Newsletter No. 354
No. 354, 19.3.2010 NEWS & EVENTS 偉倫訪問教授論中國的不平等 Wei Lun Visiting Professor on Inequality in China • 美 國密歇根大學Otis Dudley Duncan社會及統計學 傑出教授謝宇教授應邀出任偉倫訪問教授,並於 3月3日主講「認識中國的不平等」。 謝宇教授就中國不平等的狀況設立了三個研究假設: 一、中國的集體組織,如地方政府或工作單位,調解了絕 大部分不平等的情況;二、傳統中國官場鼓吹以功績定晉 升,官員的功績從其造福人民的施政獲得,故人民普遍 接受以功績論晉升所造成的不平等;三、很多中國人認 為,目前不平等的狀況乃經濟發展的必然結果。由此推 論,即使現今中國存在着社會不平等狀況,仍不足導致政 治和社會不穩。 謝教授兼任密歇根大學社會研究所調查研究中心和人口 研究中心高級研究員,以及中國研究中心副研究員。他的 主要研究興趣為社會分層、研究方法與統計、人口學、科 學社會學,以及中國研究,其研究和著述為社會科學不同 研究範疇帶來重要影響。 社會科學院表揚優異師生 Social Science Faculty Honours Outstanding Teachers and Students • 社 會 科 學 院 於 2 月 27日舉行2009年 模範教學獎暨院長榮譽 錄頒獎典禮,獲得模範教 學獎的是政治與行政學系 馬嶽教授( 前排右三 )、新聞 與傳播學院馮應謙教授( 前 排左二 )及社會工作學系 馬麗莊教授( 前排右二 )。 典禮在西部教學大樓舉 行,由財經事務及庫務局 副局長梁鳳儀女士( 前排右 四 )主禮,同場並頒發院長 榮譽錄證書予學業成績優 異的學生。 T he University presented the Wei Lun Public Lecture on ‘Understanding Inequality in China’ by Prof. Xie Yu, Otis Dudley Duncan Distinguished University Professor of Sociology and Statistics at the University of Michigan on 3 March. Professor Xie drew on recent research to advance the following propositions: (1) inequality in China has been largely mediated by collective agencies, such as locales and work units; (2) traditional Chinese political discourse promoted merit- based inequality, with merit being defined as improving the collective welfare for the masses; and (3) many Chinese people today regard inequality as an inevitable consequence of economic development. Thus, it seems unlikely that social inequality alone would lead to political and social unrest in contemporary China. Professor Xie is also a research professor at the Population Studies Center and the Survey Research Center of the Institute for Social Research, and a faculty associate at the Center for Chinese Studies, University of Michigan. His principal research interests are concerned with social stratification, methods and statistics, demography, sociology of science, and Chinese studies. Professor Xie’s books and research articles are influential in many subfields in the social sciences. T hree teachers in the Faculty of Social Science were honoured with the Faculty’s Exemplary Teaching Award on 27 February. They were Prof. Ma Ngok (3rd right, front row) of the Department of Government and Public Administration, Prof. Anthony Fung (2nd left, front row) of the School of Journalism and Communication, and Prof. Joyce Ma (2nd right, front row) of the Department of Social Work. The award presentation ceremony took place at the Teaching Complex at Western Campus, with Ms. Julia Leung (4th right, front row), Under Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, as the guest of honour. On the same occasion, certificates were presented to students who made it to the Dean’s List with their outstanding academic achievements. 學生能力國際評估籌備會議 Meeting to Improve Student Assessments • 由 中大香港教育研究所學生能力國際評估 計劃—香港中心負責統籌的2012年「學生 能力國際評估計劃」(PISA)首次籌備會議,於三 月一至五日在沙田凱悅酒店舉行,逾百位來 自七十個國家/地區的代表出席,討論 如何配合創新科技和社會發展,改進 PISA 評估的範疇和架構。 中大候任校長沈祖堯教授於籌備會 議開幕辭指出,確立質素與均等並 重為衡量教育成效的國際標準,是 PISA一項重要成就。 PISA由經濟合作與發展組織策劃,共有 七十多個國家參與。評估內容包括閱讀、 數學、科學及解難能力;由各參與國家/地區的學者共同協 作制訂,再經國際學科專家審議,以及各國的專家委員會 批核。自2000年起至今,中大已在香港統籌了四屆PISA。 H osted by the Hong Kong Centre for International Student Assessment, Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research, CUHK, the First National Project Managers Meeting of the Programme for International Student Assessment 2012 (PISA 2012) was held at the Hyatt Regency Hong Kong Hotel, Sha Tin, from 1 to 5 March. Over a hundred representatives from more than 70 countries/regions attended the meeting to discuss how to improve the PISA assessment domains and framework based on technological innovations and advancement of society. Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor Designate of CUHK, addressed the audience at the opening ceremony. He pointed out a major accomplishment of PISA is establishing the importance of quality and equality in assessing education effectiveness from an international perspective. Over 70 countries/regions around the world participate in PISA which was initiated and coordinated by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. The assessment involves literacy in reading, mathematics, science, and problem solving. The content of the assessment is developed by scholars of participating countries/regions, reviewed by international subject expert groups, and approved by expert committee of different countries. Since 2000, the Hong Kong Centre for International Student Assessment has coordinated four cycles of PISA in Hong Kong.
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