Newsletter No. 449/450

8 449/450 • 19.12.2014 資訊處與資訊科技服務處於12月5日合辦無障礙網頁研討會,吸引約一百人出席。研討會 首先由政府資訊科技總監辦公室數碼共融部麥燕萍女士介紹無障礙網頁嘉許計劃,其後 薛敏儀女士講解如何設計無障礙網頁。及後由香港失明人協進會顏東鋒先生示範視障人士 如何利用電腦的無障礙軟件瀏覽網頁。 The Web Accessibility Talk jointly organized by the Information Services Office (ISO) and the Information Technology Services Centre (ITSC) took place on 5 December with an audience of about 100. Ms. Elke Mak, systems manager of the Digital Inclusion Division of the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO), gave a briefing on the Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme. Ms. Ivy Sit, assistant manager of the same division, explained web accessibility implementation in detail. Her talk was followed by a demonstration by Mr. Johnny Ngan, IT officer of Hong Kong Blind Union, on how a visually impaired person browses websites. 當天簡報檔案載於: . PowerPoint files of the talks are available at: . 網絡無障礙研討會 Web Accessibility Talk 教育學院「喜閱寫意:賽馬會讀寫支援計劃」於11月7日舉辦「家校攜手起步,同遊『悅』 讀之道」專題分享及家長教育講座簡介會,嘉賓包括院長梁湘明教授( 右六 )、「喜閱 寫意」計劃首席研究員鄭佩芸教授( 中 )及香港賽馬會慈善事務經理鍾惠敏女士( 右五 )。 該計劃為教師及家長開辦培訓課程,支援語文能力稍遜學童的讀寫發展。過去八年,共有 約四千七百名小學教師、逾二千名幼稚園校長和教師,以及三千名小學家長受訓。 The Faculty of Education held a public seminar under the ‘Read & Write: A Jockey Club Learning Support Network’ scheme on 7 November with a theme on ‘Families and Schools Working together for Joyful Ways to Reading’ and an introduction of the upcoming series of parent education talks. Prof. Leung Seung-ming ( 6th right ), Dean of the Faculty of Education; Prof. Cheng Pui-wan ( centre ), principal investigator of the Read & Write Project; and Ms. Jasmine Chung ( 5th right ), charities manager of the Hong Kong Jockey Club were guests of honour. The project offers courses to teachers and parents in supporting struggling readers’ literacy development. Around 4,700 primary school teachers, over 2,000 kindergarten principals and teachers, and more than 3,000 primary school parents have received training in the past eight years. 支援兒童讀寫發展 Supporting Children’s Literacy Development 11月13日,( 右起 )中大英文系系主任Simon Haines教授、立法會議員田北辰太平紳士和美 國香港商會會長魏理庭(Richard Vulysteke)博士,一同探討香港人英語水平下滑對本地 競爭力的影響。座談會由EF英孚教育舉辦。英孚英語能力指標(EF EPI)每年均公布超過六 十個國家和地區的成人英語能力排名。 On 13 November, ( from right ) Prof. Simon Haines, chair of the CUHK English Department; Hon. Michael Tien, member of the Legislative Council; and Dr. Richard Vulysteke, president of the American Chamber of Commerce (Hong Kong) discussed the effect of Hong Kong’s declining English skills on its competitiveness at a conference organized by EF Education First, whose annual publication of the EF English Proficiency Index (EF EPI) ranks more than 60 countries and territories by adult English skills. 探討港人英語水平下滑 On Hong Kong’s Declining English Skills 商學院校友及企業事務辦公室主辦的「全球領袖系列講座」,在11月18日於千禧新世界 香港酒店舉行,主講嘉賓為香港交易及結算所有限公司集團行政總裁李小加先生,他就 「滬港通」進行適時分析,主要聚焦日益密切的中港關係,及兩地市場如何進一步融合和 互利。 The Global Leader Series, organized by the Business School’s Alumni and Corporate Affairs Office, was held on 18 November at the New World Millennium Hong Kong Hotel. Mr. Charles Li, chief executive of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited, shared his insight and timely analysis of the ‘Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect’. Mr. Li addressed the growing relationship between Hong Kong and China and how the respective markets can be further integrated and mutually beneficial. 全球領袖系列講座 Global Leader Series 校園消息 Campus News