Bulletin Vol. 10 No. 6 Feb–Mar 1974
Edinburgh as a Lecturer/Research Officer. He has held posts at various universities in Canada: the University of Alberta, Carleton University, and Queen's University. His main substantive interests are in the fields of sociology of law and deviant behaviour. Mr. Lee Chik-Fong, Assistant Librarian, University Library Mr . Lee Chik-Fon g received his B.A. in 1961 and M . A . in 1965 f r om the University of Hong Kong, and the M.S.L.S. degree f r om Columbia University, New Y o r k in 1970. Du r i ng his stay in the States, Mr. Lee visited many leading East Asian libraries and worked in the East Asian sections of the libraries of the University of Washington (Seattle), Cornell University, and Yale University until March 1973 , when he returned to j o in this University. He is a member of the Association of Oriental Librarians and the Association of Asian Studies, and participated in the A.A.S. Conference held in New Yo rk in Ma r ch 1972. He has published two works: Commentary on the Poetry of Hsieh Hsuan-cheng and Essays on the Poetry of the Han, Wei and the Six Dynasties. Mr. Charles Kit Hung Wong, Administrative Assistant (Probationary), Publications Office Mr . Charles K i t Hung Wong obtained his B.Sc. degree in Mathematics f r om King's College, London, in 1971 and a Diploma in Book and Periodical Production f r om London College of Printing in 1972. F r om 1970 to 1972, Mr. Wong was a freelance writer and publishing consultant for various academic organizations in London concerned with the Far East, and broadcaster, translator, interviewer and Chinese scriptwriter for the Central Office of Information of the British Government. I n 1971, Mr. Wong joined the Polytechnic of Central London as Part-time Lecturer in Chinese Language, and under the sponsorship of the British Museum and the Contemporary China Institute, he undertook the compilation of a catalogue of Chinese periodicals in British libraries. M r . Wong returned to Hong Ko ng to j o in this University in 1973. (See also pictures in Chinese section) NEW OFFICE-BEARERS OF THE UNIVERSITY STUDENT UNION The University Student Un i on has elected its new office-bearers for 1974. Installation of the officers was held on 19th January, with the oath of office administered by Dr. Choh-Ming L i, Vice-Chancellor. The following is a list of the new officers of the University Student Un i on: President: Mr. Chai Hi-hing Vice-President: Mr. Wong Yuk-ming Vice-President for External Affairs: Mr. Li Ip-fu Secretary General: Miss Fung Mo-kit Treasurer: Mr. Ng Shiu-sheung Academic Secretary: Mr. Cheng Pik-chuen External Affairs Secretary: Miss Wong Wai-fong Social Secretary: Mr. Leung Shing-chuen Sports Secretary: Mr. Tai Hay-lap Publications Secretary: Mr. Leung Cheuk-yan Welfare Secretary: Mr. Cheung Yim-cheung Steward: Mr. Lam Chin-ngok Officials of the Representative Council of the Union are: Chairman: Mr, Au Kam-tim Vice-Chairman: Mr. Cheng Wai-kay Secretary: Miss Kwok Pui-lan Steward: Mr. Chan Yue-kai LECTURES AND EXHIBITIONS • Mrs. Diana Yu n n Ho Lee, Assistant Professor of the Department of Physics and Physical Science, Westchester Community College, New Yo r k, gave a talk entitled " Ab o u t Energy Crisis and A ir Pollution" on 9th January at United College. • A t a seminar sponsored by New Asia College on 9th January, M r . Andrew W. F. Wong, Lecturer i n Government and Public Administration, United College, gave a tal k on ‘‘Public Decision-Making i n Hong Kong" for the exchange students f r om the United States under the New Asia/Beaver Exchange Programme. • Prof. Helen Perlma n of the School of Social Service Administration, University of Chicago, conducted a special seminar on “Social Casework: Its Purposes and Method" for Social Wo rk students at the invitation of the Board of Studies in Social Wo r k. The seminar was held in four sessions: 12th Jan. “Wh at is Social Casework — Its Place in Social Wo r k " 一 4 —
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