Newsletter No. 375

8 No. 375, 4.4.2011 下回〈十方吐露〉將訪問梁汝照先生 Mr. Raymond Leung will be featured in the next instalment of ‘TEN QUESTIONS FOR’. 預告 Coming When I was in Years 2 and 3, I couldn’t adjust to what was starting to happen to me, even though my eyes were better than what they are now. I used to go to class just on time so I didn’t need to socialize, and pick a seat in the corner. If self-acceptance had come earlier, I would have been happier. I would have gone on exchange, joined student activities. I lost many opportunities to understand myself and explore the world just because I was afraid of being found out. 5 中大教育給你最重要的是甚麼? What is the most important thing that your education at the Chinese University has given you? 學曉積極主動。我們需要主動參與,以前這並非我的強項。 我主修市場學,這是一門有關社會文化及觀察事物的學科, 有助我寫作和品格的建立。我亦學懂要勤力,很多教授都常 在課後花時間與我們討論功課。 Learning to be proactive. One needs to be proactive about taking part. I wasn’t good at it. I was a marketing student. Marketing is about social culture and observing things. It helped with my writing and character building. I also learnt to work hard. Many professors used to talk to us at length about homework after classes. 6 有道是「塞翁失馬,焉知非福」,用這個來形容你的 視障,你會介意嗎?還是認同? People sometimes describe a misfortune as a ‘blessing in disguise’. Does it bother you when it’s applied to your visual disability? Or do you think it’s true? 若你對所擁有的心存感恩,這話是對的。失明對我來說,不 論是心靈上還是實質上,都是福份。我的經歷令我有機會 接觸不同的人。在我們的圈子裏,常常需要聽和講,我這才 發現我說話並沒思維那般靈活。我以前避免看書,原因明顯 不過,但現在我會聽錄音書。我的經歷也開拓了我的創作 道路。那時我找不到工作,加入了一個藝術團體,他們叫我 寫劇本。我的小說講的就是這個─一連串的巧合。 If you are thankful for what you have, then it’s true. Blindness has been a spiritual and practical blessing for me. My experience has put me in touch with different people. In our circle, we need to listen and talk a lot. That has allowed me to discover that my thoughts are more eloquent than my speech. I used to avoid reading, for obvious reasons, but now I read audio books. It has also opened up my creative path. When I couldn’t find employment, I joined an art group and they asked me to write a script. My novel is about that—a series of coincidences. 1 繼小說《當被遺忘的遇上》和《我愛IPO》、劇本《看 不 • 看見》和廣播劇《訴》後,接下來有甚麼計劃? What is your next project after novels When the Forgotten Returns, I Love IPO, script Can You, Not See and radio drama Tell ? 我剛完成一個由香港失明人士協進會贊助的計劃,訪問環 保團體、義工組織和藝術機構,寫成《黑暗也能看見》。另 外,新作《視障日常生活領悟》將在復活節前出版。我又計 劃出版相冊,收錄初生至三歲小朋友的照片,並訪問他們的 父母,書名或許是《生命需珍惜》,希望藉此喚起他人珍惜 生命,我相信這是我的使命。我的視力在快畢業時開始衰 退,感到自己的視力逐漸失去,我很沮喪。我認不到人,往 面試時找不到地方,申請表格填得一塌糊塗,最終找不到一 工半職。但我慢慢了解到生命的價值不取決於外在環境,而 是在於自身。 I have just finished a new project funded by Hong Kong Blind Union that involved interviewing environmental organizations, volunteer groups and art societies. It’s called Seeing in the Dark . My book Insights into the Daily Life of the Visually Impaired will be published before Easter. I am considering compiling a picture book of photos and interviews with parents of newborns up to age three. The title can be Cherish Life . I do feel that it’s my mission to convince others of the importance of life. My eyes started to deteriorate when I was about to graduate. I was depressed as I could feel my sight going and I couldn’t find work. I couldn’t recognize people, couldn’t find the building where I was supposed to go for my interview, couldn’t fill out the application form properly. Gradually I learnt to appreciate that life’s value should not be determined by one’s external environment, but should come from within oneself. 2 寫小說、劇本、廣播劇、專欄,演出舞台劇,表演形 體藝術─你最喜歡哪樣?為甚麼? What do you enjoy most: writing novels, writing plays, writing radio plays, writing columns, acting, performing body art? Why? 我喜歡做訪問。很多人默默過活、默默工作,與他們傾談, 可以領略他們生活上的小智慧。表演則使我全情投入展現 自己,無論是舞蹈或其他的藝術表演,甚至是彈結他和彈 琴,都會使我渾然忘我,十分起勁。 I quite enjoy interviewing. There are many people living and working in silence, and talking to them reveals the little wisdoms they have about life. I become very absorbed in expressing myself during performances. Dancing and other forms of artistic performance, or even playing the guitar and piano distract and invigorate me. 3 在生命中,誰對你的影響最大? Who influenced you the most in your life? 我是基督徒,神對我的影響最大。我中二時認識基督教的 神,在大學二年級後期開始認真上教會。神應允看顧我們的 生命,所以我們無需過慮。 I am a Christian. God has influenced me a lot. I became acquainted with the Christian god in Secondary 2 and started seriously going to church at the end of Year 2. God promised to take care of our lives, so we don’t need to worry too much. 4 在你的人生經歷裏,可有甚麼是你希望可以處理得 不一樣的? Is there anything in life that you wish you had done differently? 我在大二和大三時,對於開始臨到身上的狀況一時適應不 來,雖然當時的視力比現在好。我習慣在最遲一刻才踏入課 室,然後選一個角落的座位,那便不用和同學寒喧。若我能 早點接納自己,我定會參加交流計劃和學生活動,應該會開 心些。就是因為我不想被人發現,以致錯失了很多發掘自己 和認識世界的機會。 鄺頌安 Kwong Chung-on 2002年工商管理學士畢業,2006年入選香港再生會「十大再生勇士」。 Graduate of Business Administration in 2002, named one of Ten Outstanding Warriors of Regeneration by the Regeneration Society in 2006 7 你最大的夢想是甚麼? What is your biggest dream? 輔導有需要的人,例如有需要的家庭。家庭對個人成長和健 康發展影響很大。 To counsel the needy, perhaps families in need. The family has an important lifelong influence on one’s growth and well-being. 8 有甚麼想跟中大學生說? Do you have any advice for CUHK students? 就是我的經驗之談:學習接納自己。我們都渴望成功,但 當遇到挫折,無論是人際上或學業上的,先要找出自己的 不足,加以改善。中大不斷發展,現時有很多課外及交流活 動,要抓緊這些機會。校園有很多海外生,多與他們交往, 不要只顧功課及當兼職。珍惜在這兒的四年,使大學生涯 更有意義。 From experience, learn to accept yourself. We all want to succeed, but when you encounter setbacks (socially, academically), find out what your weaknesses are and deal with them first. The Chinese University is expanding. There are many extracurricular activities and opportunities for exchange. Make use of them. There are students from overseas on campus. Interact with them. Don’t just focus on studying and working part-time. Cherish your four years here. Make them worth it. 9 分享一下你最自豪的時刻。 Your proudest moment? 入選為十大再生勇士,讓媽媽看到她的兒子可以出人頭地, 使她非常高興。上台領獎的一刻,我覺得很自豪。 Being named one of Ten Outstanding Warriors of Regeneration. It showed my mother that her son could make something of himself, and she was very happy. I felt very proud going on stage to receive the prize. 10 若你可重拾視力一天,會做甚麼? If you could have perfect vision for a day, what would you do? 旅行。我愛大自然,我愛美景。我好想看看尼亞加拉大瀑 布、一望無際的草原和雪蓋的山峰。 Travel. I love nature. I love beautiful places. I’d love to see the Niagara Falls, vast plains, snow-capped mountains.