Newsletter No. 393
No. 393, 4.3.2012 5 In Plain View Anniversaries and Decades The Chinese University was established in 1963 and it was formally inaugurated on the 17th day of October in the year 1963. The University has thrived for five decades and will celebrate its fiftieth anniversary in 2013. According to the Concise Oxford English Dictionary, anniversary is the date on which an event took place in a previous year or in the past. It is therefore correct to say that we celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of inauguration on 17 October 2013 (a date) but safer to qualify anniversary with the word year when referring to the year-long period when celebratory activities take place, as in: A plethora of academic and cultural activities are being planned to celebrate the anniversary year. A decade is a period of 10 years. Note that it starts counting in the first year and so the first decade of the twenty-first century is 2001–2010, the second decade is 2011–2020, and so on. The first decade of CUHK is from 1963 to 1972, its second decade from 1973 to 1982, and so on. We are thus in the last year of its fifth decade and will be entering its sixth as a higher learning institution in 2013. Editor 鄧思穎教授畢業於香港中文大學,獲文學士和哲學碩士學位,其後在加州大學爾 灣校區取得博士學位。他目前擔任中大中國語言及文學系副教授,並兼任粵語研 究中心主任、中國語文教學發展中心主任、中國文化研究所吳多泰中國語文研究 中心副主任。鄧教授的研究興趣主要為漢語語法學、漢語方言比較。 Prof. Tang Sze-wing received his BA and MPhil degrees from The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He then obtained his PhD degree from University of California, Irvine. Professor Tang is currently an associate professor in the CUHK Department of Chinese Language and Literature, and concurrently the director of Research Centre for Cantonese, Chinese Language Teaching Development Centre; and associate director of T.T. Ng Chinese Language Research Centre, Institute of Chinese Studies. His research interests lie primarily in Chinese grammar and comparative study of Chinese dialects. 書 訊 BOOKS 傳染病學是醫學當中不可或缺的一環。過去數十年,經歷了愛滋病、沙士和 禽流感的衝擊後,喚醒了大家再不能忽視傳染病對社會的影響。若要提升 社會的相關應變能力,傳染病學在醫學,以至護理、公共衞生、醫療服務的 教學課程中,更形重要。 本書從公共衞生角度出發,為傳染病 學學生而設計,由香港中文大學傳染 病學講座教授李瑞山編著。全書共分 二十一章,論述傳染病的病源、主要類 別,並探討流行病學監測、預防和控制 的原則及應用,附以地圖和彩色圖片, 為公共衞生專業人士的輕便參考書。 Infectious disease has long been an important subject in medical science. Over the past decades, the epidemics of HIV/AIDS, SARS, and avian influenza are reminding us of the challenges posed by their societal impact, which is often neglected. To enhance preparedness, infectious disease has increasingly occupied a key position in the curricula for not only students in medicine, but also nursing, public health and other health science subjects. Public Health Infectious Disease is a book written for students who are learning about infectious diseases in a public health context. Edited by Prof. Lee Shui-shan, Professor of Infectious Diseases at CUHK, the 21-chapter book covers the biological basis of infections, discusses selected infectious diseases of public health importance and addresses the principles and practice of surveillance, prevention and control. Illustrated with maps and colour plates, the book is meant to be a handy reference also for public health practitioners. 海內外高等學府的一個傳統,是對學術上或社會有貢獻人士授予榮譽學位 或院士銜。在頒授儀式上,通常有專人朗讀讚辭。大學的讚辭是珍貴的校史 記錄,也代表着大學的校格。讚辭的撰寫,是一門糅合修辭技巧、傳記觸角、 文學造詣的學問。 金聖華教授在中文大學畢業、任教,長期從事中英翻譯的教學及研究,現 為中大翻譯學榮休講座教授。《友緣、有緣》一書收錄了金教授自1996至 2009年間撰寫的十六篇讚辭,對象包括白先勇、連戰、高行健等,此外亦加 入李和聲、周文軒及李明逵三位的側寫,令內容更加豐富。金教授在序言中 說:「能夠為這些各行各業的翹楚撰寫讚辭,並從他們的嘉言懿行中受到啟 發,的確是一種緣份。」 本書尚有其他篇章,記述她與多位傑出人士的情誼,和懷念去世的好友至 親,當中誌念沈宣仁及林聰標兩位教授的文字,更是與中大人關係密切的一 頁歷史。 It is a well-established tradition at institutions of tertiary education for degrees to be bestowed, honoris causa , to individuals with distinguished contributions to the world of learning, or the community at large. The citations presented do not only form a precious part of the university’s archives, but, much more importantly, represent the character and dignity of the university itself. Thus the drafting of citations, over the centuries, has developed into a consummate art unto itself, one in which rhetorical and hagiographical skills are integrated with the author’s literary talents. Prof. Jin Sheng-hwa Serena obtained her first degree at the CUHK and had a long and fruitful academic career at the University as teacher and researcher. She is now our Emeritus Professor of Translation. Collected in this volume are the citations she composed for 16 honorary graduates and fellows of the University from 1996 to 2009. The luminaries include Pai Hsien-yung, Lien Chan, and Gao Xingjian, and to the citations are added her sketches on Lee Woo-sing, Chou Wen-hsien Vincent and Lee Ming-kwai Dick. In Professor Jin’s own words, ‘It is nothing less than providential chance that I could compose the citations for these leaders of their respective professions, and be inspired by their merits and benevolence, both in word and deed.’ There are chapters in the book which record her friendship with other outstanding personages, and remembrances of close friends and family members who have departed from this life. Among these articles, members of CUHK will find those on the late Prof. Philip Shen and Prof. Lin Tzong-biau particularly poignant to read because they represent a chapter of the University’s history. 《友緣、有緣》 作者:金聖華 出版:天地圖書有限公司 年份:2010年 頁數:319頁 Public Health Infectious Disease Author: Lee Shui-shan Publisher: Stanley Ho Centre for Emerging Infectious Diseases Pages: 246 pages Year: 2012 鄧思穎教授(中)及他的博士學生 Prof. Tang Sze-wing (centre) and his PhD students
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