Newsletter No. 365
4 No. 365, 19.10.2010 CAMPUS NEWS 校 園 消 息 辣椒.薄荷與痛 • From Peppers, Peppermints to Pain 逸 夫書院邀得2010年邵逸夫生命科學及醫學獎得主 大衞.朱利雅斯(David Julius)教授於9月29日假 書院大講堂主講「從辣椒到薄荷:利用天然物質探究痛覺 機理」,作為書院銀禧院慶活動之一。近五百名中大師生、 相關學科的專家及中學師生出席,座無虛設。 朱利雅斯教授現為加州大學三藩市分校生理學系主任及 教授,他的研究發現了人類感知疼痛和溫度的機制,更為 開發治療慢性痛症的藥物提供重要啟示,因而獲頒邵逸 夫生命科學及醫學獎。 P rof. David Julius, Shaw Laureate in Life Science and Medicine 2010, was invited to host a lecture on ‘From Peppers to Peppermints: Natural Products as Probes of the Pain Pathway’ on 29 September at the Shaw 香港醫療改革路向 • Hong Kong’s Health Care Reform College Lecture Theatre. One of the signature events of the Silver Jubilee of Shaw College, the lecture was a full house, attracting close to 500 CUHK staff and students, professionals in the field, as well as secondary school teachers and students. The Shaw Prize in Life Science and Medicine was awarded to Professor Julius, professor and chairman of the Department of Physiology at the University of California, San Francisco, in recognition of his discovery of mechanisms by which human beings sense pain and temperature as well as mechanisms that underlie pain hypersensitivity. His work has provided knowledge that opens the door to rational drug design for the treatment of chronic pain. 藥 劑學院於9月10及11日舉辦「國際衞生經濟學會議 2010」,探討香港的醫療改革路向,並交流亞太區 內國家醫療改革經驗。會議由食物及衞生局副局長梁卓偉 教授( 中 )和醫學院院長霍泰輝教授( 左三 )主持開幕禮, 協辦單位包括國際藥物經濟及成果研究學會香港分會、馬 來西亞蒙那許大學醫學及衞生科學學院和中大藥物經濟 學中心。 香港人平均壽命之高,位居世界前列,但人口老化亦為整 體醫療架構造成了沉重負擔,醫療改革實在刻不容緩。是 次與會人士包括世界知名衞生經濟學學者,香港、澳門及 內地醫療體系的行政人員、藥劑師、衞生政策持份者及研 究人員,他們除討論經濟學模式在藥物名冊及退款政策的 應用,也學習了透過電腦程式處理及分析不同醫療數據, 協助制定醫療決策。 O rganized by the School of Pharmacy, the International Health Economics Conference 2010 was held on 10–11 September. The conference aimed at exploring ways forward for health care reform in Hong Kong and sharing regional experience on the subject. Officiating at the opening ceremony were Prof. Gabriel Leung (centre), Under Secretary for Food and Health, and Prof. Fok Tai-fai (3rd left), Dean of Medicine, CUHK. The conference was jointly organized with the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research—Hong Kong Chapter, the School of Medicine and Health Sciences at Monash University in Malaysia, and the Centre for Pharmacoeconomics Research at CUHK. Although life expectancy in Hong Kong is one of the longest in the world, our aging population poses a daunting challenge to the government’s budget. A reform in health care is thus urgently needed. Participants of the conference, including renowned scholars, budget holders in hospitals, hospital pharmacists, health care stakeholders and researchers in Hong Kong, Macau and mainland China, discussed the application of economic models in drug listing and reimbursement policies. They also had the chance to practise assessing and analysing important health care data using computer programmes. 中大浙大羽毛球友誼賽 • CUHK-Zhejiang University Badminton Competition 黄 乃正副校長( 中排右六 )率領中大教職員羽毛球 隊一行十二人,於7月30日至8月2日往訪浙江大 學交流及作友誼賽。在浙大發展委員會主席及教職工 羽毛球會榮譽會長張浚生教授( 中排右七 )主持開球禮 後,兩隊於浙大體育館內連番激戰,雙方互有勝負,旗 鼓相當。 L ed by Pro-Vice-Chancellor Prof. Henry N.C. Wong (6th right, middle row), the CUHK 12-member staff badminton team visited Zhejiang University (ZJU) from 30 July to 2 August for exchange and friendly games. Prof. Zhang Junsheng (7th right, middle row), chairman of the Development Committee and honorary president of staff badminton club, ZJU, officiated at the kick-off ceremony. As both teams were equally skilled, both won and lost in the competition.
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