Newsletter No. 393
No. 393, 4.3.2012 7 CAMPUS NEWS 校 園 消 息 大學生的教育和教養 • College Student’s Education and Civilization 優異生獲獎助學金 • Outstanding Students Awarded Scholarships 中科院院士剖析地球能源 • CAS Academicians on Earth Energy 建 築學院和賽馬會公共衞生及基層醫療學院各有三 位學生獲頒本年度香港房屋協會獎助學金,頒獎典 禮於2月11日舉行,由該會副主席鄔滿海先生( 中 )主禮。 連續兩年獲獎的建築學院學生葉泓軒( 右二 )代表全體獲 獎者致辭,分享感受。泓軒當年依從家人建議修讀土木工 程及法律,然而,他自中學起便熱愛設計,反覆思量後決 定修讀第三個學位,遂於2009年入讀中大建築學院。他指 出,土木工程及法律知識有助學習建築結構,而亦讓他領 悟選擇事業不應被主修學科局限,相反應整合過往所學為 事業發展鋪路。他亦身體力行,最近自立設計公司,活用 其不同領域的專業知識,為香港塑造更美好的城市環境。 香港房屋協會獎助學金計劃於2006年成立,迄今已有逾 三十名中大生受惠,今年擴展至本校公共衞生的主修生。 T hree students each from the School of Architecture and the Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care have been granted this year’s Hong Kong Housing Society Award. Officiated by Mr. Marco Wu ( centre ), vice-chairman of the society, the presentation ceremony was held on 11 February. Winning this scholarship for two consecutive years, Mr. Wilton Ip ( 2nd right ), architecture student, was 第 五屆中國科學院(中科院)院士訪校計劃於2月 21至25日舉行,邀請了六位中科院院士到訪中 大,包括中國原子能科學研究院王乃彥院士( 右十 )、大 連化學物理研究所李燦院士( 左八 )、吉林大學林學鈺院 士( 右八 )、地質與地球物理所汪集暘院士( 左六 )、南京 大學鄭有炓院士( 右六 ),以及中國電力科學研究院周孝 信院士( 左四 )。 代表團除與中大高層會晤,又參觀了工程學院和理學院的 台 灣清華大學蒙民偉榮譽講座教授劉炯朗教授應邀 出任2011至12年度邵逸夫爵士傑出訪問學人,並 於2月8日假逸夫書院大講堂主持講座,講題為「二十一世 紀的大學生:教育和教養」。 講座吸引約一百三十位嘉賓出席,包括特區教育局局長 政治助理楊哲安先生、沈祖堯校長、常務副校長華雲生教 授、三位副校長─鄭振耀教授、程伯中教授、侯傑泰教 授、逸夫書院院長陳志輝教授,以及劉教授的得意門生 ─中大博文講座教授姚期智教授。 P rof. David C.L. Liu, William Mong Honorary Chair Professor of Computer Science, Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, and Sir Run Run Shaw Distinguished Visiting invited to give a speech on behalf of the awardees. Wilton recalled that he had taken the advice from his family to study civil engineering and law. However, being fond of design since secondary schooling, he decided to pursue his third degree and was admitted into the CUHK School of Architecture in 2009. He reckoned that his background in engineering and law facilitated his learning in building structures. He also realized that one’s career path should not be limited by a discipline 實驗室及其他相關研究 設施,並與中大學者互 相交流意見,探討合作 的可能。 六位院士於2月22日主持 「院士講座系列」專題 講座,探討地球能源議 題,如水資源、地熱能、 半導體能源、太陽能、新 能源電力和慣性約束聚 變等,吸引逾三百位師生及校外人士出席。 T he fifth Chinese Academy of Science (CAS) Academicians Visit Programme was held from 21 to 25 February. Six CAS academicians joined the delegation this year, including Prof. Wang Naiyan ( 10th right ) of the China Institute of Atomic Energy; Prof. Li Can ( 8th left ) of the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics; Prof. Lin Xueyu ( 8th right ) of Jilin University; Prof. Wang Jiyang Scholar 2011–12, spoke on ‘A College Student of the 21st Century: Educated and Civilized’ at Shaw College on 8 February. About 130 guests attended the lecture including Mr. Jeremy C.O. Young, political assistant to the Secretary of Education, HKSAR; Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice- Chancellor; Prof. Benjamin W. Wah, Provost; Prof. Jack C.Y. Cheng, Prof. Ching Pak-chung and Prof. Hau Kit- tai, Pro-Vice-Chancellors; as well as Prof. Andrew C.F. Chan, head of Shaw College. Prof. Yao Chi-chih Andrew, Distinguished Professor-at-Large of the University, who received guidance at doctoral level from Professor Liu, also attended the event. but should develop by integrating all the knowledge one has learned. Indeed, Wilton has recently set up his own design house, trying to put his knowledge from different professions into practice in order to shape a better built environment for Hong Kong. Over 30 CUHK students have benefitted from the Hong Kong Housing Society Award since its establishment in 2006. The society first extended their support to the University’s public health students this year. ( 6th left ) of the Institute of Geology and Geophysics; Prof. Zheng Youdou ( 6th right ) of Nanjing University; and Prof. Zhou Xiaoxin ( 4th left ) of the China Electric Power Research Institute, CAS. The delegates were warmly received by CUHK’s senior officers. They also paid a visit to the Faculties of Engineering and Science, and toured research facilities. Representatives from CUHK and CAS took the opportunity to exchange ideas and explore possibilities for further collaboration. On 22 February, the six academicians delivered public lectures in the ‘Lecture Series by Academicians’. They shared their expertise in and views on earth energy, ranging from water resource, geothermal energy, semiconductor energy, solar energy to new energy and inertial confined fusion. More than 300 people including academics, researchers and students from CUHK and other universities, as well as members from the general public attended the lectures.
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