Newsletter No. 441
441 • 19.8.2014 5 網站管理員會議 Webmasters Forum 2014 由資訊處與資訊科技服務處合辦的 網站管理員會議在8月8日舉行,約 一百五十人出席。會議內容緊湊,在 常務副校長華雲生教授致歡迎辭 後,立即舉行四場專題演講,首先由 資訊處網頁發展經理許永恒先生介 紹大學對各部門網頁的要求,其後 資訊科技服務處郭辰靜小姐談網頁 文字和圖片複製和抄襲問題。第三 場由Master Concept的陳永康先生 講解如何利用Google Analytics, 分析網頁和電子通訊的觀看流量和 使用者行為。第四場由Alex Frew McMillan先生分享撰寫網上文章 心得與「十二戒條」。最後,多個校 內單位就出版電子通訊發言,交流 經驗。 如欲瀏覽簡報檔案,可到 。 The Webmasters Forum 2014 jointly organized by the Information Services Office (ISO) and the Information Technology Services Centre (ITSC) took place on 8 August with an audience of about 150. The forum was packed with activities. After welcoming remarks by Prof. Benjamin W. Wah, Provost, Mr. Danny Hui, website development manager, ISO, gave a briefing on the minimum web standards required for all CUHK websites. His briefing was followed by a talk by Ms. Sheila Guo from the ITSC on web content duplication and plagiarism. The third talk was delivered by Mr. Derek Chan from Master Concept, who expounded on using Google Analytics to track traffic and user behaviour on websites and e-newsletters. Last but not least, Mr. Alex Frew McMillan shared with the audience his views on writing for the Web and his ’12 commandments’. These talks were followed by a sharing session, in which a number of CUHK units that issue e-newsletters on a regular basis exchanged and shared their experiences. The PowerPoint files of the talks are available at . 十一名學生獲冼為堅中大金禧文史哲獎學金 Eleven Students Receive Sin Wai Kin CUHK Golden Jubilee Scholarship 冼為堅基金有限公司及萬雅珠寶有 限公司主席冼為堅博士,去年慨捐 鉅資予中大文學院設立「冼為堅中 大金禧文史哲獎學金」,嘉許優異 的文史哲本科生和研究生。首屆獎 學金頒獎典禮於7月21日舉行,由 中大副校長霍泰輝教授、文學院院 長梁元生教授及冼為堅博士伉儷 主禮。 萬雅珠寶有限公司董事總經理冼 雅恩先生在典禮上致辭,勉勵得 獎學生要抱持遠大目標,努力實現 夢想。 今年共有十一名就讀中國語言及文 學系、英文系、翻譯系、歷史系及 哲學系的本科生及研究生獲得「冼 為堅中大金禧文史哲傑出學生」的 美稱。 To recognize the outstanding academic achievements of students from the Faculty of Arts, the ‘Sin Wai Kin CUHK Golden Jubilee Scholarship in Arts, History and Philosophy’ was established in 2013 by Dr. Sin Wai-kin David, chairman of the Sin Wai Kin Foundation and Myer Jewelry Manufacturer Ltd. The first scholarship presentation ceremony was held on 21 July at the Chung Chi College Staff Club. The ceremony was officiated by Prof. Fok Tai-fai, Pro-Vice-Chancellor; Prof. Leung Yuen-sang, Dean of the Faculty of Arts; and Dr. and Mrs. Sin Wai-kin. Mr. Sin Nga-yan Benedict, director and general manager of Myer Jewelry Manufacturer Ltd., encouraged the scholarship recipients to aim higher and strive hard to overcome the challenges they may encounter when pursuing their goals. He also inspired students to take part in community services. Eleven students from the Departments of Chinese Language and Literature, English, Translation, History, and Philosophy were selected to receive this distinguished award, carrying the title of ‘Sin Wai Kin CUHK Golden Jubilee Outstanding Students in Arts, History and Philosophy’. 梁元生教授贈送親筆書法一幅,藉以感謝冼博士及其家人 Calligraphy work by Prof. Leung Yuen-sang is presented to Dr. Sin Wai-kin and his family as a token of thanks 多角度探索多元共融社會 Exploration of an Inclusive Society from Different Perspectives 由亞太研究所性別研究中心舉辦的「2014性別角色 工作坊」,於6月14日在利黃瑤璧樓舉行,邀得平等機 會委員會主席周一嶽等八位來自政策、教育、學術、商 業、文化等不同領域的嘉賓分享各自的觀點。 今年性別角色工作坊的主題是「性傾向、性別認同與 雙性人身分:點.線.面」,中大副校長張妙清教授在 歡迎辭中表示:「自1991年開始的年度性別角色工作 坊已有二十多年歷史,早前更多關注男女兩性,隨着 社會的發展進步,現在亦需要關注多元性別問題。」 周一嶽則指出:香港存在不少對性小眾的歧視,仍有 很多人對跨性別、雙性人、同性戀等概念有誤會和混 淆,教育年輕人對性別的知識很重要。 今次工作坊為性小眾人士和公眾提供了交流平台,是 日有百餘名學生、教職員、NGO成員、宗教團體、家 長、社會人士出席,討論十分熱烈。 The Gender Research Centre of the Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies held the 2014 Annual Gender Role Workshop entitled ‘Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Intersex Status: Different Views and Understandings’ on 14 June to discuss issues affecting sexual minorities. Dr. Chow Yat-ngok York, chairperson of the Equal Opportunities Commission and seven guest speakers from different areas, including policy making, education, academic, business and culture explored the topic from different perspectives. ‘After running for two decades from 1991,’ said Prof. Fanny M.C. Cheung, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, in her welcoming speech, ‘the Annual Gender Role Workshop has expanded from its focus on issues related to men and women in the past to gender diversity in the present, taking in the concerns of the time.’ Dr. Chow pointed out that discrimination against sexual minorities is prevalent in Hong Kong and there is still much misunderstanding and confusion about transgender people, intersex people and homosexuality. It is therefore immensely important for young people to be educated in the area of gender. The workshop attracted an audience of over 100, including students, faculty members, NGO staff, parents and individuals. The participants engaged enthusiastically in discussion in the open forum. 校園消息 Campus News
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