Bulletin Vol. 7 No. 7 Mar 1971
Dr. King's publications include The Historical Development of Chinese Democratic Though t. The Nightmare of Modern Men, and From Tradition to Modernity: An Analysis of Chinese Social Structure and Its Change. He has also edited and translated The Ecology of Public Adm i n i s t r a t i o n . Mrs. Lo Ng Yuk-ying, Administrative Assistant, Vice-Chancellor's Office Mrs. Lo Ng Yuk-ying 土 女 英 玉 吳 羅 Mrs. Lo Ng Yuk-ying was born in Hong Kong and was educated at Belilios Public School. In 1965 , she graduated w i th a B.A. degree from the University of Hong Kong, majoring in English Literature and minoring in Chinese Literature. Upon graduation, she joined the Social Welfare Department of the Government as a social worker. She resigned from the civil service in February 1967 when she was appointed Administrative Assistant by this University. Six months later she left for Canada and studied Education in the University of Ottawa. She graduated w i th a Bachelor of Education degree in May 1968. Having spent one year teaching at Kau Yan College, she came back to the University as an Administrative Assistant. Mrs. Lo is now Assistant to the Editor of The University Bulletin. Mrs. Lo is the translato r of Jack London's To Build a Fire and The Heathen. Comings and Goings • Prof. R.A. Buckingham, Director, Institute of Computer Science, London University, was in Hong Kong from 25th January to 8 th February on a British Council Specialist Tour, t o advise on computer education in general and on computer science courses at undergraduate and post-graduate levels in the University of Hong Kong and this University. • Rev. John Stott, Anglican author and preacher, and Chaplain to Her Majesty the Queen of England, preached on "The Faith of an Evangelical" at Chung Chi College on 9th February. • Mr. George Pittendrigh, Warden of the Union of the University of New England, Australia, visited United College on 16th February, He was on a round- the-world trip visiting institutions of higher learning and meeting people interested in student welfare. • Dr. Andrew T. Roy, Vice-President for Public Relations, Chung Chi College, left fo r Kuala Lumpur on 17th February to lead a discussion group in a Methodist Consultation on the Mission in Asia. • Other visitors to the University included: Dr. William A. Allaway, Director of the University of California Education Abroad Program ; Sir Hugh Springer, Secretary-General of The Association of Commonwealth Universities; and Mr. E.E. Temple, Senior Assistant Secretary of The Association of Commonwealth Universities and concurrently Joint Secretary of the Commonwealt Scholarship Commission in the United Kingdom. College News • Rev. Cheung Wing-Ngok, Vicar of St. Stephen's Church and Archdeacon, Diocese of Hong Kong and Macao, has been appointed member of the Board of Governors of Chung Chi College to replace the Right Rev. James Pong. • An Annual Prize-Giving Ceremony was held on 19th February in the Cheun g Chuk Shan Hall of United College, at which 29 outstanding students from the various departments of the College were awarded academic prizes donated by organizations and individuals interested in the promotion of higher education in Hong Kong. The Ceremony was officiated by Mr. Wong Wan-tin, Member of the College Board of Trustees, who, in his address, pointed out the importance of general education and the need for all-round training in Hong Kong and urged students to cultivate a sense of social responsibility. A large gathering of prize-donors , guests, College Trustees, students and their parents, and members of staff were present at the Ceremony. 一 7 —
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