Bulletin Vol. 10 No. 6 Feb–Mar 1974
19th Jan. “ The Basic Components of Social Casework with Special Emphasis on the Person” 2nd Feb. “Stress and Ego-functioning" 9th Feb. “He l p i ng Skill s in Social Casework” • Dr. Robert P. Kramers of University of Zurich delivered a lecture on “Utopianism in Chinese T r ad i t i on” on 14th January at the invitation of the Department of Philosophy and Religion of Chung Chi College. • Dr. James C.N. Ma, Head of the Chemistry Department, New Asi a College, gave a talk on ‘‘The Evolution of Science" on 18th January at the monthly meeting of New Asia College. • The Extramural Studies Department held an exhibition of “ New Yea r” Woodblock Prints f r om 16th January to 14th February. • Mr. Stephen C. Soong, Director of the Translation Centre of th e University, gave a talk on ‘‘Machine Translation" o n 1st February at a seminar jointly sponsored by the Faculty of Arts and the Research Institut e of New Asia College. • New Asia College and the Yale-in-China Association jointly sponsored a preview exhibition of about 60 Chinese paintings and calligraphy by staff members of the Fine Arts Department at the City Hall from 1st to 3rd February. The exhibits will make a tour of the United States and will first be shown at the Art Gallery of Yale University on 1st March. • At a seminar jointly sponsored by the Journalism Department and the Translation Department of New Asia College on 8th February, Miss T.Y. Lin, Chief Editor o f the Chinese Edition of the Readers' Digest, was invited to talk on “Editing the Readers' Digest Chinese Edition”. • Dr. Chiao Chien, Lecturer in Anthropology, New Asia College, gave a lecture on “Cu l t u r al Problems: An Anthropological Viewpoint ” at the monthly meeting of New Asia College held on 8th February. • The Histor y Departmental Club of New Asia College sponsored a semina r on 15th February, at which M r . M.T. Lo, part-time Lecturer of the Department, was invite d to talk on “ T o View a State as a State, and to View the Universe as a Universe”. • Mr. T.I. Jao, Reader of Chinese Literature, New Asia College, was invited to speak on “ Z i t her and Chinese Philosophy” on 17th February at a seminar jointly sponsored by the Faculty of Arts and the Research Institut e of New Asia College. • Mr. Hsu Fu Kuan, Research Fellow of the Institute of Chinese Studies, gave a talk on "China's Humanistic Spirit and the Wo r ld Crisis’’ on 16th February at the invitation of the Ad Hoc Committee on Chinese Cultural Studies of the Student Union, New Asia College . • A Symposium on Semi-Conducto r Devices was held by the Department of Electronics, United College, on 22nd February. • Mr. Y.C. Lee, formerly Technician of the Department of Geography, United College, gave a talk on "Problems in Cartography" on 22nd February at United College . COM I NGS A ND GO I NGS • Dr. Charles Peake, Provost Emeritus of the University of Pittsburgh, arrived in Hong Kong on 24th January for a 4-week visit, to serve as adviser to the Vice-Chancellor. • Prof. F.V. Flynn of University College Hospital, London, visited the University f r om 26th February to 9th Marc h as an l U C (Inter-University Council for Higher Education Overseas) Visitor. • Other visitors to the University included Dr. Richard Breuer, German Consul-General in Hong Kong, accompanied by Mr. W. Erck, Cultural Officer of the German Consulate; Mr. E.F. Drumright, former American Consul-Genera l in Hong Kong; Prof. Teruya Esaka, Head of the Japanese Investigation for Archaeological and Ethnological Researches of Rennell Island, and Prof. Nobuhiro Matsumoto, Honorar y Professor of Keio University, who visited the Centre for East Asian Studies; Dr . David J. Finkelstein f r om the International Division, Asi a & the Pacific, of the Ford Foundation, New Y o r k; Dr. Bernhard Grossmann from the Germa n Chamber of Commerce in Japan; Prof. C.T . Hu, Professor of Comparative Education, Teachers' College, Columbia University; Mr. Daisaku Ikeda, President of Sokagakkai and founder o f Soka University in Japan, and Mrs. Ikeda and officials of the Sokagakkai; Prof. P.C.G. Isaac f r o m the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England ; Mr . John E. James, Country Director for Hong Kong, The Asia Foundation, San Francisco ; Mr . Justice Larkins, Supreme Court, Sydney, Australia; Sir Douglas Logan, Principal, University o f London, and Lady Logan ; Dr. John W. Oswald, President of Pennsylvania State University, and Mrs. Oswald; Dr. — 5 —
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