Newsletter No. 363
10 No. 363, 19.9.2010 O 宣 布 事 項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 榮休講座教授 Emeritus Professor 中國語言及文學系張洪年教授獲頒榮休講座教授名銜,由2010年10月 1日起生效。 Prof. Cheung Hung-nin Samuel, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, has been awarded the title of Emeritus Professor with effect from 1 October 2010. 香港生物科技研究院委任新院長 New HKIB Director 香港生物科技研究院董事會及香港中文大學委任鄭漢其教授為香港 生物科技研究院院長暨中文大學生物科技研究所所長,任期由2011年 1月1日起生效,接替將在2010年12月31日榮休之現任院長何國強 教授。 香港生物科技研究院於1988年創立,旨在協助香港發展生物科技工業。鄭漢其教授自 2006年起已擔任該院副院長,長期參與該院有關科研應用轉化及商業開發工作。 The Board of Directors of the Hong Kong Institute of Biotechnology (HKIB) and CUHK announce the appointment of Prof. Cheng Hon-ki Christopher as managing director of the HKIB cum director of the Chinese University Institute of Biotechnology, starting 1 January 2011 upon the retirement of Prof. Ho Kwok-keung Walter on 31 December 2010. HKIB was founded in 1988 to support the formation of a biotechnology industry in Hong Kong. Professor Cheng has been the associate director of the institute since 2006 and has actively participated in its business development and translational activities in the past few years. 中大無車日暨樂步行啟動 Carfree Day cum Walking for Health 為響應「世界無車日」,大學於9月22日舉辦「中大無車日2010」及「樂步行」,鼓勵大學同 仁於校外減少使用私家車或乘坐公共交通工具,並多於校園內安步當車。 中大無車日2010旨在鼓勵全體師生和教職員身體力行,登記承諾於當日不使用私家車和 盡量減少使用校巴,減少碳排放。樂步行則已是第五度舉辦,是次步行路線由港鐵大學站 出發,途經校友徑及中草樂園,以本部富爾敦樓為終點。 活動起步禮於當日早上8時30分假港鐵大學站外空地舉行,歡迎所有學生及教職員參加, 網上報名請到: , 查詢請聯絡物業管理處李先 生(3163 4447 , 或謝小姐(3163 4444,viviantse@emo. 。 Responding to World Carfree Day, the University will launch ‘CUHK Carfree Day 2010’ and ‘Walking for Health’ on 22 September to encourage students and staff to use public transport rather than driving, and to walk instead of using campus shuttle buses. CUHK Carfree Day 2010 urges university members to commit themselves to lowering greenhouse gas emissions by reducing their use of private cars and shuttle buses. The route of Walking for Health phase V will begin at University MTR Station and end at John Fulton Centre on central campus, via Alumni Path and Herbal Garden. The opening ceremony will take place at the piazza outside University MTR Station at 8:30 am. All staff and students are welcome to join. For those who are interested, please register online at . For enquiries, please contact Mr. Simon Lee (3163 4447, ) or Ms. Vivian Tse (3163 4444, , Estates Management Office. 逸夫書院銀禧院慶網頁啟用 Launch of Shaw College Silver Jubilee Webpage 逸夫書院於2010至11年踏入廿五周年。為 誌銀禧之喜,書院特別製作網頁,發放相 關資訊,請登入 /shaw 瀏覽最新消息。 Shaw College will celebrate its 25th anniversary in 2010–11 and the College has launched a special webpage to disseminate the latest news about the Silver Jubilee ( ) . 國際詩人在香港 International Poets in Hong Kong 本校東亞研究中心主辦的「國際詩人在香港」將於2010年9月22日至10月2日舉行,首位應 邀訪港的是日本當代著名詩人谷川俊太郎。谷川俊太郎自十七歲開始發表詩作,此後相繼 出版了七十餘部詩集。他亦擅於撰寫歌詞,近年最廣為人熟悉的作品之一是宮崎駿卡通 電影《哈爾移動城堡》的主題歌《世界的約定》。谷川俊太郎在戰後崛起的日本當代詩人 中獨樹一幟,被譽為日本現代詩歌旗手。谷川俊太郎訪校活動詳情如下: Organized by the CUHK Centre for East Asian Studies, ‘International Poets in Hong Kong’ will be held from 22 September to 2 October 2010. The first visiting poet is Japan’s most distinguished contemporary poet Tanikawa Shuntaro. He began writing poems at 17. He has published over 70 collections of poetry. Tanikawa is also a talented lyricist. His most notable composition to date is The Promise of the World, the theme song for Miyazaki Hayao’s popular animated film Howl’s Moving Castle . Tanikawa is one of the most widely read and highly regarded living Japanese poets. Details of his visit are as follows: 詩與樂—中秋賞月 Poetry and Music – Night of the Moon Festival 日期 Date 22/9/2010(星期三 Wed) 時間 Time 9:00-10:30 pm 地點 Venue 中國文化研究所 Institute of Chinese Studies 詩朗誦 Poetry Recital 谷川俊太郎 Tanikawa Shuntaro 田原 Tian Yuan 也斯 Leung Ping-kwan 北島 Bei Dao 廖偉棠 Liu Wai-tong • • • • • 古琴獨奏 Guqin Performance 姚公白 Yao Gongbai 演唱 Vocal Solo 張為群 Cheung Wai-kwan 開幕式 Opening Ceremony 日期 Date 24/9/2010(星期五 Fri) 時間 Time 3:30-5:00 pm 地點 Venue 崇基學院利黃瑤璧樓一號演講廳 Lecture Theatre 1, Esther Lee Building, Chung Chi College 詩朗誦 Poetry Recital 谷川俊太郎 Tanikawa Shuntaro 古琴獨奏 Guqin Performance 姚公白 Yao Gongbai 琵琶獨奏 Pipa Performance 雷梓欣 Lui Tsz-yan 與讀者見面 Meeting the Readers 日期 Date 25/9/2010(星期六 Sat) 時間 Time 3:00-5:00 pm 地點 Venue 商務印書館尖沙咀圖書中心 九龍尖沙咀彌敦道132號美麗華商場 B1地庫B1007-1010號舖 Tsimshatsui Book Centre - The Commercial Press, Shops B1007-1010, B1/F, Miramar Shopping Centre, 132 Nathan Road, Tsimshatsui 內容 Activities 詩朗誦、問答及售書簽名 Symposium, sharing & autograph session 閉幕式 Closing Ceremony 日期 Date 2/10/2010(星期六 Sat) 時間 Time 7:00-8:30 pm 地點 Venue 香港城市大學康樂樓六樓惠卿劇院 Wei Hing Theatre, 6/F Academic Building, City University of Hong Kong 詩朗誦 Poetry Recital 谷川俊太郎 Tanikawa Shuntaro 古琴獨奏 Guqin Performance 姚公白 Yao Gongbai 琵琶獨奏 Pipa Performance 雷梓欣 Lui Tsz-yan 查詢詳情請聯絡東亞研究中心何小姐(2696 1070 , 或張小姐 (2696 1000 , ),或瀏覽中心網頁 。 For enquires, please contact Miss Amy Ho (2696 1070, ) or Miss Melanie Cheung (2696 1000, or visit the centre’s website: .
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