Facts and Figures 2014
Finan ce Income 2013–14 * 2012–13 ** HK$ million (%) HK$ million (%) Government Subventions 4,200 52.8% 4,423 51.2% Tuition, Programmes and Other Fees 1,965 24.7% 1,858 21.5% Interest and Investment Income 668 8.4% 576 6.7% Donations and Benefactions 464 5.8% 1,156 13.4% Ancillary Services Income 241 3.0% 216 2.5% Other Income 422 5.3% 404 4.7% Total 7,960 100% 8,633 100% Expenditure 2013–14 * 2012–13 ** HK$ million (%) HK$ million (%) Instruction and Research 4,548 69.8% 4,469 73.7% Library 221 3.4% 183 3.0% Central Computing Facilities 123 1.9% 114 1.9% Other Academic Services 291 4.5% 131 2.2% Management and General 277 4.3% 239 3.9% Premises and Related Expenses 640 9.8% 555 9.2% Student and General Education Services 377 5.8% 332 5.5% Other Activities 35 0.5% 37 0.6% Total 6,512 100% 6,060 100% * For the year ended 30 June 2014 ** For the year ended 30 June 2013 Note: USD1 = HK$7.8 approx.
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