Newsletter No. 365
No. 365, 19.10.2010 5 CAMPUS NEWS 校 園 消 息 樹木之美 • The Beauty of Trees 服 務 社 群 SERVICES • Prof. Chan Ka-leung, Professor of Medicine and Therapeutics, has been appointed by the Chief Executive of the HKSAR to be Justice of the Peace with effect from 1 July 2010. • Prof. Chau Kwai-cheong, adjunct professor in the Department of Geography and Resource Management, has been appointed by the Chief Executive of the HKSAR to be Justice of the Peace with effect from 1 July 2010. • Prof. Cheung Mui-ching Fanny, Professor of Psychology, has been appointed by the Chief Executive of the HKSAR as a member of the Appeal Board Panel under the Urban Renewal Authority Ordinance for three years from 1 July 2010. She has also been re-appointed by the Chief Justice as a member of the Barristers Disciplinary Tribunal Panel for five years from 1 September 2010. • Prof. Sian Griffiths, Professor of Public Health, has been appointed by the Chief Executive of the HKSAR to be Justice of the Peace with effect from 1 July 2010. • Prof. Yam Chi-kwong Joseph, distinguished research fellow of the Institute of Global Economics and Finance, has been appointed by the Chief Executive of the HKSAR to be Justice of the Peace with effect from 1 July 2010. • Prof. Lam Ching-man, associate professor in the Department of Social Work, has been appointed by the Secretary for Labour and Welfare as a member of the Criminal and Law Enforcement Injuries Compensation Boards for two years from 19 June 2010. • Prof. Albert Lee, director of the Centre for Health Education and Health Promotion, has been appointed by the Permanent Secretary for Security as a member of the Beat Drugs Fund Association for two years from 1 July 2010 and also as a member for the Government Committee. • Prof. Low Chee-keong, associate professor in the School of Accountancy, has been appointed by the Financial Secretary as a member of the Financial Reporting Review Panel for three years from 16 July 2010. • Prof. Helen Wise, professor in the School of Biomedical Sciences, has been appointed by the Secretary for Food and Health as a member of the Pharmacy and Poisons Appeal Tribunal for two years from 14 August 2010. • Prof. Chu Lee-man, associate professor in the School of Life Sciences, has been appointed by the Secretary for the Environment as a member of the Endangered Species Advisory Committee for two years from 1 October 2010. • Prof. Leung Wing-nang Albert, associate director of the School of Chinese Medicine, has been appointed by the Secretary for the Environment as a member of the Endangered Species Advisory Committee for two years from 1 October 2010. • Prof. Wong Tak-jun, Dean of Business Administration, has been appointed by the Financial Secretary as a member of the Insurance Advisory Committee for two years from 1 October 2010. • Prof. Ching Pak-chung, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, has been re-appointed as a member of the Council of the Open University of Hong Kong for two years from 20 June 2010. • Prof. Chan Kay-sheung Paul, professor in the Department of Microbiology, has been appointed as a member of the Scientific Committee on Emerging and Zoonotic Diseases of the Centre for Health Protection of the Department of Health for three years from July 2010. • Prof. Hui Shu-cheong David, professor in the Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, has been appointed as a member of the Scientific Committee on Emerging and Zoonotic Diseases of the Centre for Health Protection of the Department of Health for three years from July 2010. He has also been appointed as a deputy co-chair of the Grant Review Board of the Food and Health Bureau from 1 February 2010 to 30 September 2011. • Mr. Lam Shi-kai, director of the University Safety and Environment Office, has been invited to serve as an honorary professional adviser of the Hong Kong Worker's Health Centre for 2010–11. He has also been invited to serve as a member of Accreditation Board Working Party on Environmental Testing of the Hong Kong Accreditation Service for three years from July 2010. And he has been re-appointed as a member of the Occupational Safety and Health Council for two years from 22 August 2010. • Prof. Lee Shui-shan, Professor of Infectious Diseases, has been re-appointed as a member of the Scientific Committee on AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections of the Centre for Health Protection of the Department of Health for three years from July 2010. • Prof. Leung Ho-fung, professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, has been appointed by the Scout Association of Hong Kong to serve as the president of the Tseung Kwan O District for one year from 1 July 2010. • Prof. Meng Mei-ling Helen, professor in the Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, has been appointed as a member of the Research Grants Council from 1 August 2010 to 30 June 2012. • Prof. Che Chun-tao, director of the School of Chinese Medicine, has been appointed as a member of the Panel on Promoting Testing and Certification Services in Chinese Medicine Trade established under Hong Kong Council for Testing and Certification from 30 August 2010 to 16 September 2011. • Prof. Meng Mei-ling Helen, professor in the Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, has been appointed by the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers as an appointed member of the Accreditation Committee for Computer Science Programmes for Session 2010–11. 樹 木之科學與藝術展及綠色活動雙周於10月5至 15日假邵逸夫堂留足展覽廳舉行,環境局局長 邱騰華先生( 左四 )、恒生銀行高級企業責任經理何卓惠 女士( 左三 )、沈祖堯校長( 右四 )、協理副校長馮通教 授( 左二 )、中醫學榮譽講座教授胡秀英博士( 前排 )、 生命科學學院署理院長朱嘉濠教授( 左一 )、校園環境委員 會主席朱利民教授( 右二 )、物業管理處處長譚必成先生 ( 右三 ),以及中大樹木計劃發起人左治強先生( 右一 )於 10月5日為展覽主持揭幕典禮。 樹木之科學與藝術展的內容包括校園植物的圖片、全港首 個完備的校園樹木互動地圖及網上短片圖文資源數據庫, 從科學及藝術兩種角度展示校園樹木之美。展覽期間亦舉 辦多項綠色活動,包括為中大生及中學生而設的樹木講座 及導賞、專家示範樹木護理 技術,以及中大樹木攝影比 賽等。 沈祖堯校長指出:「中大的 樹木品種多達一百九十二 種,不但為全港校園之冠, 更超逾全港樹木品種的三分 之一,是本港綠色生態的縮 影。」 中大樹木計劃由胡秀英博士 及其門生左治強先生發起, 獲恒生銀行的「綠色銀行」 活動贊助,旨在保育校園樹 木,提高中大員生的環保意 識,並鼓勵綠色生活。該計 劃為期三年,自2008年7月推出以來,發展了多項樹木互動 資源如校園樹木地圖、數據庫及標籤,制定校園樹木徑, 並舉辦多元化的樹木教育活動。 T he Science and Art of Trees of CUHK Exhibition and Green Education Fortnight was held at the foyer of Sir Run Run Shaw Hall from 5 to 15 October. Officiating at the opening ceremony on 5 October were Mr. Yau Tang-wah Edward (4th left), Secretary for the Environment; Ms. Alison Ho (3rd left), senior corporate responsibility manager, Hang Seng Bank; Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung (4th right), Vice-Chancellor; Prof. Fung Tung (2nd left), Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor; Dr. Hu Shiu-ying (front row), Honorary Professor of Chinese Medicine; Prof. Chu Ka-hou (1st left), acting director, School of Life Sciences; Prof. Chu Lee-man (2nd right), chairman of the Committee on Campus Environment; Mr. Benny Tam (3rd right), Director of Estates Management; and Mr. George Jor (1st right), convenor, CUHK Tree Project. The exhibition shows the beauty of trees at CUHK from the perspectives of science and art. Apart from exhibiting photos of trees on campus, the first-ever 3D interactive map with comprehensive information on campus trees was also shown. In addition, a series of green activities were organized, including tree talks and guided tree walks for CUHK and secondary school students, tree care workshops conducted by experts, as well as a campus tree photo competition. Professor Sung said, ‘The CUHK campus has 192 species of trees, making it the largest tree habitat among all university campuses in Hong Kong. As home to over a third of all tree species in the territory, the campus is a true epitome of Hong Kong’s green life.’ The three-year CU Tree Project was initiated by Dr. Hu and her student Mr. Jor and supported by the Hang Seng Bank’s ‘Green Bank’ campaign. The project aims to preserve campus trees and raise eco-awareness among CUHK staff and students, and to encourage green living. Since July 2008, the project has developed various interactive tree resources such as campus tree maps, a tree database and a catalogue system, and designed the CU Tree Trail. Different types of tree education activities were also organized.
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