Nicole W.T. Cheung’s main research interests lie in the sociology of deviance, the sociology of youth and addiction. First, her research on substance abuse is closely related to the normalisation of adolescent recreational drug use within non-Western cultural contexts. The normalisation paradigm introduces a ground-breaking, risk society perspective on social change – a prominent postmodern paradigm in sociology that has seldom been applied to the drug and deviance fields – to conceptualise youthful drug abuse. Second, Cheung has extended her research focus on substance abuse to gambling disorder. With the goal of bridging the literatures on gambling and the sociology of deviance, she has conducted two large-scale studies of adolescent gambling (with a student sample across 83 high schools) and gender disparities in gambling among married couples (with a community sample of 1,620 couples) in Hong Kong. Both studies yield significant contributions to the very limited body of gambling research in the sociology field. Third, she has also examined migration and adolescent victimisation/health in the context of young rural-to-urban migrants’risk behaviour and mental health in contemporary China. Victimisation as a form of social stress may contribute to the suboptimal mental well-being of rural migrant adolescents in urban China, but such undesirable effects may be buffered by social support ties forged in receiving cities and rural homes. Fourth, Cheung’s scholarship focus on the transition from school to work responds to a wider agenda on youth development in the increasingly precarious transition to adulthood. The research impact of this focus lies in going beyond the conventional structuralist orientation to locate the often overlooked social-psychological mechanisms (work motivation, alignment of occupational-educational aims and plans, career-related parental support and exposure to social stressors) that mediate the structural influence on the decisions made by youth under stress with the labour market outcomes of their plans.
- Sociology of crime and deviance
- Substance abuse
- Youth problem
- Gambling
- Migration and adolescent health
2020 | Cheung, Nicole W.T. “Gender, victimization and adolescent psychological health in the context of migration: Evidence from China.” Youth & Society 52(1): 99-118. |
2019 | Cheung, Yuet W. and Nicole W.T. Cheung. “Adolescent drug abuse in Hong Kong: Prevalence, psychosocial correlates, and prevention.” Journal of Adolescent Health 64(6): 28-33. |
2018 | Cheung, Yuet W. and Nicole W.T. Cheung. Psychoactive Drug Abuse in Hong Kong: Drug Use and Life Satisfaction. Singapore: Springer. |
2018 | Chan, Elda M.L., Nicole W.T. Cheung, Daphne N.Y. Yeung, Annie F.P. Kwok and Ryan H.Y. Wong. “An evaluation study of the RESTART program — Short-term residential treatment for addiction.” International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction 16: 1357-1372. |
2018 | Luo, Weixiang, Yuying Tong and Nicole W.T. Cheung. “Rural-to-urban migration and adolescent delinquent behaviors: Evidence from Hunan and Guangdong in China.” Eurasian Geography and Economic 59: 246-266. |
2016 | Cheung, Nicole W.T. “Social strain, self-control, and juvenile gambling pathology: Evidence from Chinese adolescents.” Youth & Society 48: 77-100. |
2016 | Cheung, Nicole W.T. “Defining crime.” Pp. 23-37 in Understanding Criminal Justice in Hong Kong, edited by Eric W.H. Chui and Wing T. Lo. UK: Routledge. |
2016 | Cheung, Nicole W.T., Yuet W. Cheung and Xi Chen. “Permissive attitude towards drug use, life satisfaction, and continuous drug use among psychoactive drug users in Hong Kong.” East Asian Archives of Psychiatry 26: 60-69. |
2015 | Cheung, Nicole W.T. “Social strain, couple dynamics and gender differences in gambling problems: Evidence from Chinese married couples.” Addictive Behaviors 41: 175-184. |
2014 | Cheung, Nicole W.T. “Social stress, locality of social ties and mental well-being: The case of rural migrant adolescents in urban China.” Health & Place 27: 142-154. |
2014 | Cheung, Nicole W.T. “Low self-control and co-occurrence of gambling with substance use and delinquency among Chinese adolescents.” Journal of Gambling Studies 30: 105-124. |
2013 | Lee, K.W. Kent, Nicole W.T. Cheung, and Sara H. Zhong. “Victimization and risk behaviors among girl-child in Hong Kong.” Pp. 265-294 in Women and Girls in Hong Kong: Current Situations and Future Challenges, edited by Susanne Y.P. Choi and Fanny M. Cheung. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. |
2012 | Cheung, Yuet W. and Nicole W.T. Cheung. Psychoactive Drug Abuse in Hong Kong: Drug Use and Life Satisfaction. Singapore: Springer. |
2010 | Cheung, Nicole W.T. and Yuet W. Cheung. “Strain, self-control, and gender differences in delinquency among Chinese adolescents: Extending general strain theory.” Sociological Perspectives 53: 321-345. |
2008 | Cheung, Nicole W.T. and Yuet W. Cheung. 2008. “Self-control, social factors, and delinquency: A test of the general theory of crime among adolescents in Hong Kong.” Journal of Youth & Adolescence 37: 412-430. |
2006 | Cheung, Nicole W.T. and Yuet W. Cheung.”Is Hong Kong experiencing normalization of adolescent drug use? Some reflections on the normalization thesis.”Substance Use and Misuse 41: 1967-1990. |
- SOCI 1002
Approaching Sociology - SOCI 3204
Sociology of Crime and Deviance - SOCI 5635
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