Newsletter No. 363
No. 363, 19.9.2010 中國駐印尼大使剖析東盟關係 Ambassador of China to Indonesia on China-ASEAN Relations • 前 外交部發言人、現任中國駐印尼大使章啟月女士 應邀於9月8日蒞校主講「中國的外交政策和中國 ─東盟關係」。講座吸引近二百名中大師生、政商界、學 界、公眾人士以及多國駐港領事參加,座無虛席。 章女士指出,中國與東盟相互理解與支持,建立合作夥伴 關係,締造了互利雙贏的局面、和平穩定的發展環境。中國 ─東盟自由貿易區自今年初起正式全面啓動,成為涵蓋十 一個國家、近二十億人口的巨大經濟體,是繼北美自由貿 易區、歐盟之後的第三大自由貿易區,也是發展中國家間 最大的自貿區。 章女士外交經驗豐富,先後任職聯合國總部和駐日內瓦 辦事處秘書處及外交部國際司,亦曾出任中國常駐聯合 國代表團一等秘書和參贊、外交部發言人、新聞司副司 長、中國駐比利時大使,2008年起獲委任為中國駐印尼 大使。 M s. Zhang Qiyue, former Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson, and Ambassador of China to Indonesia, was invited to host a lecture on ‘China’s Foreign Policy and China-ASEAN Relations’ on 8 September. The lecture attracted a full house of about 200 CUHK staff and students, members of the political, business, academic and public sectors, and various foreign consuls. Ms. Zhang pointed out that China and ASEAN has formalized a collaboration partnership based on mutual understanding and support, thus yielding a win-win result and a peaceful and stable environment for development. Launched in early 2010, the China- ASEAN Free Trade Area, consisting of 11 countries and a population of two billion, is the third biggest economic area in the world other than the North American Free Trade Area and the European Free Trade Area. It is also the biggest free trade area of the developing countries. Ms. Zhang has had a wide-range of experience in international affairs and multilateral diplomacy. She worked for the United Nations, both at its headquarters in New York and in Geneva; the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs; and the Permanent Mission of China to the United Nations. While working as spokesperson of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, she served as Ambassador to Belgium. She has then been the Ambassador of China to Indonesia since 2008. 善用暑假 增廣見聞 A Summer for Learning and Enrichment • 這 個暑假崇基、新亞、聯合和逸夫 四所書院為逾五百五十名學生安 排了各式各樣的海內外暑期學習、交流和 服務活動,讓他們衝出課室,走訪各地, 體驗不同文化,服務社會,以豐富閱歷, 擴闊視野。 T his summer Chung Chi, New Asia, United and Shaw Colleges have provided various local and overseas programmes, such as study, exchange and services trips for their students. Setting off from classrooms, some 550 students visited different countries, experienced the unique culture, and served the needy for acquiring new perspectives and broadening horizons. 崇基學院與浙江大學學生互訪計劃 Chung Chi College and Zhejiang University Student Visitor Programme 是次主題為「中國與世博:華東地區社會經濟考察」。崇基與浙 大兩間院校共十九位學生於7至8月間在杭州、香港進行分組研 討,參加講座、參觀機構,並到上海參觀世博會。 The programme themed ‘China and World Expo: Study on Socio- economic Development of the East China Region’ took place in Hangzhou and Hong Kong from July to August. A total of 19 undergraduates of Chung Chi College and Zhejiang University attended lectures, workshops, theme-related visits and field trips. They also visited the Shanghai World Expo. 聯合書院澳洲悉尼大學暑期課程 United College Summer Programme at University of Sydney 二十一名學生於6月13至27日前往澳洲悉尼大學修讀有關環境保護及持續發 展課程。他們參觀藍山國家公園、悉尼野生動物園及污水處理廠,深入了解 當地的環保工作。 Twenty-one students attended a summer course on environmental protection and sustainability at the University of Sydney in Australia from 13 to 27 June. Apart from attending lectures, students visited the Blue Mountains, Featherdale Wildlife Park and Sydney Water Recycled Water Plant. 新亞書院/耶魯大學暑期社區交流計劃 New Asia-Yale Summer Community Service Exchange 三位新亞書院學生於5至7月間,與三名耶魯學生分別 在美國及香港參加愛滋病、婦女健康及精神健康社 會服務。 Three New Asia students worked with three Yale counterparts as interns in AIDS care, women’s health and mental health services from May to July in both the US and Hong Kong. 逸夫書院日本企業文化考察團 Shaw College Understanding Japanese Corporate Culture Programme 十九位學生考察團成員於6月13至19日前赴東 京,參觀日本多家國際及本地企業,親身體驗 日本文化和學習日本現代商業的實況,包括財 務、生產、市場推廣、環境保護、國際商務及社 會企業責任等。 A total of 19 students obtained first-hand experience of Japanese culture and learnt about modern business concepts, including finance, production, marketing, environmental protection, international business, and corporate social responsibility through company visits in Tokyo from 13 to 19 June.
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