Bulletin Vol. 4 No. 5 Feb 1968
O f the five career talks programmed, the firs t was delivered by M r. S.W . R a inb ird , P rin cipa l G overnm ent T ra in in g O fficer o f Governm ent T ra in in g D ivisio n , Colonial Secretariat. He spoke on Government Careers in general w ith emphasis on how to appear best at a re cru itm en t inte rview , especially interviews at the Execu tive Grade. He also dwelled on w ritte n exam ination techniques in considerable detail. M r. R a inb ird talked to students o f U n ite d College on Wednesday, 17th January, and to students o f the other tw o Colleges on T hursd ay, 18th February, at New Asia College. M o ck-in te rview s are also being arranged at each College to give students practical experience in th e ir performance at interviews, and fo r students in te nd ing to fu rth e r th e ir studies abroad or in the Colony. NEW CHAIRMEN FOR BOARDS OF STUDIES FOR 1967-68 T h e fo llow in g have been elected new chairmen o f Boards o f Studies fo r the academic year 1967-68: Professor B. Hensman Board o f Studies in English Language & L ite ra tu re Professor T ang C h u n -i Board o f Studies in P h ilo sophy and Fine A rts D r. Yang Ju-m ei Board o f Studies in Commerce Professor V .A . K ram e r Board o f Studies in M a th e matics D r. L o h Shiu-chang Board o f Studies in Electronics GRANT FOR CHINESE MED ICAL PLANT RESEARCH PROJECT T h e Association o f M a Clansmen o f Sar Chung has made a grant to New Asia College to help finance a research project on Chinese medicinal plants c u rre n tly conducted by D r. James C .N . M a, L e ctu re r in Chem istry o f that College. A cheque in the am ount o f $2,500 representing the Association's in itia l grant towards the pro je ct was handed to D r. Ou T suin -chen, President o f the College, by M r. Charles M a r Fan, Chairm an o f the Association, on 18th January. M r. M a r, who is also the Managing D ire c to r o f the Sincere Co. Depa rtm ent Store and the Chairman o f the Sincere G roup o f Companies, stated tha t the purpose o f the grant was to encourage research activities and that the money could be used to meet such expenses as m ig h t be involved in pharmacological tests, the em ploym ent o f tem porary assistants, and the publication o f the findings. MOMBUSHO SCHOLARSHIP T h e Consul General o f Japan in H ong K o n g inform ed the V ice-Chancellor tha t the fo llow in g candidates from H ong K o n g had been selected to be grantees o f the M om busho Scholarship o f the Japanese Governm ent :- (a) L i Hoo-Cheong o f U n ite d College, C U H K . (b) L a i F ung -w a i o f N ew Asia College, C U H K . Both candidates applied d ire ctly to the Japanese authorities, and were selected in open com petition. LONG WATER PIPE BEING INSTALLED FOR CUHK A 27,000 feet long water pipe is being installed be tween Plover Cove D is tilla tio n Station, Shatin, and M a L iu Shui. T h e new water pipe is to supply water fo r the U n ive rsity. T h e whole installation project w ill be completed in ten m onths' time. STAFF PROFILES Prof. Toshichika Totoki, Visiting Professor, Japanese Studies Prof. Toshichika T o to k i, V is itin g Professor o f Japanese Studies o f the U n ive rs ity, was bo rn in 1927 in Osaka, Japan. He studied at K eio U n ive rsity, T okyo, Japan, where he received his B .A . in P olitica l Science in 1952 , M .A . in Sociology in 1955 , and P h.D . in In d u s tria l Sociology in 1966. In 1959, Harvard U n iv e rsity awarded h im an In te rn a tion a l Teachers Programme Certificate in Hum an Relations. A t K e io U n iv e rs ity he served from 1955 to 1958 as Research Assistant in the F aculty o f Law and Politica l Science, as Research Associate from 1958 to 1960, and as Associate Professor from 1960 to 1966. Since 1966 he has been Professor o f Sociology and Social A n th ro pology in the D epartm ent o f P o litica l Science; and Research Professor in the G raduate School o f Social Relations. W h ile in th a t U n iv e rs ity he was also a Sem inar Le ctu re r o f O rganizational Behaviour in the School o f Business A dm in is tra tio n from 1959 to 1964 4
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