Newsletter No. 329
No. 329, 19.12.2008 NEWS & EVENTS 那打素護理學院學生大使計劃 Nursing Student Ambassador Programme • 兩大校長盃教職員足球賽奪冠 CUHK Football Team Clinches Championship Trophy • 那 打素護理學院於9月推出學生大 使計劃,旨在發掘學生的領導才 能,提升他們的自信心、活動組織能力、 說話和表達技巧,增進其護理專業的熱 誠及能力,以及加強學生與學院的了解 和合作。該院羅致了二十二名學生大使, 並舉辦多項促進學術與專業發展的培訓 和活動。 T wenty-two highly motivated nursing students have been recruited as student ambassadors of The Nethersole School of Nursing’s Student Ambassador Programme. 第 五屆兩大校長盃教職員足球賽於11月23日在港大 何鴻燊體育中心足球場舉行,中大隊以七比一大 勝港大隊,摘下冠軍獎座。 這項比賽源起於2004年底,意為紀念兩間大學當年並肩 作戰對抗沙士,其後遂成為兩校教職員藉以促進友誼及合 作精神的年度體育盛事。賽前港大徐立之校長及中大程伯 中副校長分別致詞,為運動員打氣。 總結歷屆成績,中大隊五戰三勝一和一負。去年因一球而 失落獎座,今年積極備戰,更有程伯中教授、協理副校長 許敬文教授助陣參賽,球隊士氣高昂,大勝而回。 T he CUHK staff football team recaptured the championship with a 7:1 victory over the University of Hong Kong at the annual Vice-Chancellor’s Cup Football Match held on 23 November at HKU’s Stanley Ho Sports Centre. The match, first played in 2004, was established to commemorate the collaboration of the two universities during the SARS ordeal. Prof. Tsui Lap-chee, Vice- Chancellor of HKU, and Prof. Ching Pak-chung, Pro-Vice- Chancellor of CUHK, cheered on the athletes before the match. CUHK captured the first two titles of the last four matches. This was followed by a tie, before losing to HKU last year. Prof. Ching and Prof. Michael K.M. Hui, Associate-Pro- Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, were on the team this year. 諾貝爾獎得獎學人講座及兩岸三地論壇 Nobel Laureate Lecture and Cross-Strait Forum • 新鴻基地產諾貝爾獎得獎學人傑出講座邀請1990年諾 貝爾經濟學獎得主威廉 • 夏普教授( 左 ),於11月29日 主講「退休融資:集體與個人的取向」,吸引近千名各 界人士出席。 中大、南京大學及台灣中央大學於11月22及23日合辦 「第三屆兩岸三地人文社會科學論壇」,以「城市 • 社 會 • 文化—傳統之延續、發展與創新」為主題,探討三 地城市、社會及文化的傳承與發展,推動融和與共識。 中大人文學科講座教授、台北中央研究院院士李歐梵 教授( 右 )及五十多位內地、香港和台灣的人文、社會 科學學者出席論壇。 • Prof. William F. Sharpe (left), 1990 Nobel Laureate in Economic Sciences, was invited to host the Sun Hung Kai Properties Nobel Laureate Distinguished Lecture • • social sciences from the mainland, Hong Kong, and Taiwan participated in the forum. on 29 November. The lecture entitled ‘Financing Retirement: Collective and Individual Approaches’ attracted an audience of close to a thousand. • The Chinese University, Nanjing University and Taiwan Central University co-organized the ‘Third Cross-Strait Forum on Humanities and Social Sciences’ on 22 and 23 November on campus. The themewas ‘City, Society, Culture—Innovation and Continuation of Tradition’. Prof. Lee Ou-fan Leo (right), Professor of Humanities of CUHK and Academician of Academia Sinica, Taipei, and over 50 scholars in humanities and Launched in September, the programme aims at exploring students’ leadership potential, strengthening their self- confidence, organizational and oral presentation skills, as well as developing their enthusiasm for and capability in promoting the image of the school and the nursing profession. The programme also strives for better understanding and partnership between students and the school through training and activities for academic and professional development.
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