Newsletter No. 345
No. 345, 19.10.2009 以下項目詳情,請上網閱覽: Details of the following item are available at: ❏ 四十八項研究項目獲撥款 Forty-eight Research Projects Receive Grants 兩研究項目獲選卓越學科 資助逾億元 Two Projects Made Areas of Excellence T he University Grants Committee (UGC) announced the funding result of the fifth round of its Areas of Excellence (AoE) Scheme in September. A total of 28 proposals were received and five outstanding projects were selected as AoE, among which two are led by CUHK researchers. Together they will receive funding of over HK$103 million over an eight-year period. ‘Institute of Network Coding’ led by Prof. Raymond Yeung Wai-ho, Professor of Information Engineering, received funding of over HK$ 80 million. ‘The Historical Anthropology of Chinese Society’ led by Prof. David Faure, Professor of History, the first humanities project ever to be made an AoE, acquired over HK$ 23 million. The AoE scheme has funded 15 research projects since its launch in 1998. Six of the projects are led by researchers from CUHK. The fundamental concept of network coding was introduced in the late 1990s, largely due to the work of the team led by Professor Yeung. Network coding has brought about a paradigm shift in data transport by developing a method to achieve maximum information flow in a network and made network communications more efficient, reliable, robust and secure. The main objective of this project is to make Hong Kong a major centre of network coding by building a world- leading Institute of Network Coding. This institute will conduct forefront research on the theory of network coding and its various applications for the Internet, wireless communications, information security, data storage, and bioinformatics. Top quality postgraduate students will also be trained. Professor Faure’s project, following the approach of combining field and documentary research, attempts another explanation for variations in Chinese local society. The project will study 15 geographic areas in China to recover the history of both how local society acquired and identified with its own characteristics, and incorporated into, and accepted, the broad expanse of a unified culture. It will document objectively observable indications of local ritual traditions and reconstruct the history of the local institutions in which they were employed. These indications include architectural features and literate traditions closely related to local religion or ancestral sacrifice, the hagiography of local deities, and village ceremonies performed by villagers themselves or by Buddhist and Daoist specialists. By comparing the time frame of separate local histories, the project will construct a history of China from the bottom up. It will demonstrate the very significance of historical anthropology as an approach to understanding China’s history. 大 學教育資助委員會(教資會)於九月宣布第五輪卓 越學科領域計劃的評選結果,中文大學牽頭的兩 個研究項目,在二十八份建議書中脫穎而出,位列五個中 選項目,共獲撥款逾一億零三百萬港元,支持未來八年的 發展。 中大訊息工程學講座教授楊偉豪領 導的「網絡編碼研究所」,獲撥款八 千多萬元;歷史學講座教授科大衛 教授的「中國社會的歷史人類學研 究」,乃首個入選的人文學科項目, 獲撥二千三百多萬元。 卓越學科領域計劃於1998年成立, 至今共資助了十五個項目,其中六個 由中大統領。 楊教授領導的團隊早於1990年代 末提出網絡編碼的基本概念,革 新了網絡訊息傳輸的研究,提升了訊息的傳輸容量和效 率,使網絡通信更有效、可靠、穩定和安全。新獲資助的 項目主要目標是建立一個世界領先的網絡編碼研究所, 從而使香港成為網絡編碼前沿研究的重鎮,範圍包括網 絡編碼理論及其在互聯網、無線通訊、訊息安全,數據 存儲和生物訊息等領域的應用。研究所並將培養高質素 的研究生。 至於科大衛教授領導的項目,將秉承田野與文獻研究結 合的研究傳統,嘗試提出關於中國大一統與地方認同發展 的新解釋。研究團隊將分頭在中國十五個省區展開田野工 作,記錄有地方特徵的禮儀標籤,如建築形象、與地方宗 教和祖先祭祀有關的文字傳統、地方神祇故事、村民或和 尚道士演繹的鄉村儀式,並重構應用它們的地方制度,通 過比較各地方歷史的時空,建構一套自下而上的中國歷 史,顯示歷史人類學對了解中國歷史的重要作用。 科大衛教授 Prof. David Faure 楊偉豪教授 Prof. Raymond Yeung Wai-ho 會計畢業生囊括主要專業試獎項 Accountancy Graduates Sweep Top Awards in Exam 專 業會計學的畢業生,於6月香港會計師公會舉辦的會計師專業資格課程 期終考試中囊括各主要獎項。他們是在單元乙(財務管理)獲最佳成績 的黃巧殷( 左一 ),單元丁(稅務)獲最佳成績的楊天偉( 左二 ),獲Li Fook Shu Memorial Prize金獎的鄭翠璇( 右二 ),銀獎的陳重威( 右一 ),銅獎的陳惠 儀,獲The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW)/ Simon Morris Memorial Prize的李珮妍( 左三 ),以及於2008年 12月獲該獎的畢顥峻( 右三 )。由同一所大學的畢業生悉數奪得上述獎項,是 歷年來首次。在2008及2009年,共有九名中大畢業生在該考試不同的單元獲 得十三項殊榮。 G raduates from the BBA in Professional Accountancy Programme won all top awards in the latest Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants Qualification Programme (QP) Examination held in June 2009. The seven top prize winners were all accounting graduates. They were: Miss Wong Hau-yan (1st left) (top prize in financial management module); Mr. Yeung Tin-wai (2nd left) (top prize in taxation module); Miss Jing Chui-Suen (2nd right) (gold, Li Fook Shu Memorial Prize); Mr. Chan Zhong-wai (1st right) (silver); Miss Chan Wai-yi (bronze); Miss Li Pui-in (3rd left) (ICAWE/Simon Morris Memorial Prize) and Mr. But Ho-chun (3rd right) (ICAEW/Simon Morris Memorial, December 2008 session). It is the first time in the history of the QP that the above-mentioned prizes have been awarded to graduates from the same university. In total, nine CUHK graduates seized 13 top prizes in the QP module examinations held in 2008 and 2009.
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