Newsletter No. 383
No. 383, 19.9.2011 7 CAMPUS NEWS 校 園 消 息 日本範氏基金青年高峯會 • Kamenori Earth Youth Summit 為 慶祝聯合書院五十五 周年院慶及日本範 氏基金成立五周年,聯合書 院、晨興書院與日本範氏基 金於8月20至27日合辦青年 高峯會。來自中國、香港、印 度、日本、韓國、菲律賓、泰 國及越南八個亞洲地區的二 十八名學生齊集中大,以「人 類的生存空間」為專題作學 術研究。 高峯會開幕禮於8月21日假 祖堯堂舉行,中大博文講座 教授莫理斯爵士與日本人權 教育啓發推進中心會長橫田 洋三博士擔任開幕禮主題講座嘉賓。 由學生主持的高峯會議則於8月26日假祖堯堂舉行,參加 同學發表關於「公平收入」、「教育機會平等」、「民主選舉 程序」和「核能安全」四個範疇的研究所得。日本駐港領事 隈丸優次先生亦出席高峯會以示支持。 T o celebrate the 55th Anniversary of United College and the 5th Anniversary of the Kamenori Foundation of Japan, United College, Morningside College and the Kamenori Foundation jointly organized a Kamenori Earth Youth Summit from 20 to 27 August at CUHK campus. Twenty-eight students from eight Asian countries or regions, including mainland China, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Korea, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam, formed themselves into four groups to conduct academic research on the theme of ‘Survival of Humankind’. The opening ceremony of the summit was held on 21 August at Cho Yiu Hall, with Prof. Sir James Mirrlees, Distinguished-Professor-at-Large of CUHK and Dr. Yozo Yokota, president of the Human Rights Affairs in Japan as the keynote speakers. The highlight of the summit was the Students’ Conference on 26 August. Students presented their research findings on four topics: ‘Addressing Income Inequality and Possible Solutions’, ‘Do We Have Equal Education Opportunities in Asia?’, ‘The Role of Electoral Processes in Democracy’, and ‘Nuclear Energy/Radiation and Safety’. Mr. Yuji Kumamaru, Consul General of Japan in Hong Kong, also attended the conference to show his support for the programme. 心理學教授提出 漢字研究新理論 • CUHK Psychologist Proposes New Theory about Written Chinese 中大推出 I • CARE博群計劃 • CUHK Launches I•CARE Programme 中 大推出I • CARE博群計劃,培育學生的公民責任感 及貢獻社會的心志。大學正籌募一億港元基金以 支持計劃的實行。 以「博思明志,群育新民」為口號的I • CARE博群計劃,支 援學生廣泛參與各種社會服務項目,分別為:社會服務計 劃及學生主導的社會及公民研究;非牟利團體實習計劃; 推廣社企及企業社會責任;博群大講堂、研討會及工作 坊;以及促進學生精神健康計劃。 計劃將支持學生與各地政府機構或志願組織攜手,自發組 織或參與本港或貧困地區的可持續社會服務項目,並鼓勵 學生到如烏干達、肯尼亞、巴布亞新幾內亞等發展中國家 實習。大學亦會加強現有的「社企創業計劃」,幫助學生將 具創意的商業意念轉化成富意義的社會企業計劃。 首場「博群大講堂」將於10月4日舉行,邀得台灣雲門舞集 創辦人林懷民先生以「在水泥地上種花」為題主講。 沈祖堯校長表示,I • CARE博群計劃的精神是培養學生的 人文關懷,幫助他們建立對社會問題的認知,為其個人成 長及社會帶來長遠益處。 I • CARE博群計劃得以順利開展,乃厚蒙旭日慈善基金有 限公司及The T.Y. Wong Foundation Inc. 慷慨捐贈。 T o help students develop a long-term interest in and commitment to serving the local, regional and international communities, CUHK launches the I • CARE Programme to be supported by an endowment fund of HK$100 million. With the slogan ‘Aspiration through reflection; Renewal through civility’, the programme supports a range of major categories of social and civic engagement programmes, including service projects and self-initiated action-research projects; internships in non-governmental organizations; social enterprises and corporate social responsibility measures; university lectures on civility, seminars and forums; and enhancement of students’ mental wellness. With the support of the I • CARE Programme, students are encouraged to initiate and take part in service projects in places where such are needed, both locally and elsewhere, by working closely with governments and various community service organizations. CUHK will extend its existing overseas internship programme to more developing countries such as Uganda, Kenya and Papua New Guinea. The University will also strengthen its Social Enterprise Startup Scheme to help put students’ creative business ideas into meaningful social ventures. The first University Lecture on Civility will be held on 4 October, where Mr. Lin Hwai-min, founder of the Cloud Gate Dance Theatre of Taiwan, will speak on ‘Planting Flowers on the Cement’. Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, said, ‘The essence of the I • CARE Programme is … to cultivate the humanistic spirit and enhance the social awareness of our students, bringing sustainable impacts to students and society.’ The I • CARE Programme is made possible by generous donations from the GS Charity Foundation Ltd. and The T.Y. Wong Foundation Inc. 左起:社會學系陳健民教授、社會工作學系馬麗莊教授、沈祖堯校長、政治與行政學系 周保松教授 From left: Prof. Chan Kin-man from the Department of Sociology; Prof. Joyce Ma from the Departmenot of Social Work; Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor; Prof. Chow Po- chung from the Department of Government and Public Administration 心 理學系張學新教授剛於《華南師範大學學 報(社會科學版)》刊登論文〈漢字拼義理 論:心理學對漢字本質的新定性〉,提出漢字屬拼 義文字,與拼音文字植根於不同的人類感官系統, 前者為視覺文字,後者屬聽覺文字,不能互相轉換, 因而否定漢字拼音化的可能性。 P rof. Zhang Xuexin John at the Department of Psychology has recently published an essay in the Journal of South China Normal University (Social Science Edition) , advancing his meaning- spelling theory of Chinese characters. He believes that written Chinese is a meaning-based writing system, which is different from alphabetic scripts. He contends that written Chinese is a visual language while alphabetic scripts are auditory in nature. His theory dismisses the possibility that written Chinese can be Romanized. 來自亞洲各地的青年學生在高峰會開幕禮上合照 Students from different places of Asia at the opening ceremony of the summit
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