Newsletter No. 336
No. 336, 19.4.2009 第三三六期 二零零九年四月十九日 No. 336 19 April 2009 解讀十七層大千世界 ─ 重慶大廈 Reading Chungking Mansions —the World in 17 Storeys ( To be continued ) H ong Kong likes to tout itself as a cosmopolitan city. But perhaps the only place here where you can see a real cultural and ethnic mix is Tsim Sha Tsui. And nowhere is this as clear as in Chungking Mansions (CKM). Located a pillow’s throw from the Peninsula, that epitome of old world elegance, CKM, built in 1961, has everything the Peninsula has—shops, beds, food, service, and is everything it is not. Over 120 different nationalities pass through the doors of CKM in a single year. Its five 17-storey blocks are home to a resident cosmopolitan population of about 4,000, plus an estimated 10,000 daily visitors who trade in everything from second-hand mobile phones to textiles to precious stones. The Global Building The complex and eclectic charm of CKM is what in 2006 prompted Prof. Gordon Mathews of the Anthropology Department to study the building, which he calls ‘a world centre of low-end globalization’. ‘There are no other buildings like this in the world. There are neighbourhoods like this, but not a single, concentrated place. Chungking Mansions is unique.’ To study CKM, he takes part in and observes the goings-on inside it. He spends one or two nights a week at guesthouses there, and has stayed in all of the hundred or so guesthouses in the building. He talks to different people, interviews some of them, even visits them in their hometowns across the world. The People According to Prof. Mathews, on any given night, about half of the beds at CKM are occupied by traders dealing in mobile phones, watches, clothing, and all sort of goods, from used car parts to knockoff Jacuzzi baths. He has calculated that some 20% of the mobile phones now in use in Sub-Saharan Africa have passed through CKM. There are also temporary workers who come to Hong Kong on tourist visas and work. Two years ago, 香 港號稱國際都會,不過,也許只有在尖沙咀才能 找到真正融合文化和種族的地方。重慶大廈建於 1961年,跟經典優雅的半島酒店只有一街之隔,半島有的 商店、床鋪、食物、服務,它莫不俱備,只不過換個樣兒。每 年在這兒進出的人士,國籍超過一百二十種。五座各十七 層的大廈裏,住了約四千名國際住客,另估計每日約近萬 名訪客到此進行貿易,貨品由二手手機、紡織品以至寶石, 不一而足。 大千世界 重慶大廈複雜迷離、異彩迸發的魅力,吸引了人類學系 的 Prof. Gordon Mathews 在 2006 年對之開展研究。 Prof. Mathews 形容重慶大廈是「低檔次全球化的世界 中心」,「放眼天下,你可以找到類似的社區,卻找不到 這樣單獨存在而又集大成的樓宇,它是獨一無二的。」為 了深入研究,Prof. Mathews 不單置身其中,觀察在大廈 發生的人和事,更每周進駐一至兩晚,幾乎住遍這大廈 內全數約百所賓館。他與各色人等交談,訪問他們,甚至 遠赴他們的家鄉追訪。 過客百態 這位中大教授的調查顯示,每晚在重慶大廈度宿的,近半 是販賣商,交易的貨品林林總總,包括手機、手錶、衣物, 以至舊汽車零件及山寨貨按摩浴缸等。據他推算,非洲撒 哈拉沙漠以南地區使用的手機,約有兩成經由重慶大廈轉 銷至當地。 大廈也有不少持旅遊簽證來港做臨時工的人,他們大部分 來自印度加爾各答的一個社區。Prof. Mathews 認識了 其中一人,成為朋友,兩年前隨他到當地看看。他說:「這 些人在港每天洗碗十八小時,月薪約三千,被剝削殆盡。 (續下頁) 可是,衣錦還鄉,他們就是明星。這傢 伙在加爾各答買了一部閃閃發亮的電單 車,又把兩位妹妹嫁出了,每個婚禮都有二 千位嘉賓。他正重建祖屋,左鄰右里的男孩子跟隨左右, 羨慕得兩眼發亮呢。」 Prof. Mathews在大廈裏的志願組織基督教勵行會服務 中心為尋求庇護的人士授課,每周一次,教授時事議題。 他們大部分是非洲人,因為逃避家鄉的政治逼害而來港。 Prof. Mathews上課時會分派《國際先驅論壇報》,學生 隨即雄辯滔滔,針鋒相對,他們會說:「朋友,你的論據有 五處謬誤。」「這些人的識見令人驚訝,然而因為不能在 港工作,生活往往頗為困頓。香港政府每月給他們不足二 千元作租金和日用補貼。他們在這兒的聲譽也不好,因為 有些人認為他們是來工作的。沒錯,有些的確是;可是,大 部分都不是。」Prof. Mathews這樣形容他的學生。 相識相知 雖說是做研究,Prof. Mathews並非麻木地搜集資料和分 析。他和不少人交了朋友,並獲得他們的信任。舉例說, 他與一位新聞界朋友在大廈裏邊吃羊肉黃薑飯邊聊天的 時候,便見巴基斯坦籍的老店主趨前示意,請他幫忙刺手 指;原來店主知道教授是糖尿病人,隨身帶備測試血糖的 工具。
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