PhD, Gender Studies, 2015
- Sexuality and Gender
- Migration
- Rural/Urban Sociology
- Social Theory
Luo Muyuan and Chen Wanting (2016) “Female representations in folk good books.”, in Huang Yingying and Pan Suiming (eds), Communication and Aggregation: Paper collection of the 5th International Conference on Sexualities in China, Volume 2 (沟通与汇聚:第五届中国性研究国际研讨会论文集 下), Hong Kong: 1908. (in Chinese)
Luo Muyuan (2013). “Homosexuality as the object of medical discourse: Chinese medicine’s construction of homosexual identity, 1978-2011 “, in Huang Yingying and Pan Suiming (eds). Towards sexual happiness: paper collection of the 4th international conference of Sexualities in China Volume 1(走向性福:第四届中国“性”研究国际研讨会论文集 上). Kaohsiung: Baijun Cultural Press.(in Chinese)
Luo Muyuan and Chen Wanting (2017). “Gender and space: male ant tribes’ construction of masculinities.” China Youth Study(中国青年研究)(9): 64-69, 77.(in Chinese)
Luo Muyuan (2016) “Representing ‘Chinese’ ‘homosexuality’: Studies on Chinese homosexuality in English academia .” Social Sciences of Beijing (北京社会科学) (9): 118-128. (in Chinese)
Li Qi and Luo Muyuan (2016) The traveling public/private distinction theory: Revisiting the same sex marriage in China. Sociological Review of China(社会学评论)(3): 85-96. (in Chinese)
Luo Muyuan and Chen Wanting (2016) A new look on Weber’s Hypothesis about China: An exploratory study of the economic significance of contemporary Chinese religions. Sociological Review of China(社会学评论)(2): 71-85. (in Chinese)
Luo Muyuan (2016). “Paradoxical visibility: An analysis of homosexuality representations in The Nine Gay and A House of Zanker”, Chinese Journal of Sociology(社会)(2): 215-241.(in Chinese)
Chen Wanting and Luo Muyuan (2015), “Belief, chaxu, responsibility: a study on the relationship between traditional religious beliefs and social responsibility of entrepreneurs”, Folklore Studies(民俗研究)(1): 140-148.(in Chinese)
Luo Muyuan and Wang Bingjie (2012). “The monopolization of arts”, Teahouse for Sociologists(社会学家茶座)(3): 124-128.(in Chinese)
Luo Muyuan and Wang Bingjie (2011). “Learning as vocation”, Teahouse for Sociologists(社会学家茶座)(2): 21-25.(in Chinese)
Luo Muyuan (2010). “The social evaluation and redivision of the after-80s”, China Youth Study(中国青年研究)(11): 32-35.(in Chinese)
Luo Muyuan (2010). “The crazy phenomena in modern times”, Teahouse for Sociologists(社会学家茶座) (3): 109-113.(in Chinese)