Newsletter No. 340

No. 340, 19.6.2009 (接上頁 Continued ) 研 究不應局限於象牙塔內,而應走進世界。八位來自 不同學院的得獎人,縱然研究範疇不同,但談到對 研究的期望時,則信念一致,力求切合社會需要,為世人謀 福祉。得獎者之一麥穎思教授便指出:「研究是影響社會 的重要方法;須秉持敏銳觸覺與誠信而行之。」 R esearchers should not only work in ivory towers. They should benefit the public with their research output. Although the eight recipients come from different Faculties, they share the common goal of striving to ensure that their research meets society’s needs. Prof. Mak Wing-sze Winnie, one of the recipients, said, ‘Research is a valuable means of influencing society, we must do it with sensitivity and integrity.’ 研究生學術成果獎 Postgraduate Research Output Award 2008 青年學者研究成就獎 Young Researcher Award 2008 有 人形容研究是「既痛苦又孤獨」的歷程,但在求知的熱忱推動下克服種種困難,往往 教人興奮不已。六位研究生學術成果獎得主,都是憑着不屈不撓的精神披荊斬棘, 找尋答案,取得突破。正如得獎人之一李穎妍女士所說:「困難內自有機會。」 S ome say doing research is painful and lonely. But overcoming difficulty also brings excitement. The six recipients, armed with perseverance, seek solutions to problems and make ground-breaking developments in their own fields. It is like what Ms. Li Wing-yen Francisca, one of the awardees, said, ‘In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity’. 副校長楊綱凱教授(右)及法律學院院長麥高偉教授(左)致送紀 念品予梁定邦博士(中) Prof. Kenneth Young (right), Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Prof. Mike McConville (left), Dean, Faculty of Law, present a souvenir to Dr. Anthony Neoh (centre) NEWS & EVENTS 資深大律師論專業形勢 Senior Counsel on Legal Profession Environment • 法 律學院為慶祝成立五周年以及遷進校園西部教學 大樓的永久辦事處,於2009年5月15日舉行誌慶講 座,共有逾一百五十位嘉賓出席。 資深大律師梁定邦博士應邀論述法律專業面對的環境轉 變。梁博士專長民事上訴及國際訴訟,曾任法律學院法律 教育籌備委員會主席。 當天法律界賢達濟濟一堂,包括法官、大律師、律師和立 法會議員等,此外還有大學教職員、學生及校友,除了出席 講座,他們亦參觀了法律學院的新設施,並深表欣賞。 劉校長(中)頒獎予八位青年學者研究成就獎得主,左起:文學院日本研究學系邱淑婷教授、工商管理學 院會計學院與財務學系范博宏教授、教育學院課程與教學學系劉潔玲教授、工程學院計算機科學與工 程學系賈佳亞教授、法律學院趙宇紅教授、醫學院矯形外科及創傷學系方迪培教授、理學院生物系關健 明教授、社會科學院心理學系麥穎思教授 Professor Lau (centre) and the eight recipients of the award (from left): Prof. Yau Shuk-ting Kinnia (Department of Japanese Studies, Faculty of Arts), Prof. Fan Po-hung Joseph (School of Accountancy and Department of Finance, Faculty of Business Administration), Prof. Lau Kit-ling (Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Faculty of Education), Prof. Jia Jiaya (Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Faculty of Engineering), Prof. Zhao Yuhong (Faculty of Law), Prof. Fong Tik-pui Daniel (Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Faculty of Medicine), Prof. Kwan Kin-ming (Department of Biology, Faculty of Science), Prof. Mak Wing-sze Winnie (Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social Science) 劉校長(中)與四位研究生學術成果獎得主,左起:工商管理學院市場學系尹振英博士、醫學院化學 病理學系倫妙芬博士、理學院生物系李穎妍女士、社會科學院太空與地球信息科學研究所張佩瑤 女士。文學院歷史系劉勇博士及教育學院教育行政與政策學系錢海燕女士因事未克出席 Professor Lau (centre) and the four award recipients (from left): Dr. Wan Chun-ying Lisa (Department of Marketing, Faculty of Business Administration), Dr. Lun Miu-fan (Department of Chemical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine), Ms. Li Wing-yen Francisca (Department of Biology, Faculty of Science), Ms. Zhang Peiyao (Institute of Space and Earth Information Science, Faculty of Social Science). Dr. Liu Yong (Department of History, Faculty of Arts) and Ms. Qian Haiyan (Department of Educational Administration and Policy, Faculty of Education) were unable to attend the ceremony T o celebrate the CUHK Faculty of Law’s fifth year in existence, having achieved Faculty status and completed the move to its permanent home in the Teaching Complex at Western Campus, a commemorative lecture was held on 15 May 2009, with over 150 guests in attendance. A lecture ‘The Changing Environment for the Legal Profession’ was given by Dr. Anthony Neoh SC JP. Dr. Neoh is a senior member of the Hong Kong Bar Association, active in civil appellate and international litigation cases. Dr. Neoh was the chairman of the Planning Committee of the School of Law. Guests in attendance included judges, legal practitioners, legislative council members, university colleagues, current students and alumni. They were particularly impressed by the facilities of the Faculty of Law.