MPhil, 2017
Migration and Immigration
Book Chapters
Eric FONG, Yingtong LAI and Aijia LI (2019) Migration and Integration in China .The Oxford Handbook of Migration Crises, edited by Cecilia Menjivar, Marie Ruiz, and Immanuel Ness
Li, A. and Miao, C. (2015) Factors Affecting Rural Migrant Workers’ Intention to Stay in the City: Evidence from the 2008-2009 Surveys on the Rural Migrant Workers in the Pearl River Delta. Confronting the Challenges of Urbanization in China. Edited by Zai Liang and John Logan. New York: Routledge Press
Liang, Y. and Li, A. (2015) The Panorama of International Immigrants’ lives and works in Guangzhou. The Newspaper of Social Science in China.(中国社会学科学报) No.13 (in Chinese)
Journal Articles
Yingtong LAI and Aijia LI (Forthcoming) Migrant Workers in A Global City: The Case of Contemporary Hong Kong. Asian Education and Development Studies
Conference paper
Li, Aijia (2019). The social support of foreign domestic helpers in Hong Kong. Paper presented at 1st annual conference of Hong Kong Study
Li, Aijia (2017). A Study of Immigrants in Guangzhou-the New Destination of International Migration. Paper presented at 112th ASA Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada