Newsletter No. 342
4 No. 342, 4.9.2009 古語說:「讀萬卷書,不如行萬里路。」學習,不是單在課室內聽課,在圖書館內找資料。跑出課室,奔向世界各地, 無論是學習語文、工作實習、探訪考察、還是服務他人,同樣可以眼界大開,甚至感受各方文化衝擊,豐富人生閱歷, 親自發掘鮮活的一手知識。 今年暑假,至少七百多名中大學生參加學生事務處或書院舉辦的各類交流計劃,到外地體驗,他們的足跡遍布內地、 歐美、東南亞、印度,行程由數天到數月不等,而帶返香港的,除了是一幀幀燦爛笑容的照片,還有難以言喻的經歷。 There is an old Chinese saying, ‘Travelling thousands of miles is better than reading thousands of books.’ Knowledge can be acquired not only from lectures and libraries, but also from beyond the classroom. Travelling exposes students to other cultures whether it be for the purpose of learning languages, internship, or serving the needy. It is a great opportunity for learning and acquiring new perspectives. In the last summer, some 700 CUHK students had the opportunity to take part in different exchange programmes organized by the Office of Student Affairs and the Colleges. They went to mainland China, Europe, North America, South East Asia and India for several days to a few months. 五湖四海 盡是中大生 到印度協助照顧孤 兒、智障兒童、末 期病患者、赤貧及 垂死病人,讓我們 感受到行醫者的崇 高精神,他們與患 上各種頑疾的病人 同行,不離不棄。 我們也領略到,一 個笑容、一句鼓 勵,就是給予一副 衰殘身軀生命的尊嚴,這較甚麼藥物都來得更重要。這次愛心之旅, 將永烙在我們心坎中。 Tending to the needs of orphaned, mentally challenged children, adults with terminal illnesses, and the destitute and dying, we came to appreciate the role of healthcare givers in the face of incurable and often debilitating diseases. We realized that sometimes returning dignity to patients and a smile to their faces bring more life to them than any therapeutic concoctions. It was truly an amazing experience we will not soon forget. 黃承恩 Justin Wong 我們獲安排到駐多倫多經濟貿易辦事處的公關及投資 推廣部門實習,上司很友善,又樂意提點我們。在實 習期間,我們要負責的工作,也遠比預期的有意義和 富挑戰性。 We were assigned to the Public Relations and Investment Promotion Department of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Toronto. Our supervisors were very nice and were always eager to teach us and offer help. Also the tasks we were assigned were much more meaningful and challenging than we had expected. 黎嘉琪、許姸智 Lai Ka-ki Erica, Shu Yen-tsi Hely 八天的旅程中,甘肅青海的壯觀景色讓我 們開闊了眼界,但更寶貴的是與蘭州大學 及崇基同伴建立了一份真摯的友情。 During the eight-day trip, the spectacular scenery of Gansu and Qinghai Provinces opened our eyes. Above all, we treasured the close friendship built among students from Lanzhou University and Chung Chi College. 蔡紹俊 Tsai Siu-chun Chris Trot the Globe in Summer Heal the World—India ( 加爾各答 Calcutta ) 暑期日語研修課程 Summer Japanese Language Programme ( 京都 Kyoto ) 寰宇暑期實習計劃 Global Internship Programme ( 逾二十個海外及國內城市 over 20 cities overseas and on the mainland ) 暑期留學計劃 Summer Study Abroad Programme ( 加拿大、美國或英國 Canada/USA/UK ) 甘青行——中國西部文化考察 Study Trip to Gansu and Qinghai : Exploring the Cultures of Western China ( 甘肅及青海 Gansu and Qinghai ) 「語文改善計劃」外地文化及交流研習課程 Language Improvement Project – Non- Local Culture and English Language Programme ( 蘇格蘭愛丁堡 Edinburgh, Scotland ) CUHK Students
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