Newsletter No. 445
445 • 19.10.2014 5 蕭紅與黃金時代 Xiao Hong and the Golden Era 10月8日「『都是自由的』─對談蕭紅」講座吸引超過八百人參加,聽二許—許鞍華導演( 中 )和許子東教授( 左 ) 談二蕭—蕭紅與蕭軍。雖然《黃金時代》男主角與蕭軍本人形象的反差惹爭議,但許導演認為相似度不重要,最重 要的是「有浪漫愛情片那種眼神」。另一位講者黃念欣教授( 右 )非常喜歡影片:「最精彩的不只是男女的愛情,卻是 各種文人間的相處和生活細節。」許教授對怎樣才算黃金時代的見解尤為精闢:「當蕭紅在日本寫下『這真是黃金 時代,可是在籠子裏過的』,是反諷。但我們今天回顧蕭紅一生,那個階段還真是她的黃金時代。她之前苦,之後更 苦。她跟魯迅來往那段時間,出版《生死場》那段時間,就是蕭紅的黃金時代,而她當時不知道。」然後許教授指向 現場觀眾:也許二十年後大家回望今天,能聚在一起這樣談論蕭紅,談電影與文學,才發現這真是香港的黃金時代。 Over 800 people were attracted to the colloquium ‘Conversing about Xiao Hong’ on 8 October to listen to film director Miss Ann Hui ( centre ) and Prof. Xu Zidong ( left ) on writer Xiao Hong (1911–1942) and her life. Although there has been considerable controversy over the physical dissimilarity between the leading actor of The Golden Era and the real-life Xiao Jun, Miss Hui said casting was not so much about physical resemblance as about ‘having the eyes of a romance film actor’. Another speaker, Prof. Wong Nim-yan ( right ), expressed her fondness for the film: ‘The best part is not the romance, but the comradeship of the literati and the details of their lives.’ Professor Xu gave his penetrating opinion as to what a golden era is: ‘When Xiao Hong wrote in Japan that her golden age was spent “in a cage”, she meant it ironically. But when we look back on her life, that period was indeed her golden era. She had had a hard time before that, and even harder afterwards. The time when she was with Lu Xun and writing her Battlefield of Life and Death was her best days, but she didn’t know.’ Professor Xu went on to address the audience: Perhaps in 20 years when we look back on how we gathered today to talk about Xiao Hong, films and literature, we would realize that this was Hong Kong’s golden era. 校園消息 Campus News 研究及知識轉移服務處開幕 Office of Research and Knowledge Transfer Services Opens 研究及知識轉移服務處於10月7日舉行開幕禮,中大副校長張妙清 教授及逾三十位資深教研和行政人員出席。該處早在3月1日完成 兩個行政部門的合併,即知識轉移處以及研究事務處。兩個前部門 的職員現時集中在碧秋樓三樓重新裝修的辦公室,葉偉霖博士擔 任研究及知識轉移服務處處長,蔡錦昌博士擔任副處長。 The inauguration ceremony of the Office of Research and Knowledge Transfer Services (ORKTS) took place on 7 October in the presence of Prof. Fanny Cheung, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, and over 30 senior academic and administrative staff. ORKTS had been established on 1 March following the merger of two administrative offices, namely, the Knowledge Transfer Office and the Research Administration Office. Staff from the two offices are now housed in a newly refurbished office located on the third floor of Pi Ch’iu Building, with Dr. Ralph Ip and Dr. Tony Tsoi as director and associate director of the office respectively. 國際研討會推廣「性小眾」權益 International Symposium Promotes LGBTI Rights 香港首個「性見共融國際研討會」於8月29日舉行,由亞太研究所性別研究中心、 平等機會委員會和歐盟駐香港及澳門辦事處合辦,本地和海外專家共同探討了香 港和歐盟在維護「性小眾」(同性戀、雙性戀、跨性別人士和雙性人)平等權利方 面的經驗。 性別研究中心聯席主任蔡玉萍教授表示:「近年很多國家都致力改善及維護性小 眾的權益,因明白到所有公民不論其性取向和性別認同都應享有人權。」平機會主 席周一嶽醫生在開幕辭指出︰「香港作為國際都會,有責任保障弱勢社群得到平等 權利,消除他們在公共生活上不同層面受到的歧視。」歐盟駐香港及澳門辦事處主 任彭家傑先生重申,歐盟致力支持普世人權原則。「我們不能以文化、傳統或宗教 價值為理由而歧視他人,包括對性小眾的歧視。」 會上還交換了歐盟和香港從立法保障性小眾權利的經驗,以及立法對商界、教育、宗教 團體和社會大眾的潛在影響。多位歐美知名學者及法律人士特地來港作演講嘉賓,包括 劍橋大學聖約翰學院校長及院長Duncan Dormor牧師、北卡羅來納大學法學院法學教授 劉浩寧教授,以及倫敦大學英皇學院人權法律教授Aileen McColgan教授等。 Local and overseas experts discussed the protection of equal rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) persons in Hong Kong and the European Union on 29 August for Hong Kong’s first ever ‘Working Together for an Inclusive Society: LGBTI Rights in Comparative Perspective’ International Symposium co-organized by the Gender Research Centre (GRC) of the Hong Kong Institute of Asia Pacific Studies, the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC), and the European Union Office to Hong Kong and Macao. ‘In recent years, many countries have worked to improve or protect the rights of LGBTI people in view of the recognition that regardless of an individual’s sexual orientation or gender identity, all citizens should be able to enjoy their human rights,’ said Prof. Susanne Choi, co-director of the GRC. Speaking at the opening ceremony, Dr. York Chow, chairperson of the EOC, said, ‘As a global city, Hong Kong has an obligation to protect the equal rights of all vulnerable sectors and eliminate discrimination against them in different aspects of public life.’ Mr. Vincent Piket, head of the EU Office to Hong Kong and Macao, reiterated that the EU is committed to the principle of the universality of human rights: ‘Any cultural, traditional or religious values should not be invoked to justify any form of discrimination, including discrimination against LGBTI persons.’ The conference also featured the exchange of practical experience of the EU and Hong Kong on introducing legislation to protect LGBTI rights, and its potential impact on business, education, religious organizations and the wider society. Reputed academic and legal professionals from Europe and the US have specially made the journey to participate as speakers in the conference, including Rev. Duncan Dormor, President and Dean, St John’s College of the University of Cambridge; Prof. Holning Lau, Professor of Law, University of North Carolina School of Law; and Prof. Aileen McColgan, Professor of Human Rights Law, the Dickson Poon School of Law, King’s College London.
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