Newsletter No. 368
6 No. 368, 4.12.2010 CAMPUS NEWS 校 園 消 息 香港考察之旅 • EMBA Students from Xi’an Visit Hong Kong 五 十名高級管理人員工商管理碩士程(西安)的學員 經工商管理學院安排,11月1至7日來港住讀一周, 並進行考察。 學員首先接受一天的團隊訓練,隨後往訪海洋公園、香港 廉政公署、中華電力、香港賽馬會及香港交易及結算所有 限公司等,聆聽高層管理人員講述其機構的發展歷程、未 來規劃和企業責任。學員亦踴躍提問,加深了解。 此外,學院更邀請了前校長金耀基教授、人文學偉倫講座 教授李歐梵教授、決策科學與企業經濟學系系主任張惠 民教授及市場學系系主任賈建民教授作專題講座,令學員 獲良益良多。 A group of 50 Executive Master of Business Administration Programme (Xian) students from mainland China visited CUHK for their residence week in Hong Kong from 1 to 7 November. Followed by a one-day team building training, the students visited companies and organizations such as Ocean Park, the Independent Commission Against Corruption, China Light and Power Holdings, Hong Kong Jockey Club, and Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Ltd. The students valued the chance to interact with the senior executives who gave presentations and shared with the group. Highlights of the trip included lectures by Prof. King Yeo-chi Ambrose, former Vice-Chancellor; Prof. Lee Ou-fan Leo, Wei Lun Professor of Humanities; Prof. Cheung Waiman, chairman, Department of Decision Sciences and Managerial Economics; and Prof. Jia Jianmin Jamie, chairman, Department of Marketing. 香 港特別行政區行政會議非官守議員召集人梁振英博士應逸夫書院之邀,於11月12日向一千四百名 中大生講述「確立願景、收窄分歧、凝聚共識—政治領袖的責任」的課題。 D r. the Honourable Leung Chun-ying, Convenor of the non-official members of the Executive Council, HKSAR, shared his views on ‘Setting Vision, Reconciling Differences and Forging Consensus— the Responsibilities of Political Leaders’ with some 1,400 students at a Shaw College assembly on 12 November. 政治領袖的責任 • Exco Member on Political Leaders’ Responsibilities 辯論中的價值觀:余若薇論民主的未來 • Values under Debate: Audrey Eu on Future of Democracy 立 法會議員及公民黨黨魁余若薇女士應人文價值研 究中心邀請,主講「民主的未來」。「政府與人民之 間無可避免會產生利益衝突。所有政府,無論獨裁與否, 都渴求效率、和諧和控制。」她要求大家思考一些問題,如 「誰能保證香港能繼續保持原有的價值觀?」她以立法會 有關趙連海的辯論為例,指出民主派和建制派的顯著分 別。前者以良知和權利為理據;後者雖然認為應寬大對待 趙連海,但強調事件屬於內地事務。 對於諸如民主、環境、房屋、醫療、社會公義等關乎社會的 未來的重要問題,人民會作出不同的選擇,而這些選擇是 受價值觀左右,人文價值研究中心致力把這些價值觀展現 於人前。中心主任Prof. David Parker說:「在星期天下午, 我們是隨大夥兒去逛商場,或者參加關於環保或香港政治 未來的集會,這些選擇都取決於我們的價值觀。到最後, 人民在這些事情上所作的選擇,或令我們的社會變得豐 盛,或使之變得匱乏。但我們又有多少人會靜心思考或討 論我們的選擇背後的價值觀?」「辯論中的價值觀」是該 中心每月一次的午餐研究會系列。 T he Honourable Eu Yuet-mee Audrey, Legco member and leader of the Civic Party, was invited by the Research Centre for Human Values (RCHV) to be the first speaker of its monthly lunch-time seminar series ‘Values under Debate’. In her talk entitled ‘The Future of Democracy’, Ms. Eu outlined the importance of democracy even in a society like Hong Kong. ‘There’s always an inevitable conflict of interest between the government and the people. All governments, autocratic or not, prefer efficiency, harmony and control.’ She urged contemplation of questions such as ‘Who will guarantee that Hong Kong values will last?’ Quoting Legco’s debate on Zhao Lianhai, she observed a marked difference between the pro-democrats and the pro-establishment camp: the former based their arguments on issues of conscience and rights, while the latter, though in favour of leniency for Zhao, believed the incident was strictly a matter of China’s internal affairs. The RCHV is dedicated to making explicit the values that underpin people’s choices about a range of important issues for the future of our community, issues such as democracy, the environment, housing, health care, social justice and so on. Prof. David Parker, RCHV director, says, ‘Whether we follow everybody else to the shopping malls on Sunday afternoons, or attend a rally about the environment or the political future of Hong Kong—such choices depend on our values. In the end, our community is either enriched or impoverished by the choices that people make about matters like these. But how many of us ever take the time to reflect on or to discuss the values that underpin our choices?’ The process of discussion in the seminars, he explains, is designed to bring the debated values up into awareness through explicit articulation.
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