Newsletter No. 332
11 No. 332, 19.2.2009 中大教師協會新一屆代表及執委名單 CUTA Council and Exco Membership 2008 – 09年度香港中文大學教師協會的代表會選舉及執委會成員互選結果如下: 會長: 黃創儉(理) 委會主席: 伍鳳儀(商) 秘書: 張雙慶(文) 司庫: 黃熾森(商) 教協通訊編輯:余濟美(理) 執委: 陳德有(教)、林建平(教)、譚永華(商)、左中(醫) 2007 – 09年度代表 張雙慶(文)、蘇麗文(商)、關海山(理)、倪錫欽(社)、鄺覺仕(商)、梁禮國(理)、 葉雲艷(醫)、劉行榕(醫)、黃創儉(理)、魏雁濱(社)、王香生(教)、黃熾森(商)。 2008 – 10年度代表 伍鳳儀(商)、余濟美(理)、李活雄(文)、周建渝(文)、張明遠(工)、陳振宇(理)、 陳健民(社)、湛偉權(工)、萬波(文)、葉漢明(文)、葛偉(理)、蔡寶琼(教) Members of the Council and the Executive Committee of The Teachers’ Association of the Chinese University (CUTA) 2008–09 have been elected as follow: President: Wong Chong-kim (Science) Chairman: Ng Fung-yee Linda (BA) Secretary: Chang Song-hing (Arts) Treasurer: Wong Chi-sum (BA) Editor: Yu Chai-mei (Science) Executive Members: Chan Tak-yau (Education), Lam Kin-ping (Education), Tam Wing-wah (BA), Zuo Zhong (Medicine) 2007–09 representatives Chang Song-hing (Arts), So Lai-man Stella (BA), Kwan Hoi-shan (Science), Ngai Sek-yum (Social Science), Kwong Kok-shi (BA), Leung Lai-kwok (Science), Ip Wan-yim (Medicine), Lau Hang-yung (Medicine), Wong Chong-kim (Science), Ngai Ngan-pun (Social Science), Wong Heung-sang Stephen (Education), Wong Chi-sum (BA). 2008–10 representatives Ng Fung-yee (BA), Yu Chai-mei (Science), Lee Wood-hung (Arts), Zhou Jianyu (Arts), Chang Ming-yuen Michael (Engineering), Chen Zhenyu (Science), Chan Kin-man (Social Science), Cham Wai-kuen (Engineering), Wan Bo (Arts), Yip Hon-ming (Arts), Ge Wei (Science), Choi Po-king (Education) 疫苗注射運動 Vaccination Campaign 保健處將於2009年3月2至20日舉行疫苗注射運動,為教職員及其家屬和學生注射成 人適用的預防疫苗,包括甲型、乙型和甲乙型混合肝炎疫苗,以及流感疫苗,同期舉行 肝炎資料展覽,並提供驗血服務,詳情如下,查詢請致電許小姐(2609 6428)。 The Vaccination Campaign will be held from 2 to 20 March 2009 at the University Health Centre. Common vaccinations for adults will be provided to students, staff and dependants, including Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B, and influenza vaccines. There will also be exhibitions and blood tests. For details, please contact Miss Hui at 2609 6428. 展覽 Exhibition 日期 Date: 2-6/3/2009 地點 Venue: 大學保健處一樓 1/F, University Health Centre 健康講座: 肝炎新知 Health Talk: Hepatitis Updates 日期 Date: 2/3/2009 時間 Time: 1:00 – 2:00 pm 講者 Speaker: 梁慧儀醫生 Dr. Nancy Leung 地點 Venue: 大學保健處一樓 1/F, University Health Centre 抽血檢驗 Blood Test 甲型肝炎抗體( 可選擇直接注射 ) Hepatitis A virus antibody ( blood test optional ) 乙型肝炎抗體及抗原( 必須驗血 ) Hepatitis B virus antibody and antigen ( blood test required ) 日期 Date: 5-6/3/2009 時間 Time: 9:00 am – 5:30 pm 費用 Charges: $70 $90 疫苗注射 Vaccination 時間 Time: 9:00 am – 5:30 pm 日期 Date: 19 – 20/3/2009 15 – 17/4/2009 17 – 8/9/2009 每針費用 Fee/dose 甲型肝炎 Hepatitis A 第一針 1st dose — 第二針 2nd dose $230 乙型肝炎 Hepatitis B 第一針 1st dose 第二針 2nd dose 第三針 3rd dose $70 混合甲乙型肝炎 Combined Hepatitis A&B 第一針 1st dose 第二針 2nd dose 第三針 3rd dose $220 流行性感冒 Influenza* 只需注射一針 One dose only — — $75 * 2008年10月後曾注射流感疫苗者無須再注射 * Vaccination not required for those who received it on or after Octoer 2008 中大通卡升級計劃 CU Link Card Upgrading Exercise 中大通卡升級計劃已經展開。中大通的智能卡升級版兼具插卡式及拍卡式功能,更方便 省時。 升級計劃將分期進行,大學成員請於下列指定時間領取升級版中大通卡,同時交回舊卡。 中大成員 派發時段 本科生 學生證號碼字頭為‘08’ 學生證號碼字頭為‘07’ 2月16日 – 3月20日 3月16日 – 4月17日 教職員 4月20日 – 7月31日 研究生及其他中大成員 8月3日 – 12月11日 領取升級版中大通卡方法如下: 網上預約 —2月9日開始接受網上預約。 即時登記 —親臨發證中心輪候,惟名額有限,為免費時,請善用網上預約服務。 授權代辦 —未能親自領卡者,可填寫授權書,委託他人代辦。 批次申請 —如有需要,各部門可與中大通發證中心聯絡,安排批次中大通升級事宜。 網上預約、下載授權書、批次申請及查詢詳情請瀏覽 www.cuhk /culink / upgrade/ ,或致電中大通發證中心(2609 8507)。 為貫徹環保原則,所持舊卡使用期限較短者,將獲貼上內藏晶片的拍卡功能標貼,以減少 棄置。 An upgraded version of the CU Link Card is being issued. In contrast to the existing contact-based CU Link card where users need to insert the card into a card reader to perform a transaction, the upgraded version incorporates both contact and contactless capabilities in one card, giving University members the added convenience of tap-to- pass-through in certain campus facilities. The upgrading exercise will be carried out in phases. University members are invited to upgrade their CU Link cards during the following periods: University members Period of Card Upgrade Undergraduate students Student ID starting with ‘08’ Student ID starting with ‘07’ 16 February – 20 March 16 March – 17 April Staff 20 April – 31 July Postgraduate students and all other University members 3 August – 11 December University members must bring their old CU Link Card to get an upgrade through: Online booking —Bookings accepted from 9 February. Walk-in —You can upgrade your card on a walk-in basis, subject to quota availability. Online booking is encouraged. Authorize a representative —You may authorize someone to act on your behalf by signing an authorization form. Batch card upgrade —Upon request, special arrangements can be made for staff. For online booking, downloading the authorization form, batch card upgrade, and details, please visit or contact CU Link Card Centre at 2609 8507. To be environmentally responsible, a tamper-proof chip sticker embeddedwith contactless chip will be affixed on old cards of a shorter expected term of use. Existing cards in good condition will not be disposed of. 香港高爾夫球會會籍 Hong Kong Golf Club Membership 中大持有粉嶺香港高爾夫球會債權證,可提名甲類服務條款聘用或同等級別的教職員入 會。有興趣者可以競投方式成為該會大學提名會員,會籍由2009年6月1日起生效。最低標 價一萬元(此為月費,每月向大學繳付),新會員須向球會繳付一萬元提名入會費,此筆費 用不會退還,但可透過從薪金中分期一年扣除。有意競投的教職員,請於 hk/bus/golfbidding.pdf 下載投標表格,填妥後在3月10日下午2時30分前交回富爾敦樓地 下商務組,轉交大學投標管理委員會。信封面註明「申請高爾夫球會會籍」。詳情致電曹 小姐(2609 7887)。 The University holds a debenture of the Hong Kong Golf Club (HKGC) in Fanling. Staff of the University may be nominated as a member of the HKGC. Terms (A) and equivalent staff are invited to bid for the privilege of being the University nominated member with effective from 1 June 2009. The minimum bid (payable to the University in twelve monthly charges) is HK$10,000. The new member pays the non-refundable nomination transfer fee of HK$10,000 charged by the HKGC. The fee can be paid via payroll deductions over a period of one year. Eligible staff members who are interested could download the bidding form from the Business Office’s website at pdf , and submit their bids in envelopes marked ‘Application for Golf Club Membership’ to the Tender Board, c/o Business Office, G/F, John Fulton Centre before 2:30 pm, 10 March 2009. Please contact Ms. Jacqueling Cho at 2609 7887 for details. • • • • • • • •
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