Newsletter No. 340
No. 340, 19.6.2009 NEWS & EVENTS 中大夥法國院校成立聯合實驗室 CUHK to Establish Lab with French Institutions • 香 港中文大學與法國國家科學研究院(CNRS)及國 立巴黎高等化學學院,簽訂合作協議,成立聯合傳 統醫學分子實驗室,旨在從中藥的成分中,發掘可有效及 安全對付抗藥性金黄葡萄球菌的配方。 CNRS於1939年成立,是法國國家研究部管轄的政府資助 研究組織,也是歐洲最大的基礎科學研究機構。中大中醫 中藥研究所與CNRS的研究及學術交流始自2006年。 C UHK has entered into an agreement with the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) and L’Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Paris (ENSCP) of France to establish a joint laboratory in traditional medicine. The joint Laboratory of Molecules from Traditional Medicine aims to identify new potential compounds in Chinese medicine that can lead to the development of safe and effective drugs for the treatment of multi-drug resistant S. aureus . Founded in 1939, CNRS is a government-funded research organization under the administrative authority of France’s Ministry of Research. It is the largest fundamental science agency in Europe. The Institute of Chinese Medicine has had collaborations with CNRS since 2006 in the areas of research and academic exchange. 兩校師生攝於南京大學醫院門前 Outside NJU Hospital 校園保健大使出訪南京大學 Campus Health Ambassadors Visit Nanjing University • 十 六位校園保健大使由中大社區醫學榮休教授李紹 鴻教授及保健處健康教育主任簡阮美妍女士率領, 於5月15至17日往訪南京大學,與南京大學醫院及南大紅 十字會研究生會交流推廣健康工作。 南京大學台港澳事務辦公室設宴歡迎,雙方代表介紹學 校概況及健康推廣的工作;在工作坊中,兩地學生討論不 同的健康主題,從而了解到兩地不同的健康推廣模式和 運作。 S ixteen Health Ambassadors visited Nanjing University (NJU) from 15 to 17 May 2009, led by Prof. S.H. Lee, 全球華文青年文學獎結果揭曉 Global Youth Chinese Literary Award Announced • 由 中文大學文學院主辦的「第四屆新紀元全球華文青 年文學獎」(華文獎),已完成評審工作。評審團從芸 芸參賽者選出散文組、小說組及文學翻譯組冠、亞、季軍、 優秀獎和鼓勵獎共五十六個。內地學生囊括大部份獎項,而 中大中國語言及文學系張綺霞同學,就以《受傷的貓城》獲 得短篇小說組一等優秀獎,是五名得獎的本地學生之一。 大會特於6月5日舉行文學翻譯與創作專題講座,邀請各 組評判分別主講創作散文、小說及文學翻譯的心得,講者 包括余光中教授( 右四 )、劉紹銘教授( 右七 )、顏純鉤先 生( 左四 )、金聖華教授( 右六 )、彭鏡禧教授、黃國彬教 授、王安憶教授( 左五 )、張大春先生( 左六 ),以及劉以鬯 先生,共有逾九百名中學生出席。 余光中教授在講座上說,他寫散文時運用語言的原則是: 「白以為常,文以應變,俚以見真,西以求新。」王安憶教 授和張大春先生均同意在青少年時期(最好是二十歲之 前)培養閱讀習慣以及感性之於文學創作的重要性,指出 人踏足社會後會漸趨理性,年輕時的閱讀經驗,往往會在 餘生留下印記,且沉澱下來,影響日後的創作。金聖華教 授就表示,每一部優異 譯著的產生,都是原作 者與翻譯者一次心靈 上的邂逅、精神上的奇 遇。 「華文獎」兩年一屆,以 全球大專學生為對象, 旨在推動青年文學發 展,弘揚中華文化。是屆 投稿者來自世界各地, 包括中國內地、台灣、香 港、新加坡、菲律賓、馬 來西亞、英國、美國、加拿大、澳洲、法國和荷蘭等,當中以 中國內地的來稿最為大宗,分別佔了散文及短篇小說組的 六成半以上,以及文學翻譯組的百分之八十三。香港的青 年作家也不甘後人,在散文組及短篇小說組各佔約兩成。 T he results of the Fourth Global Youth Chinese Literacy Award for the New Century organized by the Faculty of Arts was announced. A total of 56 awards were selected for the positions of champion, first runner-up, second runner-up, first- and second-class awards, as well as honourable mentions in three categories—prose, short story and literary translation. Most of the prizes went to the mainland candidates while CUHK student Ms. Cheung Yee-ha of the Department of Chinese Language and Literature received the first-class award in the short story category and was one of five winners from Hong Kong. The Literary Translation and Creative Writing Workshops were held on 5 June. Renowned writers and scholars who served as the final adjudicators shared their experience with the participants. They were Prof. Yu Kwang-chung (4th right), Prof. Lau Shiu-ming Joseph (7th right), Mr. Ngan Shun-kau (4th left), Prof. Serena Jin (6th right), Prof. Perng Ching-hsi, Prof. Laurence Wong, Prof. Wang Anyi (5th left), Mr. Chang Ta-chun (6th left) and Mr. Liu Yichang. The workshops were attended by 900 secondary school students. Prof. Yu Kwang-chung spoke on his principle of language usage in prose-writing. He said he wrote in modern Chinese most of the time and would shift to classical Chinese when necessary. He would use slang to make his writing more captivating and adopt western terms to express new concepts from the West. Prof. Wang Anyi and Mr. Chang Ta-chun pointed out that it is important to develop the habit of reading in adolescence. The young are more sentimental and the reading experience will make a long-lasting impression on them which will have considerable influence on their creative writing later on. Prof. Serena Jin described a great translation as an encounter in soul and spirit between the author and the translator. The biennial competition targetting tertiary students all over the world aims at driving the development of youth literary writting and promoting Chinese culture. This year it received entries from all over the world—mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, the Philippines, Malaysia, the UK, the US, Canada, Australia, France and the Netherlands. Entries from mainland China accounted for over 65% of all entries in the categories of prose and short story, and 83% in translation—the largest of all participating regions. Hong Kong students made up some 20% of the entries in the prose and short story categories respectively. Emeritus Professor of Community Medicine and Mrs. Pauline Kan, health education officer of the University Health Service. Health promotion experiences were exchanged with NJU Hospital and the NJU Red Cross Team (Postgraduate). A welcome dinner was arranged by the NJU Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office, wherein the students introduced the health promotional efforts of their respective universities. In the health promotion workshop, they exchanged ideas on the approach of health promotional work in Hong Kong and Nanjing.
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