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‘Literary CUHK’ Essay Awards 2019-20

The ‘Literary CUHK’ Essay Awards 2019-20 have been presented online by Prof. Alan Chan, Provost, Prof. Max Tan, Dean of the Faculty of Arts, and Prof. Tang Sze-wing, Chair of the Department of Chinese Language and Literature. Over 400 entries made it to the second round this year, and 24 of them have been named winners having been reviewed by Prof. Chow Po-chung of the Department of Government and Public Administration, Prof. Fan Sin-piu from the Department of Chinese Language and Literature and Dr. Tong Yui from the Department of Humanities and Creative Writing, Hong Kong Baptist University. Covering topics from life at CUHK, family and society in different styles, these 24 works represent the deepest thoughts and feelings as well as artistic talents of 24 CUHK students and alumni.

All award-winning works are now on this website and on display at the New Asia College Ch’ien Mu Library until 9 April. Three of the winners have also shared their stories as writers in a series of interviews.

Submissions for this year’s awards are being accepted until 31 May. All CUHK students, members of staff and alumni are welcome. For more information, please follow this link.