TING Kwok-fai
Emeritus Professor
Current Research & Teaching Interests
  • Statistics
  • Social stratification
  • Marriage and family
Selected publications
2017 (Co-authored with Ho-Won Jung) “An empirical evaluation of ISO/IEC 15504-5 capability measures: Reflective or formative.” Computer Standards & Interfaces 53:123–130.
2017 (Co-authored with Zixi Liu) “Deconstruction and Reconstruction of Legal Education in China: Legitimacy and Diffusion of an Academic Discipline from 1949 to 2012.” Comparative Education Review 61(3):558-580.
2015  (Co-authored with Hua Guo)“Policy Feedback in Transitional China: The sectoral divide and electoral participation.” Social Science Research 54:233-245
2014 “Continuities and Changes: Five Decades of Marital Experiences in Hong Kong.” Pp. 147-164 in Wives, Husbands, and Lovers: Marriage and Sexuality in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Urban China. Edited by Deborah S. Davis and Sara L. Friedman. CA: Stanford University Press.
2014 “The Changing Pattern of Marital Satisfaction in Hong Kong.” Journal of Comparative Family Studies 45(1):113-126.
2008 (Co-authored with S. Choi) “Wife Beating in South Africa: An Imbalance Theory of Resources and Power.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence 23:834-852.
2005 (Co-authored with S. Chiu and S. Choi). “Getting Ahead in the Capitalist Paradise: Migration from China and Socioeconomic Attainment in Colonial Hong Kong. The International Migration Review, 39(1): 203-228.
2004 「香港女性的社會流動趨勢」。載於《香港、台灣和中國內地的社會階級變遷》,劉兆佳、李明?、尹寶珊、黃紹倫編,頁109-127。香港:香港中文大學香港亞太研究所。
2004 “Influential Cases.” Pp.491-493 in The SAGE Encyclopedia of Social Science Research Methods, edited by Michael S. Lewis-Beck, Alan Bryman and Tim Futing Liao. London: SAE Publications.”
2003 (與梁懿剛合著)「數碼鴻溝:誰可以通往互聯網之路?」《香港社會學學報》,第四期,頁135-154。
2003 (Co-authored with Y. K. Leung). ” Staying Away from the Information Superhighway: Resource Constraints or Personal Choice?” Pp. 277-298, Indicators of Social Development: Hong Kng 2001.
2002 (Co-authored with S. Chiu). “Leaving the Parental Home: Chinese Culture in an Urban Context.” Journal of Marriage and Family, 64: 614-626.
2001 「生男與生女:香港生育觀念的變遷」。載於《社會轉型與文化變貌:華人社會的比較》,劉兆佳、李明?、尹寶珊、黃紹倫編,頁259-272。香港:香港中文大學香港亞太研究所
2000 「從階級分析看香港的家庭分工」。載於《市場、階級與政治:變遷中的華人社會》,劉兆佳、李明?、尹寶珊、黃紹倫編,頁231-250。香港:香港中文大學香港亞太研究所。
2000 “Cross-level Effects of Class Characteristics on Students’ Perceptions of Teaching Quality.” Journal of Educational Psychology, 92: 818-825.”
2000 “A Multilevel Perspective on Student Ratings of Instruction: Lessons from the Chinese Experience.” Research in Higher Education, 41: 637-661.”
2000 (Co-authored with C. Chiu). “Materialistic Values in Hong Kong and Guangzhou: A Comparative Analysis of Two Chinese Societies.” Sociological Spectrum, 20: 15-40.
2000 (Co-authored wtih K. Bollen). “A Tetrad Test for Causal Indicators.” Psychological Methods, 5: 3-22.
1999 “Measuring Teaching Quality in Hong Kong’s Higher Education: Reliability and Validity of Student Ratings.” edited by J. James in Quality in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Pp. 46-54. Hong Kong Polytechnic University.”
1998 “The Tetrad Approach to Model Respecification.” Multivariate Behavior Research 33: 157-164.”
1998 “Bootstrapping a Test Statistic for Vanishing Tetrads.” (with K. Bollen). Sociological Methods and Research 27:77-102.”
1998 (Co-authored with C. Chiu and G. Tso and H. Cai). “A Comparison of Occupational Values Between Capitalist Hong Kong and Socialist Guangzhou.” Economic Development and Cultural Change, 46: 729-770.
1996 “Jobless and Poverty in America’s Central Cities: Causes and Policy Prescriptions.” (with J. Kasarda). Housing Policy Debate 7:387-419.”
1995 “Confirmatory Tetrad Analysis in SAS.” Structural Equation Modeling 2:163-171.”
1993 “Confirmatory Tetrad Analysis” (with K. Bollen). In Sociological Methodology, edited by Peter Marden, pp. 147-175.”

  • SOCI 3229
    Quantitative Data Analysis
  • SOCI 4020
    Graduation Thesis II
  • SOCI 5504
    Statistics for Social Research