Newsletter No. 352
No. 352, 4.2.2010 NEWS & EVENTS 生物醫學學院成立典禮 Inauguration of School of Biomedical Sciences • 醫 學院生物醫學學院在1月8日舉行成立典禮,並舉 辦學術研討會。主禮嘉賓包括:署理校長華雲生 教授( 左六 );醫學院院長霍泰輝教授( 左三 );生物醫學 學院科學督導委員會主席Dr. Owen M. Rennert( 右六 ); 醫學院生物醫學學院科學督導委員會四位成員─羅秉 義博士( 左五 )、Dr. Vassilios Papadopoulos( 右五 )、 Dr. James Lupski( 左四 )、段崇智博士( 右四 );以及生 物醫學學院院長陳偉儀教授( 右三 )。 生物醫學學院以「主題研究」為基礎,建立了五個「主題研 究組」:癌症與炎症;神經退化、發育及修復學;生殖、發 育及內分泌;幹細胞與再生;血管及代謝生物學。除講求 卓越研究外,學院亦致力優質教學,栽培優秀的研究生及 本科生。 陳偉儀院長說:「配合新科研及發展計劃,生物醫學學院 將於2012年中旬遷至北部校園研究樞紐第三十九區地段, 以應付日益繁重的研究工作。遷入新的研究大樓後,我們 希望透過那裏的全新設施及統一的研究環境,讓研究人員 發揮所長,俾在各自的專業研究領域執牛耳,領先群倫。」 T he inauguration ceremony and symposium of the School of Biomedical Sciences (SBS), Faculty of Medicine were held on 8 January. Officiating at the event were Prof. Benjamin W. Wah (6th left), Acting Vice- Chancellor; Prof. Fok Tai-fai (3rd left), Dean of Medicine; Dr. Owen M. Rennert (6th right), chairperson of the Scientific Advisory Committee, SBS; four members of the Scientific Advisory Committee, SBS—Dr. Law Ping- yee (5th left), Dr. Vassilios Papadopoulos (5th right), Dr. James Lupski (4th left), Dr. Rocky Tuan (4th right); and Prof. Chan Wai-yee (3rd right), director, SBS. The school adopts a theme-based research approach as its new operational model. Specifically, the following five thematic research programmes have been established: cancer and inflammation; neuro-degeneration, neuro- development and repair; reproduction, development and endocrinology; stem cell and regeneration; vascular and metabolic biology. While striving for research excellence, the school also recognizes the value of training high- calibre research postgraduate and undergraduate students and is committed to quality teaching and learning. Prof. Chan Wai-yee, director of the school, said, ‘To cope with the anticipated expansion in research activities and provide support for the new scientific and developmental initiatives, the school will be relocated to Area 39, Northside Research Campus around mid 2012. It is hoped that the new infrastructure and the cohesive physical environment in the new building will help nurture a prolific team of dedicated researchers who would become well recognized global leaders in their specialized areas of expertise.’ 「2 008至09年度員工優異服務獎」頒獎典禮於1月15日在校 園西部綜合教學大樓舉行,由劉遵義校長頒獎。八位得獎 人是利群計算及界面科技教育部微軟重點實驗室馬丹璇女士、研究 院陳凱兒女士、資訊科技服務處楊婉彬女士、矯形外科及創傷學系曾 栢良先生( 左四至左七 )、聯合書院陳震夏宿舍韓開麗女士、管理學系 鄧袁慧文女士、體育部譚惠兒女士及生物化學系潘麗娥女士( 右四至 右七 )。當日與會者包括多位大學主管人員、得獎者親友及同事約 一百六十人。有關頒獎典禮詳情和得獎人的服務心得錄像,可於網上 ( ) 瀏覽。 E ight members of the University were presented the Exemplary Service Award 2008–09 by Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, Vice-Chancellor, on 15 January at a presentation ceremony held in the Teaching Complex at Western Campus. The recipients were Miss Ma Tan-shuen (CUHK MoE-Microsoft Key Laboratory of Human- Centric Computing and Interface Technologies), Miss Chan Hoi-yee (Graduate School Office), Ms. Yeung Yuen-bun (Information Technology Services Centre), Mr. Tsang Pak-leung (Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology) (from 4th left to 7th left), Ms. Hon Hoi-lai (Chan Chun Ha Hostel, United College), Mrs. Tang Yuen Wai-man (Department of Management), Ms. Tam Wai-yee (Physical Education Unit) and Ms. Poon Lai-ngo Celia (Department of Biochemistry) (from 4th right to 7th right). About 160 guests including senior management, staff, students, and family members of the recipients attended the ceremony. To see the video on the ceremony and sharing by the awardees, please visit . 八同仁獲優異服務獎 Eight Staff Honoured for Exemplary Service •
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