the student community, such as the Freshmen Sharing Groups for Year 1 undergraduates, and the uBuddies E-box ( hk) to provide peer counselling to students. They will also assist in producing educational materials on the themes of positive psychology and caring campus. ‘uBuddies’ for 2012 is now open for recruitment. Details are available at https://osantd. . For enquiries, please contact Ms. Kong at 3943 1804. 新服務:網上關顧心意卡 New service: e-Caring Cards 學生事務處學生輔導及發展組的網上心意卡服務,讓你 隨時向身邊的人送上祝福與關懷。心意卡主題包括:關顧 校園、畢業、感謝、生日等,既暖人心窩又富中大特色。 現在即登入: h t t ps : //o s an t d . o s a . cuhk . edu . hk / scdsmain/chihtml/ ,送上你的心意吧! You may now convey your care and warm wishes to families and friends through a timely, economical and environmentally friendly way through the e-Caring Cards service, which is newly launched by the Student Counselling and Development Service of the Office of Student Affairs. A wide selection of attractive cards bearing heartwarming wishes and a distinctive CU touch have been designed for your use for various important occasions, including graduation, birthdays, thank-yous, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, etc. Start showing how much you care by logging into scdsmain/chihtml/ and sending cyber greetings and personal messages to your friends and loved ones now! 中大師生優先報考普通話水平測試 Privileged Putonghua Test Enrolment for CU Link Cardholders 由普通話教育研究及發展中心舉辦的第四十四期普通話水平測試(只限電腦測試)將於 本年12月16日至19日舉行,現正接受中大師生優先報名。由即日起至9月27日,申請人憑 有效的「中大通」可享一百元折扣優惠,並獲贈價值二百四十元的三小時導試班名額(名 額有限、先到先得)。另外亦歡迎中大師生參加語音診斷服務與導試課程。達到入級標準 的應試人,可獲國家語言文字工作委員會頒發的等級證書。詳情請參閱中心網頁: www. , 查詢請致電:3943 6749,或電郵 。 The 44th Putonghua Proficiency Test will be held by the Centre for Research and Development of Putonghua Education during 16–19 December 2011 (computer-aided test only). CUHK applicants with a valid CU Link card enjoy privileged enrolment from now on until 27 September 2011 with a discount of HK$100 off the examination fee and a free three-hour lecture on the test (worth HK$240) on a first-come, first-served basis. Candidates who pass the test will be issued a certificate by the State Language Commission. Details are available on the centre’s website: . For enquiries, please contact the centre at 3943 6749 or 預防子宮頸癌疫苗注射運動 Cervical Cancer Vaccination Campaign 大學保健處將於9月26至30日上午9時至下午5時30分,於保健處地庫活動室舉行預防子 宮頸癌疫苗注射運動,歡迎年齡介乎九至四十五歲的全職中大學生、職員和職員家屬參 加。另外,在9月19至22日文化廣場會設置諮詢及預先登記攤位,並展示有關疫苗及子宮 頸癌資訊,歡迎屆時參觀及詢問。 注射運動舉行期間,疫苗優惠價每劑八百五十元(現金支付),詳情請瀏覽 www.cuhk. , 查詢電話3943 6428。 請注意,本次預防子宮頸癌疫苗注射運動過後,保健處在本年度內將不會再接受注射第 一劑的新症。故如欲接種疫苗,請於9月26至30日前來。 The University Health Service (UHS) is going to organize the Cervical Cancer Vaccination Campaign on 26 to 30 September (9:00 am to 5:30 pm) at the Function Room, LG/F, University Health Centre. All full-time CUHK students, staff and qualified staff dependants aged between 9 to 45 years old are welcome. An enquiry and pre-registration counter will be set up at the Cultural Square from 19 to 22 September, providing information on cervical cancer and HPV vaccination. The cost of the vaccine during the campaign is HK$850 per dose. Details are available on . For enquiries, please call 3943 6428. The UHS will not accept new cases of first dose out of the period of the campaign. Those who want to have vaccination please come during 26–30 September. 「身心康泰在中大」體適能測試 Wellness CUHK—Physical Fitness Testing 由體育部主辦的「身心康泰在中大」之體適能測試,將於10月4日及6日上午11時半至下午 2時半,在富爾敦樓103室舉行。測試項目包括心肺功能、脂肪含量百分比、肌肉力量、肌肉 耐力、柔軟度和壓力水平,所採用的測試方法分別為踏台階測試、皮脂測試、手握力測試、 仰臥捲腹測試、坐體前伸測試和問卷。以上測試皆無須事前報名,歡迎有興趣之中大師生 即場參加。 The Wellness CUHK—Physical Fitness Testing will be held by the Physical Education Unit on 4 and 6 October, from 11:30 am to 2:30 pm at Room 103, the John Fulton Centre. The event features steps test, skinfold test, handgrip test, sit up test, sit and reach test, and stress assessment questionnaires to assess individuals’ cardiorespiratory endurance, body fatness, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility and stress level. All staff and students are welcome. No prior appointment is needed. … not only … but also The following sentence looks innocent enough: It is not only imperative to defend oneself but also to strike preemptively. But its well-formedness is only deceptive. In the eye of the professional, ‘not only’ should find more agreeable neighbours as in: It is imperative not only to defend oneself but also to strike preemptively . Eric Partridge, in his influential Usage and Abusage , warns against such misplacing of ‘not only’ (3rd ed., p. 216). Similar grammatical constructions should follow both ‘not only’ and ‘but also’. For example, The life of an ascetic requires not only self-discipline but also self-denial. [nouns] The boy has not only butchered the insects but also tortured the animals. [verb phrases] The expression is equally valid and effective with ‘… not only … but …’: Public health concerns us all not only because viruses are mutating but because we live in such proximity to each other . Readers should always take heed of Fowler’s advice on tiptoeing around ‘not only’. He says, Not only out of its place is like a tintack loose on the floor; it might have been most serviceable somewhere else, and is capable of giving acute and undeserved pain where it is. ( A Dictionary of Modern English Usage , 2nd ed., p. 397) Editor
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