Bulletin Vol. 4 No. 5 Feb 1968
COMINGS AND GOINGS △ D r. H a ro ld J. Coolidge, Foreign Secretary, N a tional Academ y o f Science, visited H ong K on g on 19th January w ith his sister M rs. Thomas Stone, and were received by M r, S .K . Fang, A ctin g President, and M r. N .H . Young, A c tin g Vice-President, o f U n ited College. T h e visitors were later in vited by the V ice- Chancellor to the m on th ly U n ive rsity Luncheon as his honoured guests. In the afternoon M r, Y oung took D r. Coolidge and M rs. Stone fo r a to u r o f the new U n iv e rs ity site at Shatin. △ On 12th January Professor M ichae l Sullivan, Professor o f Eastern F ine A rts at Stanford U n ive rsity, visited N ew Asia College. He gave a lecture on “ T h e Chinese Painter in the Changing W o rld ", illustrated by colou r slides. △ M r. T .C . Cheng, President o f U n ite d College, le ft H o ng K o n g on 7th January fo r a trip to the U n ite d K in g d om . He also visited universities in France fo r tw o weeks at the in vita tio n o f the French Governm ent. He is expected to re tu rn to H o ng K o n g on 7th February. △ Professor W in fie ld E. Nagley, Professor o f P hilosophy at the U n iv e rs ity o f Hawaii, visited New- Asia College on 15th January and was entertained at a tea p a rty held by the In s titu te o f Advanced Chinese Studies and Research in conjunction w ith the D e pa rt ment o f Philosophy o f the College. T here was a re ciprocation o f views fo r the establishment o f social philosophy. △ M rs. H . M arsden-Sm edley , Senior M em b e r o f the Board o f Governors, Chelsea College o f Science and Technology, U n ive rsity o f London , and V ice- Chairman o f the Board o f Governors, Chelsea School o f A rts, visited U n ite d College on 13th January. She was met by M r. S .K . Fang, A ctin g President, and M r. T .R . L iu , D e p u ty Registrar (Students), M rs. M arsden-Sm edley has a special interest in student matters, and has been most active amongst the students o f Chelsea fo r the last th irty years. W h ile vis itin g the College, she met some student leaders and had a free exchange o f views on student matters both ill H ong K o n g and the U n ited K in gd om . △ D r. Ronald T u rn e r-S m ith , L e ctu re r in M a the matics at Chung C h i College, arrived in Hong K o n g from England w ith his fam ily on 24th January. △ Professor Abraham Kaplan, Professor o f P h ilo sophy at the U n iv e rs ity o f M ichigan, visited New Asia College on 23rd January and met w ith President T .C . Ou. Professor Kaplan delivered an address on "E x is ten tialism o f M a rtin B u b e r" at a tea pa rty in his honour jo in tly given by the In s titu te o f Advanced Chinese Studies and Research and the Departm ent o f Philosophy o f the College. △ M r. Lee Y im , Senior L e ctu re r and Head o f the D epa rtm ent o f Chinese Language and L ite ra tu re at U n ite d College, le ft H ong K o n g fo r T aiw an on 29th January in connection w ith his research on oracle bones. He is expected to return on 8th February. △ Professor Chou Fa-kao o f Chung C h i College was on leave to T aiw an fo r a trip from 20th to 27th January. △ M iss Grace Chan M an-yuen, a second year Sociology student o f U n ite d College, le ft on 9th January to participate in the 13th Far East S tudent Leader Project being held in the U n ite d States from 10th January fo r about 70 days. U n de r this project arranged by the U .S . State Departm ent, she and other young student leaders from the Far East w ill v is it American college and u n ive rsity campuses, meet Am erican students and take pa rt in an experim ent in international living . M iss Chan's award is the fo u rth occasion on w h ich a student o f U n ite d College was selected to represent H ong K o n g in the Far East S tudent Leader Project. △ D r. A.J. Van A lsty n e , L e ctu re r in Geography, Chung C h i College, arrived in H ong K o n g from P itts bu rgh w ith his fam ily on 2nd January. △ M rs. C h ristine Cole, D ire cto r o f a new in d u s try - sponsored Journalism School in W e lling to n , New- Zealand, visited the Journalism D epartm ent o f the U n iv e rs ity on 9th January. COLLEGE NEWS △ M r. M ic h e l M id an , C u ltu ra l A ffairs Attache, and M r. A la in Blasi, Assistant Attache o f the French Consulate General in H ong K ong, visited New Asia College on 5th January. M r. M id a n gave a talk on “ U n iv e rs ity Education in F rance". President T .C . Ou o f the College entertained them at a luncheon. △ M r . S.W . R a inb ird , P rin cipa l G overnm ent T ra in in g O fficer, Colonial Secretariat, gave a talk on re cru itm en t in te rview and w ritte n exam ination technique at U n ite d College on 17th January. Over 40 final-year students interested in G overnm ent careers attended the session, w hich ended w ith an exchange o f questions and answers. 6
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