Select year:
March 2021
QS World University Rankings by Subjects in 2021 – Sociology

Department of Sociology of CUHK ranks 37th in the world in the QS World University Rankings by Subjects in 2020. Source: QS World University Rankings by Subjects in 2021 – Sociology

February 2021
Yifan Shen, an MPhil graduate from this Department, had published (in 2021) a single-authored paper “The Nonlinear Linkage between Earnings Homogamy and Earnings Inequality between Married Couples” in Demography

Yifan Shen, an MPhil graduate from this Department, had published (in 2021) a single-authored paper “The Nonlinear Linkage between Earnings Homogamy and Earnings Inequality between Married Couples” in Demography–the premier journal for population research [see note below]. Congratulations to Yifan for turning his master thesis into an outstanding research contribution!

Yifan started this project in 2014, his first year at CUHK. His advisor Professor Tony Tam suggested him to try this topic to learn how to do research. He finished the first draft in 2016 which ended up being his MPhil thesis. It was not until two years later (2018), during his second year of PhD at Brown University, that he restarted to work on this paper.

Looking back, he recognizes how crucial the two years he spent at CUHK was to the project as it was during those years that he got the financial and intellectual support to immerse himself in the literature and develop a deep understanding of the question. As he savors the fruitful outcome from this long-running project, he encourages fellow graduate students at CUHK to stay focused and persevere in their intellectual endeavors: “At the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”

The Department is really proud of Yifan, not only for his remarkable publication but also for setting an example that speaks loud and clear on the virtue of perseverance in graduate training towards a scholarly career.


Earnings inequality between couples has been rising in many countries. Yifan’s new paper shows that in both urban China and the United States income homogamy increased over time. Most importantly, the increase in income homogamy between the top 20% of husbands and their wives has played a major role in lifting the overall inequality between couples.

February 2021
Call for applications: Internship Programme 2021 for undergraduate students, Department of Sociology

The captioned programme is now open for application. Interested students should complete and submit the application form with supporting documents by 9:00am, 11 March 2021 (Thursday).

Please see the application guidelines and internship positions appended below (login is required) for more details.


Application guidelines | Internship positions | Application form

December 2020
Mr. Loa See-Pok (MPhil graduate) received HKSA Best Thesis Award 2020

One of our MPhil graduates Mr. Loa See-Pok has received this year’s Hong Kong Sociological Association (HKSA) Best Thesis Award for his MPhil thesis: “(Re)Classing Homosexuality: A Comparative Study of Middle-class and Working-class Gay Men in Hong Kong”  (supervised by Professor Susanne Y. P. Choi)

December 2020
Notice of Revised counter service hours in the time of COVID-19 (until further notice)

Revised counter service hours in the time of COVID-19 (until further notice)
Monday – Friday : 9:00am-5:00pm (lunch hour : 1:00pm-2:00pm)

November 2020
Student Exchange Programme with University of Kent and University of Warwick, UK

The captioned programme organized by the Department is now open for application. Details of the exchange programme and the application form can be found at:,-UK.aspx

The application deadline is 1 December 2020 (Tuesday).

October 2020
Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS) @ CUHK

Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS)

Monthly stipend: HK$26,600 (approx. US$3,410)

Conference travel allowance: HK$13,300 (approx. US$1,700) per year

Award: 1st year: HK$40,000; 2nd & 3rd year: HK20,000 per year

Accommodation: Guaranteed on-campus accommodation & waiving of on-campus hostel fee for the first year

Step 1

Submit an initial application to the RGC through their on-line application system and obtain a HKPFS reference number.

RGC Application deadline: 1 December 2020 at 12:00 noon Hong Kong Time

Apply here

Step 2

Submit your full application through CUHK’s Online Application System for Postgraduate Programmes and quote the HKPFS reference number.

CUHK Application deadline: 1 December 2020 at 5:00pm Hong Kong Time

Apply here

Click to open Poster PDF

August 2020
Scholarships for Internship Programme, Department of Sociology

The scholarships for internship programme are now available. Students joined the Internship Programme organised by the Department this year are eligible to apply. Details of the scholarships can be found at:

The deadline of application is 16 September 2020 (Wednesday)

August 2020
Yifan Shen, an MPhil graduate from this Department, will publish a single-authored paper “The Nonlinear Linkage between Earnings Homogamy and Earnings Inequality between Married Couples” in Demography

Yifan Shen, an MPhil graduate from this Department, will publish a single-authored paper “The Nonlinear Linkage between Earnings Homogamy and Earnings Inequality between Married Couples” in Demography–the premier journal for population research [see note below]. Congratulations to Yifan for turning his master thesis into an outstanding research contribution!

Yifan started this project in 2014, his first year at CUHK. His advisor Professor Tony Tam suggested him to try this topic to learn how to do research. He finished the first draft in 2016 which ended up being his MPhil thesis. It was not until two years later (2018), during his second year of PhD at Brown University, that he restarted to work on this paper.

Looking back, he recognizes how crucial the two years he spent at CUHK was to the project as it was during those years that he got the financial and intellectual support to immerse himself in the literature and develop a deep understanding of the question. As he savors the fruitful outcome from this long-running project, he encourages fellow graduate students at CUHK to stay focused and persevere in their intellectual endeavors: “At the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”

The Department is really proud of Yifan, not only for his remarkable publication but also for setting an example that speaks loud and clear on the virtue of perseverance in graduate training towards a scholarly career.


Earnings inequality between couples has been rising in many countries. Yifan’s new paper shows that in both urban China and the United States income homogamy increased over time. Most importantly, the increase in income homogamy between the top 20% of husbands and their wives has played a major role in lifting the overall inequality between couples.


July 2020
Professor Andrew Junker received the Book Award: Asia/Transnational

Professor Andrew Junker’s new book Becoming Activists in Global China: Social Movements in the Chinese Diaspora (Published by Cambridge University Press) was selected for the Book Award: Asia/Transnational, by American Sociological Association Asia/Asian America Section.

Details of the book can be found here.

July 2020
Introducing new faculty members, 2020

Prof. Bo JIANG, Research Assistant Professor (Profile)

Bo Jiang is a Research Assistant Professor in The Department of Sociology at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He is primarily interested in topics related to transnational crimes and evidence-based policing.  His research relies on interdisciplinary approaches to address policy-relevant issues within criminology and sociology, drawing on methods from computational sciences.  His current work focuses on (1) statistical learning of terrorist organizations; and (2) spatial-temporal analysis of crime hot spots and harm spots.

Prof. Jiang earned a PhD from the Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice at the University of Maryland and MS degree from the Department of Criminology at the University of Pennsylvania.  He spent five years as a Graduate Research Assistant at the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START).  Since 2018, he has held an appointment with the Institute of Criminology, University of Cambridge as a Data Analysis Consultant. 

Prof. Jaemin LEE, Assistant Professor (Profile)

Jaemin Lee is a social scientist interested in social networks, mathematical sociology, and computational social science. He studies social influence in the political, economic, and school contexts. His research aims to understand various substantive topics including political polarization, product diffusion, friendship segregation, and intergroup relations. Methodologically, he uses agent-based modeling, field experiments, and longitudinal network analysis. 

A sociology Ph.D. from Duke University, Prof. Lee worked as a postdoctoral fellow at Northeastern University’s Network Science Institute. He received an Outstanding Dissertation-in-Progress Award by the American Sociological Association’s Mathematical Sociology Section and a Paul Lazarsfeld Best Paper Award from the American Political Science Association (Political Communication). 

Prof. Wensong SHEN, Assistant Professor (Profile)

Wensong Shen is an incoming Assistant Professor of Sociology at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He received his Ph.D. degree in Sociology at the University of Pennsylvania in May 2020. His research focuses on education and health, and especially the interaction between education and health in the context of social stratification and inequality. Broadly speaking, Prof. Shen utilizes quantitative methods to explore how individuals and families with different social backgrounds experience the complex process of social stratification, and how such experiences shape their life opportunities and consequences such as education and health.

Prof. Ling ZHU, Assistant Professor (Profile)

Ling Zhu received an MS in Statistics and a PhD in Sociology from Stanford University. Before joining CUHK she was a post-doctoral fellow at the Stanford Center for Poverty and Inequality. Her overarching research interests consist of two substantive topics and one methodological theme: (1) state governance in authoritarian regimes – how the bureaucratic organizations are structured and the bureaucrats are incentivized to maintain a delicate balance between political control (which requires power centralization) and regional development (which requires power de-centralization), (2) mechanisms of reproducing economic inequality, gender segregation, and family advantages/disadvantages in China and in the United States, and (3) understanding misuses of causal inference methodology. The substantive studies are unified by a sociological interest in understanding how political and social institutions work together to shape social structures and often built on newly available big data and state-of-the-art data analytics for causal inference, network analysis, and machine learning techniques.

May 2020
Scholarships for Student Exchange of Department of Sociology

The following scholarship for Student Exchange is open for application:

Yan Wo Tong (International) Limited Award for Student Exchange

The award is established with a grant from UGC for matching the donation by Yan Wo Tong (International) Limited. The award aims to encourage undergraduate students of the Department of Sociology to participate in exchange programmes overseas or in mainland China organised by the Department, College, or the University. The award of the amount $5,000, will subsidize 1 local student* participating in exchange programme.

*The recipients of the award are restricted to local students as per the regulations of the matching grant.

Application deadline: 15 June 2020 (Monday)
Enquiries: 3943 6271 /

Application formSupplementary information form

May 2020
Scholarship for Social Services of Department of Sociology

The following scholarship for Social Services is open for application:

Lau Cheung Kwai Lan Memorial Scholarship in Sociology

The scholarship was donated by Dr. Lau Yiu Chung Laurie (劉耀忠博士) and his wife, Mrs. Lau Lam Cheuk Man (劉林卓敏女士), in commemoration of Mrs. LAU Cheung Kwai Lan (劉張桂蘭女士), the beloved mother of Dr. Lau. This Scholarship emphasizes the academic performance, humanistic sensitivity and social service of sociology students.

This year there is one award with HK$5,000 for a non-first-year student majoring in sociology at undergraduate level in 2017/18. Students can apply only once in their entire course of study at this university. S/he should have obtained an average GPA of 3.0 or above in previous years, and have provided significant services to his/her fellow students and/or the community in Hong Kong at large.

Application deadline: 15 June 2020 (Monday)
Enquiries: 3943 6271 /

Application form | Supplementary information form


May 2020
Change of Major 2020 (Transfer Requirements – SOCI)

Students who wish to apply for change of major to the Sociology programme must submit the application using the e-Application form under CUSIS before 5:00 p.m. of June 30, 2020 (Tuesday) (NOT July 7 as our Department schedules an internal deadline to allow some time for the arrangement of an interview, if any, before the approval period starting from July 8 to 13, 2020).  Please submit the following documents via CUSIS:

  1. A completed e-Application form for Change of Major,
  2. An explanatory letter for the reasons of application,
  3. A copy of an unofficial transcript showing the academic results within the University, and
  4. A copy of the HKCEE, HKALE results, or other public examination results acquired at secondary school level.

Note: Incomplete submission of documents will delay the application process or lead to the result of application not being processed. Please be aware of the minimum requirements (please refer to the mass email from Registration and Examinations Section (RES) or its web site at for change of major set by the University Senate.

If shortlisted, students will be contacted for an online interview likely scheduled on July 9, 2020 (please enable camera or webcam during the interview).  Applications MUST reach the Department before 5:00 p.m. of June 30, 2020 (Tuesday) via CUSIS. Late applications will not be processed. Successful applicants MUST confirm their acceptance of the NEW major during the period of July 14 to 17, 2020.

For enquiries, please call 3943-6606 or 3943-1486.

April 2020
QS World University Rankings by Subjects in 2020 – Sociology

Department of Sociology of CUHK ranks 39th in the world in the QS World University Rankings by Subjects in 2020. Source: QS World University Rankings by Subjects in 2020 – Sociology

March 2020
Graduate Students Newsletter – Mar 2020

The newsletter in PDF format can be accessed here

The newsletter is an initiative of the graduate students of the department and is published on a monthly basis. Previous issues are on the newsletter page.

February 2020
Graduate Students Newsletter – Feb 2020

The newsletter in PDF format can be accessed here

The newsletter is an initiative of the graduate students of the department and is published on a monthly basis. Previous issues are on the newsletter page.

February 2020
Call for applications: Internship Programme 2020 for undergraduate students, Department of Sociology

The captioned programme is now open for application. Interested students should complete and submit the application form with supporting documents by 9:00am, 9 March 2020 (Monday). Please see the application guidelines and internship positions appended below (login is required) for more details.
Application guidelines | Internship positions | Application form

January 2020
Graduate Students Newsletter – Jan 2020

The newsletter in PDF format can be accessed here

The newsletter is an initiative of the graduate students of the department and is published on a monthly basis. Previous issues are on the newsletter page.

December 2019
Graduate Students Newsletter – Dec 2019

The newsletter in PDF format can be accessed here

The newsletter is an initiative of the graduate students of the department and is published on a monthly basis. Previous issues are on the newsletter page.

December 2019
(Deadline extended) Student Exchange Programme with University of Kent and University of Warwick, UK

The captioned exchange programme is now open for application. Interested students should complete and submit the attached application form with copies of transcripts and other supporting documents to the General Office on or before 22 November 2019 (Friday) 9 December 2019 (Monday). Please see the below announcement for more details. Announcement | Application form (Word)

November 2019
Graduate Students Newsletter – Nov 2019

The newsletter in PDF format can be accessed here

The newsletter is an initiative of the graduate students of the department and is published on a monthly basis. Previous issues are on the newsletter page.

October 2019
Graduate Students Newsletter – Oct 2019

The newsletter in PDF format can be accessed here

The newsletter is an initiative of the graduate students of the department and is published on a monthly basis. Previous issues are on the newsletter page.

September 2019
Graduate Students Newsletter – Sep 2019

The newsletter in PDF format can be accessed here

The newsletter is an initiative of the graduate students of the department and is published on a monthly basis. Previous issues are on the newsletter page.

September 2019
Ms. Wong Miu Yin (MPhil Graduate, 2016) has received the PhD admission offer from London School of Economics and Political Science.

For more details about further studies and employment of our MPhil and PhD Graduates, please refer to MPhil-PhD website.

September 2019
Scholarships for Internship Programme 社會學系實習計劃奬學金

Scholarships for Internship Programme are open for application. Students joined the Internship Programme organised by the Department this year are eligible to apply. Interested students should complete and submit the online application by 2 October 2019 (Wednesday). Please see below the announcement for more details.
Announcement | Application Form

August 2019
Graduate Students Newsletter – Aug 2019

The newsletter in PDF format can be accessed here

The newsletter is an initiative of the graduate students of the department and is published on a monthly basis. Previous issues are on the newsletter page.

June 2019
Graduate Students Newsletter – Jun 2019

The newsletter in PDF format can be accessed here

The newsletter is an initiative of the graduate students of the department and is published on a monthly basis. Previous issues are on the newsletter page.

May 2019
Graduate Students Newsletter – May 2019

The newsletter in PDF format can be accessed here

The newsletter is an initiative of the graduate students of the department and is published on a monthly basis. Previous issues are on the newsletter page.

May 2019
Mr. Chao Kin Chong (MPhil Graduate, 2014) has received the PhD offer from University of Wisconsin – Madison.

For more details about further studies and employment of our MPhil and PhD Graduates, please refer to MPhil-PhD website.

May 2019
Prof. Susanne Choi received Research Mentorship Award 2018

Prof. Susanne Choi has been awarded the Research Mentorship Award 2018 by the Faculty of Social Science in recognition of her outstanding performance and achievements in postgraduate supervision.

May 2019
Application for Change of Major

Students who wish to apply for change of major to the Sociology programme must submit the application using the e-Application form under CUSIS before 5:00 p.m. of June 19, 2019 (Wednesday) (NOT June 27 as our Department schedules an internal deadline to allow some time for the arrangement of an interview, if any, before the approval period starting from June 28 to July 5, 2019).


April 2019
Graduate Students Newsletter – Mar 2019

The newsletter in PDF format can be accessed here

The newsletter is an initiative of the graduate students of the department and is published on a monthly basis. Previous issues are on the newsletter page.

April 2019
Graduate Students Newsletter – April 2019

The newsletter in PDF format can be accessed here

The newsletter is an initiative of the graduate students of the department and is published on a monthly basis. Previous issues are on the newsletter page.

March 2019
社會學就業講座 2019

日期: 2019 年 3 月 27 日
時間: 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
地點: 香港中文大學信和樓 4 樓 422 室
查詢: (852) 3943 6271 /

講座海報 | 網上報名

February 2019
QS World University Rankings by Subjects in 2019 – Sociology

Department of Sociology of CUHK ranks 41st in the world in the QS World University Rankings by Subjects in 2019.

Source: QS World University Rankings by Subjects in 2019 – Sociology

November 2018
MA Information Session (for 2019’s intake)

Date: Nov 17, 2018 (Saturday)
Time: 2:30 -4:30 p.m.
Venue: Lecture Theater 9, Yasumoto International Academic Park, CUHK

For more details: Click here

September 2018
Scholarships for Internship Programme

Scholarships for Internship Programme are now open for application. Interested students should complete and submit the application form to the General Office on or before 3 October 2018 (Wednesday).

Please see below the announcement for more details. Application form can be downloaded via the link as below.

Announcement | Application Form

July 2018
2018 Best Book Award – ISA

Professor CHOI Susanne Y.P.’s book “Masculine Compromise: Migration, Family and Gender in China” received the 2018 Best Book Award from Sociology of Migration (RC31) of International Sociological Association.

May 2017
Professor CHOI Susanne Y.P. has been selected for the Vice-Chancellor’s Exemplary Teaching Award 2016.
February 2017
Professor CHOI Susanne Y.P. is awarded the Exemplary Teaching Award by the Faculty of Social Science.
December 2016
Mr. LAI Weijun, our PhD student, has just been selected to the inaugural class of JingE Fellows, with generous support from the Yifang Foundation in Beijing. Weijun is one of only 8 people chosen, out of a highly competitive pool of 228 applicants, for this major new award.

Sorry, there are no news in the selected year. Please select another year.