學習空間統一預約系統 |
因應部分學生須返回校園參與面授課堂或其他學術活動及其後或須出席線上課堂,大學已預留部份課室及特別室以供學生使用「學習空間統一預約系統」 (CBS)預留學習空間(通常為課室內的一張書桌及座椅)以支援學生於校園的學習。 |
除以上預約的學習地方外,學生亦可透過大學圖書館的預約系統(https://www.lib.cuhk.edu.hk/en/use/places/group)預留大學圖書館的學習室/討論區,或到下列由圖書館、資訊科技服務處(ITSC)及學生事務處(OSA)提供的安靜地方學習或出席線上課堂。此外各學院/學系亦可能有其他特別室供其主修課程學生作自學和其他用途,學生可自行向主修學系或學院查詢有關事宜。 |
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圖書館內的Zoom專用區: |
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碧秋樓一樓的用戶區: |
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伍何曼原樓六樓的學習共享空間: |
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范克廉樓三樓306室: |
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富爾敦樓二樓207室: |
預約指定學習空間指引及規則: |
1. |
學生可於2021年1月4日起登錄CBS以預留學習空間。除星期日及公眾假期外,位於龐萬倫樓學生中心(PSC)、康本國際學術園(YIA)、富爾敦樓(JFC)、潤昌堂(LHC)及蒙民偉樓工程學大樓(ERB)的指定房間/課室內的座位可供學生於2021年1月11日至2021年4月24日期間經預約後使用。為保持社交距離,此系統只會安排房間座位數目一半供學生預約及使用。詳情請參閱學習空間統一預約系統房間列表。 |
2. |
學生可於此系統預留當日及未來7日(即總共8日)的學習空間。所有預約按先到先得原則處理,並會獲得即時確認。 |
3. |
學生可通過系統預約學習空間之座位,每次預約時間由1小時至最多3小時(例如08:30 – 10:30)。同一天允許進行多次預約,每位學生於前後共計8日的預約期內可預留最多合共16小時的座位使用時間。 |
4. |
學生須登記出席(詳情請參閱下列第13點),並根據預約紀錄於指定座位就座。如果學生未有按指示於預約時段的首30分鐘內完成登記(Check-in)程序,系統將視作缺席處理,此學生預留座位的時段將被取消,並於系統內開放給其他學生預約。 |
5. |
學生必須適時取消不再需要之預約以便其他學生可於系統內預約。若學生在前後共計8日之內(例如:1月18日當天,系統將計算由1月18日至1月25日)有2次缺席紀錄,系統便暫停該學生未來3天新的預約申請,並即時生效。 |
6. |
學生在使用座位後必須保持座位整潔。 |
7. |
學生應該於使用學習空間時段全程佩戴外科口罩及不可飲食。 |
8. |
請留意並遵守大學宣布的其他抗疫預防措施。 |
9. |
大學保留在毋須事前通知下,於特殊情況下關閉房/課室(例如校園內有新冠肺炎確診個案)及保留更改預約學習空間指引及規則的權利。 |
預約座位及登記出席指引: |
10. |
點擊註冊及考試組網頁內之連結,以中大電郵賬戶(Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它)及OnePass密碼登錄CBS。 |
11. |
選擇日期、開始時間和使用時間後,系統將顯示可用之房間及各房間可供預約的座位數目。學生可選擇預約之房間,然後點擊 “Reserve” 開始預約程序。 |
12. |
如預約成功,系統將出現一個由系統分配的座位編號(例如:YIA-509-01),此座位編號顯示了所選大樓、房間及指定座位的資料(如例子中01為座號),學生並將於中大電子郵箱收到確認電郵。學生亦可於系統內 “My Reservations”查看所有預約資料。 |
13. |
按照預約時間到達房間。請按桌上的座號並根據預約紀錄所指示的座位就座。於預約時段的首30分鐘內,用手機上的二維碼掃描程式掃描桌上用作“Check-in”的二維碼(QR Code),並輸入學生編號(Student ID number)以登記出席。為免在系統中產生缺席紀錄,學生必須完成此重要的“Check-in”程序。 |
14. |
當學生決定離開房間時,亦必須掃描張貼在桌上的“Check-out”二維碼,並輸入學生編號,使系統得悉該座位已空置,並可由其他學生預約餘下的時間。 |
取消已確認之預約: |
15. |
為免缺席的罰則,亦可讓其他學生預約空置的學習空間,學生必須取消不再需要的預約時段。程序如下: 登錄CBS,於“My Reservations”內刪除不需要的預約,或點擊預約確認電子郵件中所載的連結取消該項預約。 |
16. |
學生將於中大電子郵箱收到確認取消預約之電郵,亦可於“My Reservations”選擇查閱所有預約的預約紀錄狀態(Reservation Status),有關紀錄將顯示為已取消(Cancelled)。 |
更新於2020年12月29日 |
房間編號 |
地點 |
區域 |
原有 |
現有 |
開始 |
結束 |
PSC-G08 |
龐萬倫樓學生中心G08室 |
祟基校園 |
12 |
6 |
08:30 |
18:30 |
PSC-G09 |
龐萬倫樓學生中心G09室 |
祟基校園 |
8 |
4 |
08:30 |
18:30 |
PSC-G10 |
龐萬倫樓學生中心G10室 |
祟基校園 |
8 |
4 |
08:30 |
18:30 |
PSC-204 |
龐萬倫樓學生中心二樓204室 |
祟基校園 |
8 |
4 |
09:30 |
18:30 |
PSC-312 |
龐萬倫樓學生中心三樓312室 |
祟基校園 |
8 |
4 |
09:30 |
18:30 |
YIA-509 |
康本國際學術園五樓509室 |
祟基校園 |
30 |
15 |
08:30 |
18:30 |
YIA-511 |
康本國際學術園五樓511室 |
祟基校園 |
30 |
15 |
08:30 |
18:30 |
JFC-206 |
富爾敦樓206室 |
中央校園 |
12 |
6 |
08:30 |
18:30 |
LHC-106 |
潤昌堂一樓106演講廳 |
中央校園 |
55 |
27 |
08:30 |
18:30 |
ERB-703 |
蒙民偉樓工程學大樓七樓703室 |
中央校園 |
55 |
27 |
09:30 |
18:30 |
Guidelines for Precautionary Measures for Face-to-Face Meetings |
Note: The followings are suggested guidelines. Departments/course teachers concerned may adopt other precautionary measures as appropriate. |
1. |
Precautionary measures |
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Students and course teachers concerned with one or more of the following conditions should not come back to the campus for the face-to-face meetings, and they should make other appropriate arrangements. |
a. |
have travelled outside Hong Kong within 14 days before attending the class/laboratory session; |
b. |
are still within the compulsory quarantine period; |
c. |
are living with family members/persons who are confirmed cases of COVID-19; or |
d. |
have chronic illness/other medical conditions. |
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Students and course teachers concerned should monitor their own body temperature on each day before attending the class/laboratory session. If their body temperature is at or higher than 37.5C or with presence of respiratory symptoms, they should seek medical advice immediately. |
2. |
Before the class/laboratory session |
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Students and course teachers concerned with body temperature at or higher than 37.5C or with presence of respiratory symptoms should not attend the class/laboratory session on the scheduled date. They should seek medical advice immediately. |
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All students and course teachers must pay attention to personal hygiene. They are required to put on surgical masks and use alcohol sanitizers to rub hands before entering the venue. Alcohol sanitizers should be provided at the building entrance, and surgical masks for students who are in need. |
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Students should reserve ample time to enter the venue by batches to avoid crowd gathering at the entrance of the venue. |
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Course teachers should arrange a suitable venue for the class/laboratory session where social distancing can be enforced. |
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There should be at least one meter apart between students in the seating arrangement. Students may also be arranged to sit in single rows with a ‘face-to-back’ setting (to face one direction), or chessboard-style seating arrangement. |
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Proper physical distance for group activities should also be arranged. Avoid any close contact in classes, e.g. activities/games involving body contact. For teaching/learning activities to be conducted in groups, please always follow the Government’s announcement on the number of persons allowed for group gatherings in the arrangements. For PE and Music courses, course teachers also need to follow specific guidelines of relevant government offices in conducting the classes. |
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Arrange students to take turn to use the laboratory in sessions and enforce proper social distancing. |
• |
Proper cleaning and disinfection of the venues MUST be done every day. |
• |
Try to maintain good indoor ventilation of the venue, e.g. open the windows, if possible. |
3. |
During the class/laboratory session |
• |
All students and course teachers are required to put on surgical masks all through the class/laboratory session. |
• |
No eating or drinking is allowed inside the venue. |
4. |
After the class/laboratory session |
Arrange students to leave the venue in batches, so as not to crowd the exits. |
5. |
Contact Tracing |
If in the unfortunate situation that a confirmed COVID-19 case is identified and who has attended the class/laboratory session, the course teachers concerned should report to the University’s Committee on Health Promotion and Protection (CHPP) immediately, and contact the management unit of the venue to arrange disinfection, and provide contact list of participants of the class/laboratory session to the offices concerned to facilitate efficient contact tracing. |
21 September 2020 |
Guidelines for Precautionary Measures for Face-to-Face Examinations |
Note: The followings are suggested guidelines. Departments/course teachers concerned may adopt other precautionary measures as appropriate. |
1. |
Precautionary measures |
• |
Students, course teachers/invigilators concerned with one or more of the following conditions should not come back to the campus for the face-to-face examination, and they should make other appropriate arrangements. |
a. |
have travelled outside Hong Kong within 14 days before the day of examination; |
b. |
are still within the compulsory quarantine period; |
c. |
are living with family members/persons who are confirmed cases of COVID-19; or |
d. |
have chronic illness/other medical conditions. |
• |
Students, invigilators and course teachers should monitor their own body temperature on each day before attending the examination. If their body temperature is at or higher than 37.5C or with presence of respiratory symptoms, they should seek medical advice immediately. |
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Students should follow the Regulation to apply for absence from examination if their conditions do not permit them to take the examination, if applicable. |
2. |
Before the examination |
• |
Students, invigilators and course teachers concerned with body temperature at or higher than 37.5C or with presence of respiratory symptoms should not enter the examination venue. They should seek medical advice immediately. |
• |
All students, course teachers/invigilators must pay attention to personal hygiene. They are required to put on surgical masks and use alcohol sanitizers to rub hands before entering the examination venue. Alcohol sanitizers should be provided at the building entrance, and surgical masks for students who are in need. |
• |
Students should reserve ample time to enter the examination venue by batches to avoid crowd gathering at the entrances of the examination venue. |
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Course teachers should arrange a suitable venue for the examination where social distancing can be enforced. |
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In arrangements of seating, keep the physical distance between students at least one meter apart. |
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Proper cleaning and disinfection of the examination venue MUST be done after each examination session. |
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Try to maintain good indoor ventilation of the venue, e.g. open the windows, if possible. |
3. |
During the examination |
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All students, course teachers/invigilators are required to put on surgical masks during the whole examination, including oral examinations. |
• |
No eating or drinking is allowed in the examination venue. |
4. |
After the examination |
Arrange students to leave the examination venue in batches, so as not to crowd the exits. |
5. |
Contact Tracing |
If in the unfortunate situation that a confirmed COVID-19 case is identified and who has attended the examination, the course teachers concerned should report to the University’s Committee on Health Promotion and Protection (CHPP) immediately, and contact the management unit of the venue to arrange disinfection, and provide contact list of participants of the examination to the offices concerned to facilitate efficient contact tracing. |
28 September 2020 |
第 1 頁,共 2 頁