Newsletter No. 469/470
6 469/470 • 19.12.2015 第七十九屆大會 79th Congregation for the Conferment of Degrees 白春禮 教授是世界知名的 納米科技專家,現為中國科 學院院長、發展中國家科學 院院長及中國國家納米科 學中心理事會理事長。他是 中國首位致力研究納米技 術的科學家,並帶領團隊成 功研製出中國第一台超高 真空掃描隧道顯微鏡,以 及第一台鐳射原子力顯微 鏡。白教授積極推動中國的 納米科研發展。白教授的 非凡成就深受各界肯定,榮 獲十多個國家科學院或工 程院的院士銜、世界各地大 學的榮譽博士銜;國際化學 協會「國際獎章」、聯合國 教科文組織首屆「納米科 學和納米技術發展貢獻」獎章。中大頒授榮譽理學博士學位予白教授,以表揚他對中國科技發展的巨大貢獻。 Prof. Bai Chunli , a renowned expert in nanoscience, is President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, The World Academy of Sciences, and the Board of China’s National Centre for Nanoscience and Technology. As the first Chinese scientist to actively engage in research in nanotechnology, he led his team to develop China’s first ultrahigh vacuum scanning tunneling microscope and the first laser atomic force microscope. Professor Bai has been instrumental in furthering China’s nanoscience and nanotechnology research. He has received the International Medal from the Society of Chemical Industry, the Medal for ‘contributions to the development of nanoscience and nanotechnologies’ from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. In recognition of his exemplary contributions to China’s scientific and technological development, the University conferred upon Professor Bai the degree of Doctor of Science, honoris causa . 香港中文大學於12月3日舉行第七十九屆大會,典 禮由校長沈祖堯教授主持。五位傑出人士獲頒授 榮譽博士學位,以表彰他們對促進教育、科研及文 化發展、增進人民福祉的傑出貢獻,他們分別為:白 春禮教授、劉明康教授、Leo Rafael Reif 博士(未 克出席)、吳為山教授及山中伸彌教授。大會同時 頒授372個博士學位,包括4名醫學博士、345名哲 學博士、13名教育博士、3名音樂博士、5名護理博 士,以及2名心理學博士。 CUHK held its 79th Congregation for the Conferment of Degrees on 3 December. Prof. Joseph J.Y Sung, Vice-Chancellor and President, presided at the congregation. Five distinguished persons were conferred honorary degrees in recognition of their outstanding contributions to educational, academic and cultural progress, and the promotion of community welfare: Prof. Bai Chunli, Prof. Liu Mingkang, Dr. Leo Rafael Reif, Prof. Wu Weishan, and Prof. Shinya Yamanaka. A total of 372 doctoral degrees were also conferred on the occasion. These included four Doctors of Medicine, 345 Doctors of Philosophy, 13 Doctors of Education, three Doctors of Music, five Doctors of Nursing, and two Doctors of Psychology. 校園消息 Campus News
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