Newsletter No. 449/450
6 449/450 • 19.12.2014 周濟 院士是機械工程專家,為 國家原教育部部長及現任中國 工程院院長。周院士致力研究 機械設計、計算機輔助設計、 數控及計算機集成製造系統 技術的研究和應用。他與研究 團隊所研製的軟體產品,廣泛 應用於機械、航空、航天及能 源等多個行業。周院士於出任 湖北省科技廳廳長期間,致力推動武漢市成為光電子資訊產 業的研發及生產基地,為該市贏得「中國光谷」的美譽。周院 士在科研方面亦屢獲殊榮,包括四項國家科技進步三等獎、 十四項省部級科技進步獎及美國國家工程院外籍院士。大 學頒予榮譽理學博士學位,以表彰他在機械工程領域及推動 中國科技發展的傑出貢獻。(周院士未克出席典禮) A specialist in mechanical engineering, Prof. Zhou Ji is the president of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. His research interests include the engineering application of optimization design, computer-aided design (CAD), numerical control and computer integrated making system (CIMS) technologies. He and his team also developed a series of software products, which have been widely used in various industries such as machinery, aeronautics, astronautics and energy. During his service as the director- general of the Hubei Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Professor Zhou successfully turned Wuhan into a leading optical science research and manufacturing base, helping the municipality to win the nickname ‘China Optical Valley’. Professor Zhou’s achievements earned him four third-class National Scientific and Technological Progress Prizes and 14 Provincial Scientific and Technological Progress Prizes. He was also elected as a foreign associate of the US National Academy of Engineering. The University conferred upon Professor Zhou the degree of Doctor of Science, honoris causa , for his remarkable contributions in the field of mechanical engineering and the development of science and technology in China. (Professor Zhou received this honorary degree in absentia .) 王澍 教授是世界級的中國 建築師,現為中國美術學 院建築藝術學院院長兼教 授。他是首位中國籍建築師 贏得被譽為「建築界諾貝爾 獎」的普里茲克建築獎。王 教授的建築獨具匠心,以其 強烈的文化傳承感及回歸 傳統而著名。他的作品外表 不失莊重威嚴,同時又能完 美地發揮功能。其代表作中 國寧波歷史博物館就正好體現了這些特質。王教授在建築 領域的成就備受推崇,曾獲頒首屆中國建築藝術獎及法國 建築學院金獎,並於2013年獲美國《時代》雜誌評選為全 球百大最具影響力人物之一。大學頒予榮譽社會科學博士學 位,以表彰他對建築界的重要貢獻。 Prof. Wang Shu , a world-class architect, is the dean and professor of the School of Architecture of the China Academy of Art. In 2012, he became the first Chinese citizen to win the Pritzker Architecture Prize, often referred to as the Nobel Prize of architecture. Professor Wang’s architecture is exemplary in its strong sense of cultural continuity and re-invigorated tradition. His buildings have a very rare attribute—a commanding and even, at times, monumental presence, while functioning splendidly. The History Museum at Ningbo is one of his masterpieces. Highly regarded in his field, Professor Wang was awarded the First Architecture Arts Award in China and the gold medal of the Academy of Architecture in France. He was elected as one of the 100 Most Influential People in the World by Time magazine in 2013. The University conferred upon Professor Wang the degree of Doctor of Social Science, honoris causa , for his exceptional achievements and contributions to the field of architecture. 著名作家 莫言 先生,為中國 藝術研究院文學院院長, 兼任北京師範大學國際寫 作中心主任、中國作家協會 副主席,於2012年獲頒諾 貝爾文學獎。莫言先生於八 十年代開始小說創作,於 1986年發表成名作《紅高 粱家族》,轟動中外文壇及 影壇。莫言先生其後繼續發 表多部著作,包括《豐乳肥 臀》、《檀香刑》、《生死疲勞》等,更被翻譯成多種語言。莫 言先生亦曾獲頒意大利諾尼諾國際文學獎、日本福岡亞洲文 化大獎及法蘭西文化藝術騎士勳章。大學頒予榮譽文學博士 學位,以表彰他對文學界的卓越貢獻。 Renowned writer Mr. Mo Yan is dean of the College of Literature of the Chinese National Academy of Arts, director of the Beijing Normal University International Writing Centre, and vice-president of the China Writers Association. He received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2012. Mr. Mo Yan started his literary career in the 1980s and his international breakthrough came in 1986 when he published the epic novel Red Sorghum . After this success, Mr. Mo Yan went on to publish numerous works, including Big Breasts and Wide Hips , Sandalwood Death as well as Life and Death are Wearing Me Out , which were translated into many languages. Mr. Mo Yan also received the Nonino International Prize for Literature, the Grand Prize of the Fukuoka Asian Culture Prize and was made a Knight of the Order of Arts and Letters by France. In recognition of his phenomenal achievements in literature, the University conferred upon Mr. Mo Yan the degree of Doctor of Literature, honoris causa . Robert C. Merton 教 授 現為美國麻省理工學院斯 隆管理學院金融學講座 教授、哈佛大學榮休教授 及Dimensional Holdings, Inc.的科學官。他憑着創新 的金融衍生產品價值鑑定 方法,於1997年獲得諾貝 爾經濟科學獎。Merton教 授的研究集中於金融理論, 包括生命周期融資、最佳跨 期投資組合選擇、資本資產定價、期權定價、高風險企業債、 抵押貸款,以及其他複雜的衍生證券。Merton教授在實踐 金融學理論方面的成就備受肯定,曾獲國際金融工程師協會 首屆金融工程師年度獎及2011年CME Group Melamed- Arditti創新獎。大學頒予榮譽理學博士學位,以表彰他在金 融學及風險管理領域的傑出貢獻。 Prof. Robert C. Merton is currently the School of Management Distinguished Professor of Finance at the MIT Sloan School of Management, University Professor Emeritus at Harvard University and Resident Scientist at Dimensional Holdings, Inc. Professor Merton received the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences in 1997 for a new method to determine the value of derivatives. His research focuses on finance theory including lifecycle finance, optimal intertemporal portfolio selection, capital asset pricing, pricing of options, risky corporate debt, loan guarantees, and other complex derivative securities. Recognized for translating finance science into practice, Professor Merton received a number of awards, including the inaugural Financial Engineer of the Year Award from the International Association of Financial Engineers, and the 2011 CME Group Melamed-Arditti Innovation Award. The University conferred upon Professor Merton the degree of Doctor of Science, honoris causa , in recognition of his significant contributions in the field of economic sciences and finance. 請掃描QR碼閱讀七位榮譽博士的讚辭全文(中文版) Scan the QR code for the full citations (Chinese version) 449-450&topic=congregation_chi 請掃描QR碼閱讀七位榮譽博士的讚辭全文(英文版) Scan the QR code for the full citations (English version) 449-450&topic=congregation_eng
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