CHAN Hoi-man
Adjunct Associate Professor
Current Research & Teaching Interests
  • Hong Kong culture and mentality
  • The constitution of Chinese society
  • Sociological theory
Selected Publications
2010 《啟蒙論: 社會學與中國文化啟蒙》,600頁,第二版,北京:社會科學文獻出版社。
2008 (Co-authored with KING Ambrose Yeo Chi). “Chinese Religion”. Understanding Contemporary China ed. by Gamer, R.. 3 ed. New York: Lynn Reinner.
2008 陳海文. <文化與社會:中國社會學的學科性格>. 《「本土心理研究取徑論叢」,本土心理研究叢書 #9》 楊中芳教授編. 頁77-92. 台北: 本土心理研究叢書,遠流出版社。
2007 陳海文. <為甚麼哈貝馬斯不是神學家?–面向神學的社會學沉思>. 《「哈貝馬斯與漢語神學」,漢語基督教文化研究所叢刊 #29》 張慶熊,林子淳編. 頁233-257. 香港: 漢語基督教文化研究所。
2002 《啟蒙論:社會學與中國文化啟蒙》,619頁,Hong Kong: Oxford University Press.
2000 (with Ambrose King) “Religion,” in Garmar, R. ed., Understanding Contemporary China, Lynn Rienner Publisher.
1998 <論社會學之傳統與中國化──後設社會學札記之三>,《新亞學術集刊》 #16.
1997 “Labyrinth of Hybridization: The Cultural Internationalization of Hong Kong”, in Gerard A. Postiglione and James T. H. Tang ed., Hong Kong’s Reunion with China, pp. 169-199, New York: M.E. Sharpe, Inc., USA.”
1995 “Popular Culture and Political Society: Prolegomena on Cultural Studies in Hong Kong,” in Sinn, E. ed. Culture and Society in Hong Kong, Center of Asian Studies, University of Hong Kong.”
1995 “Culture and Identity,” in The Other Hong Kong Report 1994, The Chinese University Press.”
1995 (with Rance Lee) “Hong Kong Families at the Crossroads of Traditionalism & Modernism,” in Comparative Family Studies, vol. 26 #1.
1994 <對建立中國社會學傳統的幾點思考──後設社會學札記之二>,《香港社會科學學報》第三期。
1993 “Some Metasociological Notes on the Sinicization of Sociology,” International Sociology, vol. 8, #1.”
1992 “Modenity and Revolution in Chinese Education,” in Hayhoe, R. ed. Education and Modernization: The Chinese Experience, p. 73 – 102, New York: Pergamon Press.”
  • SOCI 4208
    Cultural Sociology
  • SOCI 5601
    Theoretical Perspective in Sociology
  • UGEA 2300
    China from Tradition to Modernity
Community and Professional Service
  • Visiting Scholar on Cultural Sociology, Tsinghua University, Beijing
  • Visiting Scholar on Social Planning, Fudan University, Shanghai
  • Editorial Board member, Journal of Social Theory
  • Visiting Lecturer on Social Planning, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou