Newsletter No. 345
No. 345, 19.10.2009 Prof. Charles K. Kao joined CUHK as reader and chair of the then new Department of Electronics. He was later appointed as the first Professor of Electronics. He was Vice-Chancellor of CUHK from 1987 till his retirement in 1996. During his tenure, the Faculties of Engineering and Education were established; new undergraduate programmes were introduced, including Japanese studies, law, primary education, physical education and sports science, architecture, nursing, pharmacy, and information engineering; and a flexible credit unit system was introduced. Upon his retirement, Professor Kao said that one- third of his career had been dedicated to the Chinese University. He appreciated time- honoured friendship, c o ll e g i a l i t y a nd valuable traditions. Similarly, many at CUHK retain very fond memories of him. In the eyes of Prof. Ambrose King, former Vice-Chancellor of CUHK (2002–2004), Professor Kao is a kind but serious gentleman-scholar. During his years as Vice-Chancellor, Professor Kao relentlessly pursued NEWS & EVENTS 「具親和力、創造力及啟發力的學者」 ‘A Sincere and Charming Man, an Innovative and Inspiring Scholar’ excellence in developing CUHK into a world-class local university. The pursuit of excellence has since become the raison d’être of CUHK. Prof. Peter Yum Tak-shing, dean of the Faculty of Engineering, said, ‘Professor Kao is a sincere and charming man, an innovative and inspiring scholar.’ To Sir James Mirrlees, Nobel laureate in economics 1996, Distinguished Professor-at-Large, and master of Morningside College, Professor Kao is a delightful person and his work should be a model and inspiration for us all. 入學資訊日近二萬五千人出席 Orientation Day Attracts Close to 25,000 • 本 年度的本科生入學資訊日於10月10日舉行,共有近 二萬五千名中學老師、學生及其家長專程到校園 參觀。校園內人潮絡繹不絕,氣氛熱烈。 入學講座為特備節目之一,詳盡介紹了入學統計資料,並 剖析入讀中大的多個途徑,包括大學聯合招生辦法、優先 錄取計劃、中學校長推薦計劃、自薦計劃、非聯招申請入 學,以及內地學生申請入讀中大的途徑等。中大各書院、 學院、學系及課程均準備了展覽、入學輔導、參觀及講座等 活動。 為祝賀中大前校 長 高 錕 教 授 獲 得今年的諾貝爾 物理學獎,會場 特別設立展板, 介紹他的成就, 加深同學對這位 「光纖之父」的 認識,啟發他們對科研的興趣。不少到訪人士踴躍留言向 高教授致意。 C UHK held its Orientation Day for Undergraduate Admissions on 10 October, attracting nearly 25,000 secondary school teachers, students and their parents to the campus. The admission talk introduced different channels for applying to the University, including JUPAS, the Early Admissions Scheme for Secondary Six Students, School Principal’s Nominations, the Self Recommendation Scheme, non-JUPAS channels as well as admissions for mainland students. Colleges, Faculties, departments, and programmes organized activities ranging from exhibitions, admission consultations, to visits and academic counselling sessions. To congratulate Prof. Charles K. Kao for having been awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics 2009, exhibition boards were set up to introduce the achievements of this ‘Father of Fibre Optics’. Many visitors left messages congratulating him on the honour. 高錕教授1970年加盟中大,出 任新成立的電子學系教授兼 系主任,其後為該系首任講座 教授。他於1987年出任中大校 長,直至1996年退休。在他任 內,成立了工程學院及教育學 院,新辦了日本研究、法律、小 學教育、體育、運動科學、建築 學、護理學、藥劑學 和訊息工程學等本 科課程,並實施靈 活學分制。 高教授退休時曾 說,他有三分之一 的工作生涯是在中 大渡過,十分欣賞 這裏歷久不渝的友 情、交誼、珍貴的傳統,以及所有能帶來溫馨 回憶的事物。同樣,對曾與他共事的人來說, 與高教授相處也有很多值得回味的點滴。 中大前校長金耀基教授(2002 – 2004)形容 高教授為人高貴仁慈,做事非常認真,在任 校長期間,強調追求「卓越」,務求把中大發 展為「世界的本地大學」。「追求卓越」從此 成為中大繼往開來的目標方向。 工程學院院長任德盛教授盛讚他待人以誠,是個非常有親 和力、創造力及啟發力的學者。1996年諾貝爾經濟學獎得 主、博文講座教授兼晨興書院院長莫理斯爵士則指高教授 為人隨和謙厚,其工作堪為世人之典範。 (接上頁 Continued )
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