Newsletter No. 332
No. 332, 19.2.2009 兩傑出學者再度獲頒國家自然科學獎 Two Scholars Twice Conferred State Natural Science Award 化 學 講 座 教 授 謝 作 偉 教 授 ( 上圖 )和李嘉誠生理學講座 教授兼上皮細胞生物學研究中心主 任陳小章教授( 下圖 )榮獲2008年度 國家自然科學獎二等獎,頒獎典禮於 2009年1月9日在北京舉行。兩位教授 均曾於1997年獲頒國家自然科學獎。 謝作偉教授以獨自研究的「碳硼烷及 其金屬碳硼烷的合成、結構和反應」 獲獎。這項無機化學和有機化學的跨 學科研究,對催化和材料科學的進展 有重要影響,更被總結成九十篇科學 論文,發表在國際著名的化學雜誌上, 美國化學學會周刊 C&E News 亦予介 紹。 謝教授的研究應用潛質豐厚。他開發 的新穎烯烴聚合催化劑既能節省製造 塑膠的成本,亦可降低材料中的金屬雜質含量,大大提高 產品的純度,目前已獲相關的美國專利權。此外,他合成 的超級碳硼烷有望應用於硼中子俘獲癌症治療法上,即 一種集中消滅癌細胞的放射標靶治療。 陳小章教授的獲獎研究為「精子在附睾中成熟的分子基礎 研究」,是與中國科學院上海生化及細胞研究所張永蓮教 授的研究團隊的合作項目。他們應用附睾上皮細胞分離和 原代培養技術,建立與細菌共培養系統,結果在男性生殖 道中發現一個證實具有抗菌功能的新防禦素,揭示了男性 生殖道的一個自身防禦機制。論文由國際權威的學術期刊 Science 發表及推介。陳教授的研究團隊不僅首次闡述了 精子在附睾中獲得運動能力的分子機制,同時亦第一次揭 示防禦素在男性生殖道中的雙重作用。 陳教授與張教授的開創性研究,為男性生殖調控理論的發 展和突破作出貢獻,並為診治男性不育症、防治性疾病的 傳播,以及男性避孕藥的研製等各 方面提供理論指導。目前已有兩個相 關專利獲得中國和美國授權,為男性 生殖道防禦素的進一步開發和應用 奠定了基礎。 國家自然科學獎由國務院頒授,是中 國在自然科學領域設立的最高榮譽, 以表揚科學家對基礎科學研究的卓 越成就。2008年度共有一百六十多 個研究項目參選,三十四項研究獲頒 二等獎,一等獎從缺。 P rof. Xie Zuowei (top), Professor of Chemistry, and Prof. Chan Hsiao-chang (above), Li Ka Shing Professor of Physiology and director of the Epithelial Cell Biology Research Centre, were each conferred a second-class award of the 2008 State Natural Science Award (SNSA) in recognition of their achievements. The award presentation ceremony was held on 9 January 2009 in Beijing. Previously, in 1997, Prof. Xie and Prof. Chan were also conferred awards by the SNSA. Prof. Xie Zuowei was honoured for the project ‘Carboranes and Metallacarboranes: Synthesis, Structure and Reactivity’ which he solely conducted. It focuses on the research at the interface of organic and inorganic chemistry, which will have a high impact on catalysis and materials science. The project has led to a total of 90 scientific papers being published in the most prestigious international chemistry journals. Part of the work has also been highlighted in C&E News . Prof. Xie’s research has a number of potential applications. The novel class of catalysts for olefin polymerizations he developed may lower the production cost of plastic materials, and dramatically reduce the metal impurities of these materials, thereby improving the purity of the products. A US patent has already been granted to his invention. The supercarboranes prepared by Prof. Xie may be a new class of reagents for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy, which can selectively destroy cancer cells upon radiation. Prof. Chan Hsiao-chang was honoured for her collaboration with Prof. Zhang Yonglian of the Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) in ’Molecular Mechanism Underlying Sperm Maturation in the Epididymis’. In studying the functional role of a novel gene in the epididymis, the researchers used an epididymal epithelial cell and bacterial co-culture system to demonstrate the antimicrobial action of the newly found peptide, elucidating a novel host defence mechanism in the male reproductive tract. The findings were published in the international journal Science . Prof Chan’s team also discovered that the same antimicrobial peptide could promote calcium entry into sperm thereby initiating sperm motility. The discovery not only explains the molecular mechanism involved in the initiation of sperm maturation in the epididymis, it also reveals the dual role of defensin in the male genital system. Prof. Chan and Prof. Zhang’s pioneering discoveries contribute significantly to the understanding of molecular mechanisms regulating male fertility. They also provide new ground for the development of diagnosis and treatment methods for male infertility or contraception. Two related patent applications have been granted by China and USA, which lay the foundation for further applications of the male reproductive tract defensins in diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases and male infertility. Organized by the State Council, the award is the highest honour given by the central government in recognition of advancement in basic scientific research. In 2008, over 160 research projects were short-listed for the award. After a stringent selection process, a total of 34 research projects were presented the second-class prize. No first- class prize was awarded. 陳教授表示:「這項研究為中大與中科院合作的成果,對 於獲獎感到十分高興,希望這項獎譽有助推動日後中大與 其他機構的合作。」 Prof. Chan: ’I am glad to receive the award since this is the result of a collaboration between CUHK and CAS. I hope this award will promote further collaboration between CUHK and other institutions.’ 謝教授說:「我的研究再獲國家肯定,感到十分榮幸。基礎 科學研究十分重要,是推動社會科技發展的原動力,故希 望政府能對此投放更多資源。」 Prof. Xie: ‘I am honoured to receive state recognition for my chemical research again. Given that basic scientific research is a driving force for science and technological development in society, I hope the government will inject more resources to enhance the development of basic scientific research.’
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