Newsletter No. 347
No. 347, 19.11.2009 NEWS & EVENTS 振動治療平台面世 強化人體骨骼肌肉 Vibration Platform Invented to Improve Human Musculoskeletal System • 矯 形外科及創傷學系研發了嶄新全身振動治療平台, 能強化骨骼、提升肌肉功能、改善血液循環、減輕 背痛及舒緩情緒,並可預防及治療骨質疏鬆和相關疾病。 該平台是矯形外科及創傷學講座教授梁國穗率領的團隊 由2005年開始研發,以高頻率、低幅度的振動治療技術, 配合人體骨骼肌肉的自然頻率,治療多種骨骼肌肉系統疾 病。 研究人員在動物身上進行的測試顯 示,高頻低幅的振動治療可加速 一般骨折和骨質疏鬆性骨折 後的癒合。其後的測試 更發現,剛停 經的婦女在接受三個月的振動治療後,整體平衡力有明顯 改善。 研究團隊也邀請了四十位髖關節骨折長者進行臨床研究, 半數人經過六個月的振動治療後,骨折癒合和下肢肌力均 有所改善。 梁教授更與北京中國航天員科研訓練中心合作,利用該平 台為模擬在太空無重狀態下的年輕人提供振動治療。結 果證明振動治療能有效強化肌力。 由於治療技術的振動幅度溫和,除適用於長者、骨折病人 及停經婦女外,還可用於骨關節炎患者、帕金遜症病人、 因傷患而缺乏運動的病人、須加強肌肉鍛練的運動員等。 T he Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology has developed an innovative vibration platform that can prevent osteoporosis and related diseases, improve blood circulation, relieve pressure and other muscular and bone problems, such as low back pain and poor balance. The platform has been developed by a research team led by Prof. Leung Kwok-sui, Professor of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, since 2005. By employing low- magnitude and high-frequency whole-body vibration (LMHFV) to match the natural frequency of the human body, the platform provides mechanical stimulation to improve the musculoskeletal system. Laboratory animal experiments showed that LMHFV could accelerate fracture healing. A three-month study conducted on post-menopausal women also indicated that the treatment has enhanced stability. Furthermore, a clinical study on the effect of LMHFV on fracture healing and postoperative rehabilitation was conducted on 40 elderly persons with trochanteric fractures. After a six-month treatment, fracture healing and regaining of lower limb functions were notably enhanced. In addition, Professor Leung collaborated with the China Astronaut Research and Training Centre to investigate the efficacy of LMHFV on healthy young men who were given 60 days of complete bed rest in a zero-gravity environment mimicking space. The outcome further reinforced the positive impacts of vibration treatment in maintaining muscle strength. LMHFV technology has wide applications. Besides the elderly, bone fractured patients and post-menopausal women, it can also benefit patients with osteoarthritis and parkinsonism, athletes who need to train up their muscles, etc. 梁國穗教授示範振動平台的運作 Prof. Leung Kwok-sui demonstrating the vibration platform 沈祖堯教授出任中大第七任校長 Professor Joseph J.Y. Sung Appointed Seventh Vice-Chancellor of CUHK • 大 學校董會於11月10日舉行特別會 議,通過聘任沈祖堯教授( 右 )為 下一任校長,任期五年,由2010年7月1日 起生效。 校董會主席鄭海泉博士( 中 )感謝遴選委 員會成員的努力,並表示:「沈祖堯教授 任教中大二十五年,學術成就卓越,科研 及專業表現非常出色,享有崇高國際聲 譽,兼具廣博的國際視野和豐富的校政 管理經驗,長期以來,教化學生求學做人 兩方兼重,並且身體力行,鼓勵學生關心 社會、貢獻人類福祉,深受學生愛戴。由 沈祖堯教授出任中大校長,實在是深慶得 人。」 現任校長劉遵義教授( 左 )對沈教授的委 任表示歡迎:「我們都熱愛中文大學,我很高興中大將會 有一位卓越優秀的領袖,由明年7月1日起帶領全體師生進 一步發揚大學的使命與精神,精益求精,更上層樓。」 沈祖堯教授對獲委任為新校長感到榮幸:「我以身為中大 人而自豪,很榮幸有機會肩此重任,領導這所在本地和國 際素享盛譽的學府。我希望帶領大學在現有的堅實基礎上 更進佳境,鞏固教學,並推動前沿科學的研究,以進一步 提升中大人文與科研並重的領先地位。我們將繼續秉持 領導社群、服務社群的宗旨,以培養對社會有承擔有貢獻 的畢業生為己任,以創造知識、造福人類。」 A t its special meeting on 10 November, the Council of CUHK approved the appointment of Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung (right) as the next Vice-Chancellor of the University for a period of five years from 1 July 2010. Dr. Vincent H.C. Cheng (centre), Chairman of the University Council, thanked the members of the Search Committee for their efforts. He said, ‘Professor Sung has been with CUHK for 25 years. His academic standing, research achievements and professional career are most distinguished and he is held in high esteem internationally. He is well-known for his global vision and rich administrative experience and has long cared for the educational and the moral development of our students. He has set personal examples to students in caring and contributing to the welfare of human-kind and has won tremendous support among them. It is indeed fortunate for us to have Professor Sung as the Vice-Chancellor of CUHK.’ Prof. Lawrence J. Lau (left), Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, welcomed the appointment, ‘CUHK is dear to all of us. I am delighted that starting 1 July next year, under the helmsmanship of an exemplary leader, staff and students of CUHK will scale new heights of excellence in the furtherance of the University’s mission and values.’ Professor Sung feels honoured to be appointed the next Vice-Chancellor. He said, ‘I am proud of being a member of the CUHK community. It is my honour to take on the new responsibilities to lead this locally and internationally renowned University. I hope to take the University forward, on the basis of its already sound foundation, strengthening its teaching and driving its frontier research, to cement its leading position in the humanities and the sciences. We will continue to be committed to leading and serving the community, and fulfil our mission of nurturing dedicated and capable students for society and in the creation of knowledge and service to humanity.’
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