Newsletter No. 383
6 No. 383, 19.9.2011 教育學院培訓廣東英語教師 • Faculty of Education Organizes In-service Programme for Guangdong English Teachers 教 育學 院 優 化 英 語 教學 研 究中心於 7月 3 至 23日舉辦了「廣東英語教師在職培訓課程2011」, 為來自廣東省的三十八位英語教師提供專業培訓。課程由 香港教育局委辦,教育學院課程與教學學系教授及導師主 講。 參與課程的廣東教師首先在中大參加一系列英語教學法工 作坊,由課程導師闡釋如何有效運用各種教學法。包括由 課程總監麥陳淑賢教授介紹撰寫行動計劃的基本要素, 李玉珍博士講解如何在中學推動促進學習的評估方法,龔 大胃教授示範如何應用資訊科技以加強英語教學等。 當時正造訪優化英語教學研究中心「寫得好」計劃( WrITE Project)的美國National Writing Project執行總監 Dr. Sharon J. Washington,也與廣東教師會面,分享如何 提高學生寫作興趣的心得。此外,廣東教師亦參觀了四所 香港中學,觀摩英語課,與香港教師交流。課程尾聲,廣東 教師還進行了模擬教學,由導師及同儕就他們的表現給予 意見。 廣東英語教師在職培訓課程有助促進廣東省教育界與本 校教育學院的協作,不但有助教師提升個人英語教學技 巧,更提供寶貴機會讓他們建立專業學習社群。教師返回 其工作崗位後,會與同儕分享所學,惠及更廣泛的廣東省 教育界。 T he Centre for Enhancing English Learning and Teaching (CEELT), Faculty of Education, organized the ‘In-service Programme for Guangdong English Teachers 2011’ for 38 English teachers from Guangdong province from 3 to 23 July. The programme was commissioned by the Education Bureau and taught by teacher training experts from the Department of Curriculum and Instruction. The Guangdong teachers first attended a series of workshops at CUHK, which equipped them with knowledge and pedagogy in the teaching and learning of English. The workshop facilitators introduced various teaching strategies to the participants. For example, Prof. Barley Mak, programme director, introduced them to the essential elements of an action plan. Dr. Winnie Lee explained how to promote assessment for learning at secondary level. Prof. David Coniam illustrated the use of IT in enhancing English teaching and learning. The participants also met Dr. Sharon J. Washington, executive director of the National Writing Project, who was on her visit to the Writing for Integrated Teacher Education ( WrITE ) Project of CEELT. Dr. Washington shared her views on how to raise students’ interest in writing. Visits to four local secondary schools were arranged for the Guangdong teachers to observe English lessons and exchange teaching ideas with local teachers. At the later stage of the programme, the participants demonstrated what they had learned by conducting microteaching. They were given feedback by peers and facilitators. The programme has helped to promote collaboration between the Guangdong education community and the Faculty of Education of CUHK. It has not only enhanced the participating teachers’ English teaching skills, but also given them an opportunity to build up a professional learning community among themselves. The participants would share their experience with their fellow teachers after returning to the province, which would further benefit the Guangdong education community. 參加培訓課程的廣東教師與麥陳淑賢教授(前排左四)和 Dr. Sharon J. Washington(前排左五) A group photo with Prof. Barley Mak (4th left, front row) and Dr. Sharon J. Washington (5th left, front row) 和聲師生體驗貧窮滋味 • Lee Woo Sing Students Get a Taste of Poverty 和 聲 書 院 一 年 級 學 生 劉 浚 桓 說:「書 院舉 辦 是 次 活動 提 醒了 我們 貧窮不僅 是 新聞中 看到的畫面,而是切切實 實影 響着無 數 與 我們平 等的生命。」這是他在8月 2 6日參加書院迎新營的 「貧富宴」後的感言。這項活 動由香港世界宣明會支持舉 辦,沈祖堯校長與書院三百 名師生一同參與。 目前,全球九成半人口生活 在貧困之中,大會模擬這個 情況,抽籤選出九成半參加 者,與沈校長一同在晚宴中 以白麵包和清水充飢,體驗 貧窮滋味;而其餘半成的參 加者則享用豐富的意大利薄餅。 沈校長表示:「中大期望新一代大學生了解全球糧食短缺 問題,且應思考自己是否真的需要『大魚大肉』,享受豐富 的物質生活,還是可以減少浪費,珍惜地球資源。」 L au Chun-wun Marten, a freshman of Lee Woo Sing College, said, ‘We were made aware that hunger is not just some news photos. It is a reality faced by many who are supposedly created equal to us.’ This was what he felt after taking part in the Rich and Poor Men’s Banquet at the College orientation camp on 26 August. Facilitated by World Vision Hong Kong, the banquet was attended by Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, CUHK Vice-Chancellor, and 300 teachers and students of the College. To reflect the fact that 95% of the world population live in poverty, participants of the banquet were divided into two groups—95% of them consumed bread and water for their meals, while the other 5% ate pizzas. Professor Sung, who belonged to the first group, said the University hopes our students will ‘pay more attention to global food shortages and rethink their lifestyles—is it necessary for them to live a lavish luxury life with sumptuous meals, or they can do their bit to avoid wasting Earth’s resources?’
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